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Seafood: types, advantage and harm of red caviar

Откуда берется красная икра
From where red caviar undertakes
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Red caviar to us is given by fishes of family of salmon – a humpback salmon, a Siberian salmon, a salmon, a silver salmon, a trout. All berries on structure and useful properties are identical, and differ unless with tastes and the size. For example, caviar of fish a chinook salmon is the largest (berries have a diameter 7 mm). Only it is unlikely we will happen to try sometime it as this fish is on the verge of extinction and it is included in the Red List.
Икра кеты
Caviar of a Siberian salmon
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Caviar of a Siberian salmon takes the honourable second place by the size, has bright red color and the correct round form. This caviar called "imperial" earlier and decorated with it festive dishes. And here on tastes it concedes to other types of caviar a little.
Икра горбуши
Caviar of a humpback salmon
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Caviar of a humpback salmon, perhaps, is the most widespread and universal type of red caviar which is in invariable demand for most of consumers. The humpback salmon is one of the most prolific fishes in family salmon. Berries of a humpback salmon have light orange color and not really dense cover, they have a diameter 5 mm.
Икра форели
Caviar of a trout
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At a noble trout caviar rather small and has a diameter only 2-3 mm. Color of its cover can be both bright orange, and light-yellow, it does not influence quality of caviar in any way. Recently caviar of a trout enjoys the increasing popularity.
Икра рыбы кижуч
Caviar of fish silver salmon
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This caviar is the smallest, but not therefore it is not in special demand among consumers but because has bitterish smack. Though this caviar also call red, actually it has claret color.
Дневная норма красной икры
Day norm of red caviar
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The advantage of red caviar speaks simply. Caviar – no other than egg of fish therefore in her the nature put all necessary substances for full-fledged fetation. It is necessary to know that to benefit at most from the use of caviar, it is not obligatory to eat it in large numbers at all. An optimum dose no more than 5 teaspoons of red caviar a day are considered.
Польза красной икры
Advantage of red caviar
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The use red calves is fine means for increase in immunity. The reasonable quantity of this delicacy promotes strengthening of bones and well influences sight. The gift of the sea is capable to improve blood circulation, nullifying risk of formation of blood clots, and also prevents development of cardiovascular diseases.
Состав и калорийность
Structure and caloric content
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In 100 g of red caviar 245 kilocalories contain. Thus, sandwich caloric content red caviar makes about 110 kilocalories. This seafood contains saturated fatty acids, cholesterol, RR vitamins, E, C, B1, B2, A, and also mineral substances: fluorine, phosphorus, iron, potassium, molybdenum, calcium, sodium, magnesium.
Белок и йод
Protein and iodine
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In red caviar the squirrel is a lot of. It is acquired otherwise, than meat protein, very quickly, and consists of the whole range of irreplaceable and replaceable amino acids. Therefore after the use of red caviar the metabolism joins the so-called "sleeping" sites and the person feels energy inflow. Red caviar contains also iodine which is irreplaceable for prevention of diseases of a thyroid gland.
Полиненасыщенные жирные кислоты
Polyunsaturated fatty acids
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These acids promote removal of fat from an organism, being, thereby, fine prevention of atherosclerosis – old age diseases. Practically all people are subject to this disease, just at one it develops slowly, at others – progresses quickly. If regularly to use red caviar, it is possible to delay development of atherosclerosis.
Витамина А. Е, D
Vitamin A. Е, D
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Vitamin A helps to remove slags. Red caviar is very useful to those who want to strengthen immunity, to strengthen sight and to recover forces after a disease. Vitamin D takes part in strengthening and formation of a bone tissue. Caviar is useful to pregnant women and nursing mothers for prevention of rickets at children. Vitamin E normalizes a metabolism in gonads, rejuvenates cells and brings slags out of fatty tissue.
Вред красной икры
Harm of red caviar
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Despite numerous useful properties of red caviar and its high popularity among gourmets, it should be noted that it is necessary to consume this food stuff with care. It contains sodium which is capable to detain liquid in an organism that can lead to disturbance of process of a metabolism. Besides, it is rather caloric and can do harm to a figure.
Фальсифицированная красная икра
Counterfeited red caviar
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Can contain in artificial red caviar are dangerous preservative – E239 – urotropin which is added with the purpose to prolong a product period of validity. Urotropin is not harmful, but here a product of its disintegration – formaldehyde – very much even. Already in few months of storage of such product E239 concentrate completely turns into high-speed cellular poison which, collecting in an organism, affects kidneys.
Как отличить натуральную икру от искусственной
How to distinguish natural caviar from artificial
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Artificial red caviar is done of seaweed, by salts, alginic acid, nutritional supplements and dyes. On taste artificial caviar more salty. The real berries burst in a mouth, leaving salty moisture in language, have a smell of fish, and artificial caviar smells of fragrances. It is also possible to throw for an experiment several berries into boiled water. Natural caviar only slightly will turn pale, and artificial – will be dissolved in water.


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