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Why I am not lucky

Неумение анализировать информацию
Inability to analyze information
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Gaining all knowledge, the person in the majority remains not ready that in real life it should be analyzed. As a rule, the volume of knowledge gained by us is so high that in this rich information flow it is possible to get lost. Therefore, leaving school and institute to real life, we need to try what to manage to connect all information obtained by us together, and it is correct to use it.
Психологическое невежество
Psychological ignorance
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Achievement of success in life requires knowledge of psychology. Many people live with various psychological injuries, harmful programs of which it is just necessary to get rid to look at the world with other eyes. Only the few people are capable to build correctly the relations with a family, colleagues and friends and to cope effectively with own emotions, and without it it is very difficult to achieve success in all spheres.
Обыкновенная лень
Ordinary laziness
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Danger of laziness is that it can find one thousand reasons and reasons for inaction, without allowing us to reach much in our life. Psychologists advise to try to be honest with themselves. If you cannot find the reasoned reason for the inaction, then laziness took control of you. Overcome yourself, differently and you will remain in losers.
Духовная незрелость
Spiritual immaturity
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As a rule, all of us are so deeply shipped in internal problems that we do not even think of that being glad to new day. We wave away for small pleasures of life with words: "not to pleasures to me now!". And very in vain, such nuances help us to experience joy of life and to be adjusted on optimistic perception of life. It is impossible to be constantly concentrated only on the problems.
Отсутствие логического мышления
Lack of logical thinking
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Many problems in human life can arise from its inability to draw the correct conclusions from the events, and, respectively, to take the wrong further actions which will not help to correct a situation. The reason of it consists in weak logical thinking. From here a conclusion – develop logical thinking.
Отсутствие парадоксального мышления
Lack of paradoxical thinking
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The paradox is a combination incompatible. It would seem why it is necessary for the person? However this ability quite often is the key to success and adoptions of the correct decision. Try to train, removing the thought for a framework of the standard realities, and it is possible, sometime it will serve to you good service.
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You will be surprised if you learn to how many people excessive indecision prevents to become happy …. Never think that the whole world for others, and you need to move. This harmful thinking removes good luck from you on unattainable distance. How many imperfect affairs and not taken first steps are buried exactly thanks to our indecision and excessive modesty.
Жизнь - черновик
Life - a draft copy
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Many people react to various events in the life as if they are school students with two notebooks: clean copy and draft copy. In a draft copy they can always make a mistake, and also arrive in real life – at half strength. And life does not forgive similar to itself the relations. Realize in yourself a certain potential and do everything as if it occurs last time.
Проблемы со здоровьем
Problems with health
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Our body is not eternal luxury therefore you should not treat it with neglect. Over time forces leave us, there are accompanying diseases. That the body at midpoint of you did not bring, care for it. Do exercises, visit the pool, eat properly and visit doctors if necessary. Than longer you keep the health, especially your life will be successful.
Осознание желаний и целей
Understanding of desires and purposes
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Our life passes is useless if we cannot decide on desires and the purposes. Try to set before yourself definite purposes and to try to realize them. Accurate statement of the purpose helps to find meaning of life and fills it with actions and events. Here you will see, your way to success will become at once much more interesting.
Любовь к дармовщине
Love to hummer
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Nothing for nothing happens. Remember this truth well. The love to hummer did not make anybody happy yet. It is necessary to understand that for all you aim at, it is necessary to pay determined price. It is the best of all if everything that you will have, is earned by your brains and hands, force, sharpness and resourcefulness.
Свобода и ответственность
Freedom and responsibility
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When the person unexpectedly finds freedom, he quite often begins to look for feverishly to whom to hand it. Unfortunately, most of people perceive freedom as responsibility when it is necessary to answer for the choice and acts. It is necessary to have a certain courage to enjoy own freedom and ability to make own decisions.
Боязнь публичности
Fear of publicity
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If to look narrowly at blogs and forums, then infrequently on them it is possible to meet participants who show own faces in profiles. The fear of publicity, unwillingness will be allocated from lump – destiny of losers. Many at the same time do not understand that if not to notice them then everything, and good luck including …
Отсутствие интуиции
Lack of an intuition
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Intuition – an important factor which should not be dismissed. Our gut feeling sometimes gives out to us unusual and, it seems, on anything not based decisions. However our intuition relies on set of all knowledge accumulated by us in life and the gained experience. Therefore the intuition should be trusted.
Негативное восприятие полученного опыта
Negative perception of the got experience
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A lot of things depend on how we perceive the failures happening to us in life. Here you lost work what you will make? Write off everything for the bad chief, fellow workers, or apprehend all incident as an opportunity something to change in the life, to draw certain conclusions and to go further? Do not forget that when life takes away from you one opportunity, it surely provides you another.

Whether you know that:

The 74-year-old resident of Australia James Harrison became blood donor about 1000 times. It has a rare blood group which antibodies help to survive the newborn with a severe form of anemia. Thus, the Australian saved about two million children.