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Methods of controlling with a motion desease

1. Обманываем мозг
1. We deceive a brain
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Kinetoz, or a sea sickness, as a rule, arises from the fact that the double signal comes to a brain: one arrives from a vestibular mechanism, the second from organs of sight. So, when driving the vestibular mechanism assures of the car a brain that the body stands still, and eyes fix the movement. It also causes dissonance, dizziness, nausea begins, there is an unpleasant smack in a mouth.
Что делать?
What to do?
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The main task is to deceive a brain, that is to force it to believe that there is no movement. Try not to twist the head, you look only in the direction of the movement – afar and forward. If does not help, try not to look out of the window at all, close in eyes and take a nap.
2. Еда и сон
2. Food and dream
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Loyal friends of a kinetoz are a fatigue, alcohol and an empty stomach. Than more you were tired, that a high probability that you will rock to sleep. The feeling of hunger causes emission of hormones of a stress that is followed by the same symptoms, as well as кинетоз. And if tendency to a motion desease already exists, then hunger will only strengthen it.
Что делать?
What to do?
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During the travel it is better to refuse alcohol intake as it provokes problems with a vestibular mechanism. Before a trip try to sleep well. Directly in 1-1,5 hours before a trip have a bite. It is desirable that it were complex carbohydrates (porridge, whole-grain bread sandwiches), or fermented milk products (cottage cheese, kefir). You keep around lollipops, chewing gum or firm apple.
3. Пси-фактор
3. Psi-faktor
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An essential role at a kinetoza is played by a psychological factor. Those who during the travel do not know, than itself to occupy, are more subject to a motion desease. And here muscular or intellectual concentration resists to a sea sickness. For this reason cyclists are less subject to a motion desease. Also people who rock to sleep on a passenger seat quite often perfectly feel driving.
Что делать?
What to do?
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If there is a company, try to occupy yourself with a pleasant conversation. It is possible even to sing songs. The Austrian physicians proved that singing is effective at a motion desease. It is possible to do sedentary gymnastics: to strain serially various muscles, since cervical and finishing sural. If the traveler sitting near you rocked to sleep, try not to look at him. Think those of something pleasant, put on earphones and turn on the music.
4. Танцы
4. Dances
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It is known that physically trained people the vestibular mechanism works better therefore they cope with a motion desease easier. But even at physically active women tendency to a motion desease in the period of periods therefore it is better not to plan long trips to time of critical days is noticed.
Что делать?
What to do?
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Several weeks prior to a trip it is possible to begin to carry out special gymnastics. Do jumps on site, turns of the case in the parties and inclinations forward, rotate the head in a standing position. These exercises will improve your ability to resist to a motion desease. Also well train a vestibular mechanism of occupation dances, regular jogs and swimming.
5. Подходящее место
5. Suitable place
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A lot of things depend on where you sit. In the airplane it is better to choose the place in the middle or the beginning of salon a pass cart, on the ferry or the motor ship less rolling will be felt in the middle of the ship, and in the car it is better to choose the front place. Symptoms of a motion desease can cause strong or unpleasant smells whereas fresh air, on the contrary, helps.
Что делать?
What to do?
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If you travel in the car, take care that there was no smell of food or a freshener. Do not use spirits and ask not to use also satellites them. Air interior of the car more often. If nevertheless you feel nausea, begin to breathe rhythmically and often to oxygenate an organism.
6. Лекарства
6. Drugs
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Now there are many drugs which successfully cope with a sea sickness. Among them both homeopathic, and traditional means. Corvalol, validol and valocordin has also calming and distracting effect. Well ginger helps to cope with nausea. Its fresh taste tones up mucous a mouth and gives the distracting signals in a brain.
Что делать?
What to do?
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At the choice of tablets from a kinetoz attentively study the instruction, and it is even better, consult to the doctor. Some drugs can cause decrease in working capacity and drowsiness therefore you should not apply them if you need to be concentrated. Also stock up to the road with the candied ginger or ginger tea.
7. Если ничего не помогает
7. If nothing helps
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Sometimes there is also it that any of above-mentioned means does not help with fight with kinetozy. Perhaps, a motion desease is caused by an injury effect, osteochondrosis, disturbance of blood supply of a vestibular mechanism and other diseases. Not to do in that case without campaign to the doctor.
Что делать?
What to do?
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If despite of everything any trip turns into the real torture, will not prevent to address an otonevrolog or the otolaryngologist. The doctor will appoint inspection and after diagnosis will define the corresponding treatment. Most likely, it will be medicamentous therapy, sometimes the problem is solved by operation.


Whether you know that:

Work which to the person not to liking, is much more harmful to his mentality, than lack of work in general.