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Reasons of heartburn and ways of disposal

Коротко о пищеварении
Shortly about digestion
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Our alimentary system begins the work with the first piece of food getting to it. As soon as the food reaches a stomach, active allocation of the gastric juices promoting digestion of food begins. Some people during this process have a painful burning sensation in a breast called by heartburn. Today the reasons of its emergence are known.
Неправильное строение клапана
Wrong structure of the valve
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When we swallow food, it gets on a gullet into a stomach. On the way it passes through an esophageal sphincter (the ring of muscles reminding the valve). Then the sphincter is closed, interfering with hit of a gastric juice back in a gullet. Disturbances in a structure of this valve lead to the fact that acid from a stomach gets into lower parts of a gullet, causing strong irritation and painful feelings.
Кислотный рефлюкс: симптомы
Acid reflux: symptoms
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Hit of gastric acid in lower parts of a gullet carries the name of an acid reflux. As a sign of its approach also serves heartburn. This state usually arises after food and can last till several o'clock. The prone position or inclinations forward only aggravate a situation. On a back wall of a throat acid taste can be felt, there are problems with swallowing, cough or feeling of suffocation.
Люди в зоне риска
People in a risk zone
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Though heartburn can arise at any person, nevertheless there are people whose circumstances of life, do this possibility of more probable. For example, their stomach can produce more acid, fans of big portions of food are especially subject to it. In a risk zone also people with an excess weight, those who like to wear the close squeezing clothes and smokers.
Гастроэзофагеальнорефлюксная болезнь
Gastroezofagealnoreflyuksny disease
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Such difficult name received the inflammation of a mucous membrane of a gullet caused by frequent heartburn. If strong attacks repeat more often than two weekly, it testifies to the possible beginning of a disease. Consultation of the doctor – for prevention of development of complications from irritant action of acid on gullet walls is required. If not to make it timely, the risk of development of cancer of gullet repeatedly increases.
Опасности ночной изжоги
Dangers of night heartburn
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Bigger harm to health is done by the heartburn arising at night. The acid reflux is shown by cough, irritation in a throat, bitter taste in a mouth. Situation and a pose of the person aggravates during sleep. People sleep lying, and in such situation acid from a stomach can much longer stay in a gullet and make pernicious impact on its walls. Besides when we sleep, we swallow the saliva capable to neutralize acid less.
Что и когда есть
As when is
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There are several ways how to cope with heartburn in house conditions. One of them – adjustment in food. It is necessary to eat in the small portions, not to accept a position "lying" after food, to exclude having a snack late evening, not to have supper after three-four hours to a dream. Also it is necessary to avoid the products provoking heartburn such as onions, garlic, grapefruits and oranges, chocolate, tomatoes. Not to abuse greasy and spicy food.
Какие напитки исключить
What drinks to exclude
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Not only the food, but also drinks can provoke a heartburn attack. Treat such drinks: juice of a citrus, tomato juice, coffee, tea, alcohol, gassy waters. Not to refuse everything, be influenced by each product. It is quite possible that not all of them will cause in you heartburn. Refuse only that do not suit you.
Подходящая одежда
Suitable clothes
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For disposal of heartburn it is necessary to remove pressure from the area of a stomach. Therefore at the choice of clothes it is worth giving preference to the things which are not squeezing a body, men should pay attention to the provision of a belt of trousers. Except clothes this principle can be used also during execution of physical exercises. From them where position of a body headfirst is meant or occupations on a press can also lead those to developing of heartburn.
Изголовье кровати
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Change of provision of a bed-head can become a measure against a night reflux. It is necessary to put a bed so that its headboard was 15 cm higher. To use pillows as a high headboard – not really successful idea as during sleep the body will be bent and heartburn will only amplify. Also the reflux passes quicker if to lay down on the left side.
Изжога и беременность
Heartburn and pregnancy
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Quite often women, and not hearing about heartburn face it during pregnancy. It occurs in the second and third trimesters when the growing uterus squeezes internals including a stomach. The pregnant woman will be helped by food in the small portions, refusal of a dream after meal, and also abstention from spicy food and fried. Reception of any drugs from heartburn without consultation of the doctor is contraindicated to future mother.
Лечение изжоги содой
Treatment of heartburn soda
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Heartburn, many for treatment, use a national way – the soda divorced in a glass of water. Really, baking soda is capable to neutralize acid and to appease burning. But there are also negative moments of such treatment. At hit of soda carbon dioxide which affecting gastric glands is inside formed, induces them to produce hydrochloric acid. At frequent treatment of heartburn soda breaks water-salt balance in an organism.
Лекарства антациды от изжоги
Drugs antacids from heartburn
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For elimination of symptoms of heartburn use antiacid drugs which principle of action consists in conformal coating of walls of a stomach. Mucous, being under protection of drug, is not exposed to the irritating influence of acids. However antacids have the short period of action and are quickly washed away from a stomach. You should not use them too often, it will not yield a positive take.
Лекарства блокираторы от изжоги
Drugs locks from heartburn
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Locks – the medicines which are slowing down production of gastric acid. Treats them омез, ranitidine, омепразол and others. It is necessary to apply them only on doctor's orders as their misuse can provoke increase in acidity of a gastric juice and only aggravate a problem.
Как определить то, что нужно вам
How to define what is necessary for you
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It is not always possible to define independently the reasons of heartburn and ways of disposal of it. At its frequent manifestations it is better to address for consultation the specialist. The doctor will help to pick up optimum medicine, depending on frequency and character of attacks, and also your intention: to remove symptoms of heartburn or to prevent them.


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