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12 councils for hypertensive persons

Уменьшение эмоционального напряжения
Reduction of emotional pressure
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Not to provoke developing of a hypertension, try to worry less at work and quietly perceive house problems. You look at life from the enthusiast's position, finding in it only positive sides. Waking up, with pleasure go to work, and at home do not quarrel on trifles, being respectful to the sexual partner. Only this way you receive composure and support from relatives.
Контролируйте свой вес
Control the weight
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Stop to overeat and begin to play sports to reduce the volume of a fatty layer on the body. It quite often disturbs normal cardiac performance, forcing him with bigger to move blood on blood vessels. Besides, the elementary and regular physical exercises which are carried out even in house conditions will help not to allow growth of arterial pressure.
Яблочный уксус
Apple cider vinegar
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Quickly apple cider vinegar will help to normalize tonometer indicators. For this purpose it is necessary to apply this means on a paper or cotton napkin and to put it to ступням legs for about 10-15 minutes.
Настойки боярышника, валерианы и пустырника
Tincturas Crataegi, valerian and motherwort
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If a hypertension for you the phenomenon not new and badly transferable, do not forget to put to yourself in a pocket one of very effective medicinal tinctures (a hawthorn, a motherwort, a valerian or valocordin). It is necessary to accept it in a dosage no more than 1 teaspoon of water, having parted previously in 50-100 ml of water.
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It is possible to reduce high pressure often with the Corvalol help. For this purpose to add 45 drops of this medicine to 50 ml of hot water (not boiled water) and to drink for once. According to patients, Corvalol works in 30 minutes after the drug use.
Дыхательная гимнастика
Respiratory gymnastics
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Do not forget though occasionally to carry out the simplest breathing exercises. One of them is in sitting down quietly on a sofa, to try to relax as much as possible, to inhale deeply and to slowly exhale air (duration of an exhalation has to pass during 8-10 sec.). Such gymnastics which is carried out 2-3 minutes will help to reduce pressure on 20-30 of units.
Минимум соли, максимум полезных продуктов
Salt minimum, maximum of useful products
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If you want to support the pressure normal, make the correct daily menu which will include at least salt and greasy food. In a diet of hypertensive persons vegetables and fruit have to prevail. You watch that in days your organism received 1500 mg of potassium and as much sodium, 1200 mg of calcium much more magnesium (4500 mg). Observing this balance of vitamins, your body will become healthy and will stay in harmony.
Чай каркаде
Tea to a karkada
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Many researches showed that, regularly drinking 3 cups of tea to a karkada in day, it is possible to lower indicators of high arterial pressure significantly. Also it should be drunk as prevention of developing of arrhythmia, a stroke and other heart troubles. According to the features of an organism, experiment, temperature what tea suits you more (cold or hot) and stop the choice on this useful drink.
Черноплодная рябина
Black-fruited mountain ash
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Well the course of treatment from a black-fruited mountain ash reduces pressure. For 14 days daily eat 10 g of berries or drink 30 g of fresh juice. It is possible to make a black-fruited mountain ash jam (on 1 kg of berries use 700 g of sugar), which should be stored in the refrigerator. To reduce tonometer indicators, eat 2 tbsps of this delicacy 2 times a day. Infusion from dry berries of a mountain ash is also useful (1 tbsp on 200 ml of boiled water).
Соки брусники, свеклы, клюквы
Juice of cowberry, beet, cranberry
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Effectively reduce pressure of 100 ml of cowberry juice which are recommended to be drunk every day. One more national recipe for hypertensive persons is in defending 400 ml of beet juice (not less than 2 hours), to add to it 250 g of honey, 1 whole lemon which is (previously crushed) of 250 ml of vodka and 300 ml of juice from a cranberry. The received mix needs to be used in 60 minutes prior to the main meals.
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Mix from 3 lemons and 3 heads of garlic which should be crushed in the meat grinder is considered useful. Ready weight is filled in with 5 glasses of boiled water, occasionally stir slowly and maintained in tight glasswares not less than 24 hours. After this time to filter liquid. To use 3 times a day in 60 min. prior to food on 1 tablespoon. To save an adamantine substance of tooth from pernicious effect of citric acid, rinse a mouth.
Боярышник и клюква
Hawthorn and cranberry
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Mix of 100 g of berries of a hawthorn which boil in 400 ml of water will help to get rid of a hypertension. Ready broth is filtered and drunk daily. It is also possible to use a cranberry (to mix 500 g of berries with sugar and to eat in 60 min. prior to food). It is possible to replace tea with broth from a cranberry. Train him from 2 Art. of berries, 50 g of sugar, 250 ml of water. This mix is boiled and drunk if necessary. Quite often do vitamins of a cranberry (to grind 1:1 berries and sugar).



Whether you know that:

Four segments of dark chocolate contain about two hundred calories. So if you do not want to recover, better not to eat it is more than two segments in days.