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Councils for future fathers

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From the very beginning be a participant of pregnancy. It will help you to plunge into the events, and your woman will understand that you perceive pregnancy seriously and want to help it.
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Learn more information
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Learn more information on pregnancy and childbirth. You resemble special consultations, read books, visit classes of training in a child-bearing together with the wife. So you will be able to understand more precisely what happens to your wife, and, therefore, will be to give in your forces to her moral and physical support. When the man is informed, it is easier for it to drop the hint of doubt and to ask questions.
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Be an attentive listener. Of course, it does not mean that all your attention has to be undividedly riveted on the spouse, but try to provide her more attention. The woman worries and worries, she needs a strong hand to discuss the doubts and problems. And it sometimes simply needs an exit to the feelings.
Задавайте вопросы
Ask questions
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If something disturbs you, it is not necessary to keep it in itself. Do not allow the obscure questions to press on you. If the doctor conducting pregnancy of your spouse could not satisfy you with exhaustive information, look for the answer until it is not found.
Не ограничивайте супругу в выражении чувств
Do not limit the spouse in expression of feelings
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You should not speak to the wife that she calmed down, do not try to limit her in expression of the feelings. The woman during pregnancy becomes too emotional, both such uneasy and disturbing behavior is natural. Just try to listen to her and to support.
Будьте терпимы
Be tolerant
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During pregnancy to the woman there is a mass of metamorphoses of hormonal, physical, psychological character. And the best that you can give it during this period is your patience and understanding. It will help it to cope with all changes which she endures. And in reply ask also the wife to be more tolerant to you.
Говорите жене, что она красива
You say to the wife that she is beautiful
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Do not forget to say regularly to the wife that her body during pregnancy is fine. You speak about new bends and softness which earlier you did not notice. You do not say at all that your wife became big as an elephant, do not crack a joke on the fact that she gains weight.
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If suddenly you had any symptoms of pregnancy called кувад you should not be frightened it. Of course, the phenomenon this very unusual and to you should be told the wife that occurs. Together you will be easier to empathize each other.
Избегайте стрессов
Avoid stresses
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Try to minimize quantity of stresses in your life. If it does not manage to be avoided, you can be engaged together with the wife in special antistress exercises which will be useful to both of you.
Сохраняйте романтику в отношениях
Keep romanticism in the relations
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Try to keep romanticism in the relations with the wife. It is possible to descend together for dinner, to walk in the evening on the park, to visit in movie theater or theater. You spend together much time especially as after the child's birth someone to you will not allow to make it.
Измените стиль жизни
Change lifestyle
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As far as it is possible, change the lifestyle as much as possible to support the spouse. Do gymnastics together with the wife, eat properly, give up smoking. Collaboration over your problems will help you to adjust a healthy lifestyle and will pull together you.
Меньше работайте
Work less
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You should not participate in new projects, refuse additional duties or a new position which will demand from you a long absence. You have to be so available to the spouse as far as it is possible for you.
Успокаивайте супругу
Calm the spouse
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When your wife needs it, try to calm her. She can worry that somehow damaged to the child, or can consider that she made insufficiently to provide health of the child or that will not be able to be good mother. Your task – to dispel her alarms and to convince it that it does everything correctly.
Возьмите отпуск после рождения ребенка
Take vacation after the child's birth
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Right after the birth of the kid will not prevent to take vacation for some time to help the spouse to look after the child until she is recovered after the delivery. Now, by the way, any of parents can go on a maternity leave at will, and not just the woman. What prevents to make it to you?
Не пытайтесь быть овершенством
Do not try to be an overshenstvo
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Pregnancy is a new experience for both spouses therefore you quite can study therein. It is impossible to do without mistakes in the course of training, it is natural. You should not attach them too great value as mistakes are made by all. The main thing that is necessary for your family - your love!


Whether you know that:

In Great Britain there is a law according to which the surgeon can refuse to do to the patient operation if he smokes or has excess weight. The person has to refuse addictions, and then, perhaps, he will not need an operative measure.