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7 mistakes in gym

Ошибка 1 - строгая диета
Mistake 1 - a rigid diet
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Many, aiming to lose weight quicker, wish to accompany the diet with trainings. And it in principle is correct, but it is important not to allow extremes. If you keep to a rigid diet and at the same time diligent to train, then instead of a slim figure will get problems with health. Important at sports activities to organize the balanced diet and to provide the organism with both proteins, and fats, and carbohydrates.
Ошибка 2 - все сам!
Mistake 2 - all!
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Some scorn opinion to train under the leadership of the experienced trainer and decide to appoint independently to themselves the program of occupations. Of course, everyone has the right to it. But if your purpose – maximum efficiency, then hints of the trainer are simply necessary for you. With them you will much quicker achieve desirable results and will not spend excess time.
Ошибка 3 - не до разминки
Mistake 3 - not before warm-up
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In gym sometimes it is possible to observe such picture: the person runs in the hall, at speed is engaged on exercise machines, then quickly goes to a shower., It seems, the training was held. But injuries of joints and sheaves as they were not warmed before a training can be result. Warm-up should give not less than ten-fifteen minutes and only then to start occupations on exercise machines.
Ошибка 4 - недостаток воды
Mistake 4 - a lack of water
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One of mistakes during the trainings is the insufficient use of water. Many are afraid that it will provoke the strengthened sweating. But it just is also necessary. So the organism is cleared, with then there are slags. Our organism needs water for metabolism processes. Losing the necessary volume of liquid, the person slows down exchange processes. And if to drink enough water, then and process of weight loss will go much quicker.
Ошибка 5 - упор на что-то одно
Mistake 5 - an emphasis on something one
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In the hall there is an opportunity to carry out as power occupations, and to receive cardioloadings. A mistake will give preference to something to one. It is better to alternate cardioloads to exercises of force, then the chance to have the harmonious and tightened body sharply will increase. Only one cardiotrainings though will lead to weight loss, but will not allow to have beautiful muscles. And power occupations, on the contrary, will build up muscle bulk that will make a body of the person even more heavy.
Ошибка 6 - все и сразу!
Mistake 6 - all and at once!
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It would be wrong to try to reach everything and at once. Wearisome trainings will not result in bystry result day by day. The organism can "rebel" against such execution and demand long "issue". It is much better to hold trainings, alternating them to rest which will give time to an organism to be recovered. Then occupations will be to you in joy.
Ошибка 7 - непоследовательность
Mistake 7 - inconsistency
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Having registered in gym and having chosen the program of trainings, be consecutive! The classes given from time to time will be ineffective. The muscles which are not receiving regular loading will not be able to keep the form, and you every time should start everything anew. Appoint for occupations in the hall special days and whenever possible, try not to miss trainings. Many to it are motivated by the bought subscription to the hall.


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