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What to do at the first symptoms of cold?

Чем лечить насморк?
Than to treat cold?
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At emergence of the first symptoms of cold it is possible to do respiratory gymnastics. For this purpose it is necessary to exhale all air from lungs, and then to make 4 sharp and bystry breaths a nose, it is also necessary to exhale in 4 receptions, but already a mouth. After such gymnastics in each nostril to drip a droplet of fish oil. Our grandmothers used folk remedies – the hot eggs hard-boiled or the salt filled in a holshchevy sack.
Чем лечить горло?
Than to treat a throat?
2 of 10
At inflammations of a throat it is necessary to do rinsings. Solution of Furacilin or broth of a sage will help to kill pain. It is necessary to repeat the procedure each hour. Excellent means in fight against microbes is medical. A half of a teaspoon each two hours and an inflammation will decrease. Honey should rassasyvat and be not to washed down with water. Much are helped by outside compresses on a throat – honey or spirit. They are held while heat remains.
Как лечить кашель?
How to treat cough?
3 of 10
Well proved chest collecting for cough. Them a little, and everyone pursues the aims. Before use attentively study structure of collecting and the effect which had by it. Use for treatment of cough and a pepper plaster, pasting it on a breast that heat influenced directly a cough zone. In the absence of temperature it is possible to make mustard trays or to fill dry powder of mustard in socks.
Что есть при простуде?
What is at cold?
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At diseases the organism throws all forces on fight against viruses and microbes. You should not distract it from it, inducing to digest heavy food. Eat nutritious, but easy dishes. Chicken broth is very useful. It has antiinflammatory effect. It is also good to eat during this period many fruit with vitamin C, namely oranges, a kiwi, lemons and to drink broths of a dogrose, a camomile, blackcurrant, a cranberry.
Как укрепить иммунитет?
How to strengthen immunity?
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In fight against viruses the organism needs strong immunity. So, in addition to good food, it needs a full-fledged dream and fresh air. Air the room, you do not sleep at a temperature higher 25so because slime in a nose and bronchial tubes in that case will cease to be emitted, and with it also microbes will not be able to come to light. Before going to bed drink hot tea with raspberry, it will strengthen sweating.
Что нельзя делать при простуде?
What cannot be done at cold?
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At cold it is impossible to use ice for cooling. Anything except vasospasms it will not lead to. Also it is impossible to use vasoconstrictive drops. Interfering with a slime exit, we do not allow microbes to leave our organism. It is possible to tell also about the antibechics suppressing a phlegm exit from lungs. Hands and a leg at strong freezing cannot be warmed hot water. It influences heart.
Цистит при простуде
Cystitis at cold
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At cold cystitis quite often becomes aggravated and the help of the doctor is required. Follow its instructions, and also accept tea with a dogrose, a magnolia vine, a linden, currant leaves, a St. John's Wort. It is possible to relieve pain, having got warm entirely in a hot bathtub with addition of infusion of a sage, the tributary, a camomile or several drops of essential oils of an eucalyptus, a sandal-wood tree, a lavender. It is possible to warm up legs in a tray with mustard.
Боли в спине при простуде
Dorsodynias at cold
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Only the doctor can find out the reason of dorsodynias. Painful symptoms can testify to different diseases. Therefore in order to avoid complications do not take a hot bath, do not eat salty, smoked and acute. Use ointment on the basis of diclofenac or Voltarenum and apply on a healthy place. Be wrapped up with a warm scarf and accept a comfortable position, for removal of tension from back muscles.
Раннее лечение - хороший результат!
Early treatment - good result!
9 of 10
If to begin to treat cold at its first signs, then chances that it will develop into a serious disease, are not much. The disease will proceed more weakly and not in such acute form. All these national methods serve only as supportive application in fight against catarrhal diseases. Completely you should not rely on them and if at treatment the tendency to improvement was not outlined, it is necessary to resort to medical assistance immediately.




Whether you know that:

Was considered earlier that yawning enriches an organism with oxygen. However this opinion was disproved. Scientists proved that yawning, the person cools a brain and improves its working capacity.