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What sport to choose for the child

Медицинское обследование - прежде всего
Medical examination - first of all
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Before sending the child to this or that sports section, estimate state of his health, and also opportunities and abilities. It is important to manage to define what your child as it is the key to its success is more inclined to. If you want that your kid made in the future sports career, then it is more preferable to send him to sports school where experienced trainers will choose for him an optimum exercise stress.
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Aikido – one of types of oriental martial arts. It is not just sport, and the real philosophy which learns to get out of difficult situations with the minimum harm for itself or the opponent. To this sport lack of aggression, aspiration to harmony with the world around is characteristic. It is possible to begin aikido classes from 4-5 years. Also practice develops dexterity, coordination, character, flexibility, force, self-confidence, reaction.
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All know this simple game with a racket and a shuttlecock. It not only entertainment, but also the sport gathering the speed and reaction. To begin to go in for badminton it is possible from 6-7 years. The racket, a shuttlecock and a sports suit will be necessary for occupations. It is possible to play badminton not only in the summer on the playground, but also in the winter in the gym.
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Baseball – the team game with a bat and a ball having the mass of admirers, especially in America. In fact, the baseball is a distant relative to the Russian lapta. It gathers force, speed, endurance, courage, reaction. It is recommended to begin occupations from 7 years.
Большой теннис
Big tennis
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Big tennis, no doubt – one of the most popular sports developing endurance, speed, reaction, endurance, tactics and strategy, coordination of movements. It is possible to be engaged in it both in the gym, and on the playground. It is necessary to begin occupations from 6-7 years.
Бокс, тайский бокс
Boxing, Thai boxing
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These single combats learn to use technology of attack and shock protection. It is recommended to begin occupations from 10-12 years. The boxing is developed by courage, force, endurance, speed, coordination of movements. Occupations will require boxing gloves, shorts and an undershirt.
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The gymnastics can be sports or art. The recommended age to start occupations – 4 years. The gymnastics develops flexibility, a bearing, plasticity, grace and smoothness of movements, promotes formation of a slim figure. For occupations your child will need a gymnastic form and sports equipment: hoop, ball, jump rope, mace or tape.
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For the small child it not only good sport, but also necessary skill. Swimming well strengthens and tempers an organism, creates a musculoskeletal system. It is possible to do this sport from 3-4 years. It develops endurance, force in children, improves work of lungs and blood circulation, strengthens a nervous system. Occupations will require a bathing suit, a rubber hat and glasses for swimming.
Настольный теннис
Table tennis
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This sport is very widespread among children as has practically no contraindications. It is possible to play table tennis from 5 years. It develops coordination of movements, concentration, reaction, promotes sight improvement. Occupations will require a sports suit, a ball and a racket.
Спортивные и бальные танцы
Sports and ballroom dances
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Dances are beautiful suits, pleasant music, the graceful movements and delight. It is recommended to begin occupations from 5 years. Dances in children develop flexibility, ability to own the body, respect for an opposite sex, attention, create a beautiful bearing and gait. To start occupations sportswear, and further – in the direction will be required.
Волейбол, футбол, хоккей, баскетбол
Volleyball, soccer, hockey, basketball
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These sports will be suitable for the children who are fond of team games. It is possible to begin occupations from 6-7 years. Team sports develop endurance, force, dexterity, coordination of movements, strong-willed qualities, reaction, cultivate command spirit. Depending on the chosen sport the corresponding equipment will be required. The most expensive – hockey.
Фигурное катание и лыжи
Figure skating and skis
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These sports are very useful to children. Walking on skis and skating can become hobbies of the person for the rest of life. To begin to be engaged follows from 4-5 years. They develop coordination of movements, endurance, flexibility, dexterity, a musculoskeletal and vestibular mechanism, improve cordial activity. Occupations will require pipits, skis, boots and the corresponding sportswear.
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Wushu – the Chinese martial art directed to harmony of a body and spirit, which is perfectly revitalizing an organism. The wushu develops dexterity, force, coordination, flexibility, will, self-confidence, ability to relax and concentrate. Optimum age for wushu – 4-5 years. Occupations will require special sportswear.
Шахматы и шашки
Chess and checkers
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Chess and checkers are the logical sports developing not a body, but the child's brain: tactics, strategy, cunning mind, cold calculation. It is very good to combine active sports with logical. Optimum age to start occupations – 4-5 years.
Движение - это жизнь
The movement is life
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Any kind of sport not only develops the child, but also cultivates in it certain qualities, gives confidence to itself and own forces, helps to overcome fears. And sometimes it is absolutely unimportant what it will be sport – fight or figure skating. It is important that your child liked this occupation.


Whether you know that:

Human bones are stronger than concrete four times.