you Thought as it is possible to improve composition of own blood, without resorting to radical methods.">
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Products useful to blood

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Swede – the forgotten medicinal plant is absolutely undeserved. The swede can be grown up on a kitchen garden, it is absolutely unpretentious in leaving. At its structure there are 10% of sugars, 2% of protein, pectin, vitamins C and groups B. It is an excellent source of iron for an organism. Juice of a swede has expectorant properties. It is especially useful to use it at an iron deficiency anemia.
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At grapes there are a potassium, manganese, magnesium, cobalt, vitamins of group B, C, P, PP, and also carotene and folic acid. In it there are a lot of carbohydrates (to 20%), organic acids, sugars. Berries and juice of grapes are useful at breakdown, an anemia, "pale not urine". The daily dose of grapes makes up to 0,5 kilograms a day. Grapes juice daily on 0,5-1 glass is useful to children to improvement of composition of blood.
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Cherry contains a lot of glucose, fructose, carotene, B1, PP, C vitamins, and also iron, cellulose and folic acid. It is rich and with such substances as potassium, pectins, iron, magnesium, organic acids. Therefore you should not neglect during a season this tasty and useful berry.
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At a melon there are many sugars (to 13%), and also folic acid, cellulose, iron, carotene, PP and Page vitamins. It is very useful at diseases of blood and cardiovascular system.
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At a gooseberry there are organic acids, tannins, iron, phosphorus, copper, pectins, sugar (to 14%), carotene, vitamins C, In, R. Kryzhovnik well influences a metabolism and is effective diuretic, good laxative. The gooseberry at an iron deficiency anemia is useful. Its day norm – no more than 50-100 g.
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It is possible to speak about useful properties of honey long. Buckwheat honey is especially useful. It is necessary to accept it for improvement of composition of blood for 2 months. It effectively kills a headache, improves composition of blood, takes off fatigue and dizziness, improves health. A dose of buckwheat honey – 50-100 g a day. And for treatment of an anemia it is useful to use the honey added to acid milk (1 tablespoon of honey on 1 Art. of milk).
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At an anemia use the nuts of sweet almonds mixed with fruit sugar. Almonds at a headache, asthma, cough are also useful.
Морковный сок
Carrot juice
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Carrots juice – the unique means helping to normalize all organism. It is the richest source of vitamin A which is quickly acquired by an organism. Carrot juice contains also many vitamins C, D, V, E. It increases appetite, stimulates digestion and is useful to teeth. Depending on the state of health, carrot juice it is possible to drink from 0,5 to 3 liters a day. It is applied at avitaminosis and an anemia.
Грецкие орехи
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Walnut is polyvitaminic means. At an anemia the kernels of nuts cleared of a peel and mixed with honey are useful. Mix of honey and nuts it is rather hard acquired by an organism and demands the strengthened work of a pancreas, kidneys and a liver therefore it is necessary to accept them only till that time until the level of hemoglobin is recovered.
Цветочная пыльца
Flower pollen
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Pollen of flowers is useful at anemia as the means increasing the content in blood of erythrocytes and hemoglobin. About 1 teaspoon three times a day before each meal is recommended to accept. It is possible to mix pollen with honey and to wash down with water.
Свекольный сок
Beet juice
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Beet juice – one of the most valuable products for formation of red blood cells and in general for improvement of composition of blood. Mix of beet and carrot juice – natural hemopoietic means. Beet juice stimulates synthesis of erythrocytes, is useful at atherosclerosis as the means improving memory expands blood vessels. At neurosis, sleeplessness, an idiopathic hypertensia and an anemia it is simply irreplaceable.
Сок сельдерея
Celery juice
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Celery juice, especially in combination with other vegetable juice, can bring almost phenomenal result in case of avitaminosis, and also in the presence of other diseases. Juice of a celery raises an organism tone, improves appetite, has laxative and diuretic effect. It is especially useful to corpulent people as the means stimulating a metabolism and giving force.
Черная смородина
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Berries of blackcurrant contain the mass of useful substances and are the universal polyvitaminic remedy especially useful at cough, avitaminosis or hypovitaminosis, and also at an anemia.
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The dogrose clears circulatory system, stimulates a metabolism, supplies an organism with vitamins and microelements. It is useful at an anemia, drink infusions from a dogrose as tonic. To prepare broth, it is enough to fill in 5 tablespoons of the crushed hips with 1 liter of water and to boil about 10 minutes. To allow to infuse night and to drink as tea at any time.
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At apples there are vitamins of group B, P, C, E, iron, carotene, pectins, organic acids, manganese, potassium, calcium. Fruits of apples are useful at avitaminosis, an anemia, the lowered vitamin C level. Are especially useful at an anemia acid apples which of juice receive Ferrum pomatum extract.


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