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Cosmetology or plastics: what to prefer?

Что говорит статистика?
What is told by statistics?
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Statistically, every third female resident of Russia uses services of cosmetologists: Botox injections, biorevitalization, mesotherapy, etc. And every sixth at least once in life did laser rejuvenation. Clients plastic surgeons also become more and more. And, admirers of plastics considerably looked younger, and already you should not be surprised, having met absolutely very young girl in an office of the plastic surgeon.
Что предпочесть?
What to prefer?
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For the last decade the set of new methods, both surgical, and cosmetic appeared. Therefore many suffer a question what to prefer. To make a laser photothermolysis, or at once to register in reception to the surgeon on face lifting? To make electrostimulation to get rid of cellulitis, or at once to decide on liposuction? By what factors it is worth being guided at the choice?
Инъекции ботокса для омоложения лица
Botox injections for face rejuvenation
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At mimic wrinkles ideal option – a botulotoksinoterapiya. This procedure has almost no contraindications, is rather inexpensive and effective. Only one session will make less noticeable cross folds on a forehead and a stubborn wrinkle between eyebrows. According to numerous researches, injections of Botox do not cause accustoming and do not lead to an atrophy of muscles.
Новый тренд косметологии - лазеры
New trend of cosmetology - lasers
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For the last decade interest in laser technologies of rejuvenation increased. With their help it is possible to get rid of scars, hems and wrinkles, excessive pigmentation. The laser technique can be various intensity – from an easy peeling before laser grinding, depending on each separate case. By and large, laser techniques – ideal option for those who want to reduce wrinkles, to make skin tightened and elastic.
Лазерное фотоомоложение
Laser photorejuvenation
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To get rid of nasolabial folds, to hide wrinkles on a neck, to level a face form at an insignificant otvisaniye of skin, it is possible to resort to a method of laser photorejuvenation. And all some 10-15 years ago the surgical face lifting was the only way out. But those times consigned to the past and provided that you regularly look after skin, at 35-40 summer age there are enough 2-3-laser procedures.
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If external age changes rather serious, then without the assistance of the plastic surgeon not to manage. The surgical face lifting should be carried out when all other methods are powerless. The effect of surgical plastics long-term, will hold on about 5-7 years. However even at the minimum intervention it is necessary to be prepared for the long recovery period.
Зона декольте
Decollete zone
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To improve a condition of skin in a decollete zone, to make it more elastic and silky various physiotherapeutic methods, a mesotherapy and cosmetics will help. They improve regeneration of cells of skin, prevent emergence of new wrinkles. To receive visible results, the cosmetologist should be visited regularly for several months. Laser techniques also yeild tangible results and the effect is swept up already in few weeks.
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If your problem is the loose-hanging breast, or you wish to increase its size or to change a form, then you should not even spend time for cosmetology procedures. Here you will be able to be helped by only the plastic surgeon. Ideal option – a combination of a lipofiling and a mammoplastika. The surgeon in necessary places will add fat that will allow implants not to konturirovatsya, and breasts to look most natural.
Красивые руки
Beautiful hands
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Will help to make your handles ideal laser techniques of rejuvenation, such as fractional photothermolysis. To improve a shape of hands, to hide the acting stones and veins, to give the lost volume, it is possible to resort to the procedure of a lipofiling. Specialists agree in opinion that two above-mentioned techniques yield resistant positive takes.
Стоп целлюлит
Stop cellulitis
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Even absolutely very young girls dream to get rid of not esthetic cellulitis. To solve this problem, the course of beauty and physiotherapeutic equipment procedures suffices. At any stage of cellulitis it is more effective to use an integrated approach. It is good to combine various lymphatic drainage procedures with the defibroziruyushchy therapy directed to softening of connecting fibers. It can be carboxytherapy or ultrasonic techniques.
Мезотерапия в борьбе с целлюлитом
Mesotherapy in fight against cellulitis
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The mesotherapy well helps to get rid of cellulitis. It does skin elastic, smooth, brings excess liquid out of an organism. That the result was long, it is necessary to undergo not less than 12 procedures then to repeat their once a month for half a year. By the way, the mesotherapy is not recommended to ladies in a body as mesococktails are effective only on condition of lack of extra kilos.
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To get rid of cellulitis, to resort to cardinal methods (liposuction) absolutely without results. By the way, plastic surgeons can help to get rid of fat in problem places, and here are not engaged in prevention of cellulitis. In turn, beauty equipment procedures and a mesotherapy will hardly help to get rid from local fatty deposits. So at each method the purposes and purposes.
Жировые ловушки
Fatty traps
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Having got rid of excess weight, many notice that in the most problem places fat remains. Thin women can even have such stocks. Here just and once you think of a surgical method, it, liposuction. Until recently it became under the general anesthesia, but now it will be out under spinal anesthesia or local. And it is possible to minimize side effects, using the radio-frequency radiation, ultrasound, the laser.
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If you not the supporter of cardinal methods, then it is possible to try hardware methods, such as a cutaneous electrolipolysis, needle, ozonotherapy, carboxytherapy. They significantly lose liposuctions, but when passing 15-20 procedures will help you to lose weight with problem places. Also doctors recommend a cryolipolysis, cavitation, an ultrasonic lipolysis, but only provided that the zone of correction does not exceed on the area 10 quarter see.
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In the period of a menopause the amount of collagen in skin decreases, there is a shift of soft tissues and change of volumes of the person. Doctors recommend to use an integrated approach for rejuvenation of skin. First, it is necessary to carry out gormonozamestitelny therapy, and for correction of age changes, such as otvisany skin – to resort to plastic surgery in combination with laser therapy.


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