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Sinusitis at children: treatment and prevention

Причины синуситов
Reasons of sinusitis
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Very often sinusitis at children is a consequence of severe cold, flu, scarlet fever, measles, polyps in a nose. The states breaking nasal breath (chronic cold, a curvature of a nasal partition) can also become an etiology. Diseases of roots of four back upper teeth or sick adenoides can provoke sinusitis. Swimming in dirty water can also become the reason of penetration of an infection into sine.
Симптомы синусита
Sinusitis symptoms
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At sinusitis it is difficult for child to breathe a nose. From a nose slime is emitted, it is frequent with pus. Allocations from a nose have an unpleasant smell, yellowish-green or orange color. Because of the complicated breath the child breathes during sleep through the mouth and snores. The child sick with sinusitis becomes irritable, whimsical, loses appetite. Quite often at it eyelids swell. Children of more advanced age complain of headaches.
Хронический синусит
Chronic sinusitis
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If in time not to begin treatment of sinusitis, then the disease passes into a chronic form. At the same time symptoms of acute sinusitis recede, and the disease can proceed for many years asymptomatically. However it is necessary to know that chronic sinusitis quite often causes complications from internals – kidneys, lungs, a liver, heart. And it is possible to define the diagnosis after X-ray or a computer tomography of adnexal bosoms of a nose.
Общее лечение синусита
General treatment of sinusitis
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In an initial stage of an acute form of the disease accompanying with headaches and high temperature of a body, prescribe the patient observance of a bed rest, and sometimes put in hospital. The general treatment of sinusitis means prescription of antibiotics – biomycin, penicillin, streptomycin. Also register aspirin, пиридамон and a complex of vitamins.
Местное лечение синуситов
Topical treatment of sinusitis
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Topical treatment means various physiotherapeutic procedures (warming compresses, uviolizing to an erythema, an ultraterm or sollyuksy). Can appoint treatment warm. Put a metal hot-water bottle on a forehead and cheeks. Along with use of antibiotics and physical therapy do to the patient washing of sine with solution of penicillin, streptomycin or sulphamides.
Если боль не проходит?
If pain does not pass?
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If treatment does not give relief, then instead of a hot-water bottle to the patient put a bubble with ice. Recently ozokeritovy applications were widely adopted. Influence heat of 45-55 degrees for an hour sine. Appoint vasoconstrictive drugs in a nose that the inflamed sine came out exudate.
Массаж как метод лечения синусита
Massage as method of treatment of sinusitis
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It is necessary to tap slightly on the child's nose bridge with a thumb phalanx for several minutes. At first it is necessary to make similar percussions 1 time 30 minutes. Now find the following points: the central point between eyebrows, internal upper coal of an eyebrow, the internal lower part of an eye-socket, midpoint on a nasolabial fold. Mass them clockwise for 30 seconds.
Дыхательная гимнастика
Respiratory gymnastics
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With the kid is more senior it is possible to do useful respiratory gymnastics. Let the child will breathe on 10 times the right and left nostril serially (for 5-10 seconds). This exercise improves blood circulation in a nasal cavity that promotes breath simplification.
Народная медицина в лечении синуситов
Traditional medicine in treatment of sinusitis
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Independent treatment of the child heat and washing of a nose without control of the doctor are capable to worsen a condition of the patient only. But it is possible, and it is even recommended, to do inhalations. It is necessary to mix 1 tablespoon of flowers of a camomile, leaves of a sage and a calendula, to fill in with a glass of boiled water, to bring to boiling. Over this broth it is necessary to breathe some time. It is also possible to breathe over a pan with the cooked potatoes in a uniform.
Профилактика синусита
Prevention of sinusitis
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From early age of the child it is necessary to temper, applying hydrotherapeutic and air procedures, to play sports, to do morning exercises. You watch that the child spent in the fresh air much time. It strengthens immunity and does the child's organism less susceptible to infectious and catarrhal diseases. If you suspect existence at the child of any infectious disease, it is necessary to address to hospital at once.


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