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Children and domestic animals: we follow safety rules

Is told about advantage of domestic animals for development of the child much. But many parents nevertheless do not hurry to bring pets as are afraid that they can do harm to health of children. What troubles can really trap kids and how to make joint life of a family and domestic animals comfortable and safe?

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The problem number one is, of course, an allergy. However to get rid of an animal having learned about pregnancy it is not necessary – nobody can predict whether really it will develop at the newborn. But also specially to you it is not necessary to get a puppy or a kitten during pregnancy too – better to wait with it until to the kid two-three years are executed at least.

The allergy happens not only on animal hair, but also on his epithelium, saliva or urine. Thus, you should not believe that the sleek-haired cat or a dog can be hypoallergenic is not so. Reptiles and aquarian small fishes are considered as the only animals who do not cause an allergy. And here the forage for them can be allergenic too.

If parents have a suspicion that the kid can have an allergy to an animal, it is better to carry out special allergoproba in advance. Some clinics can make analyses on a specific cat or a dog – however such service is available not in all cities.

Prevention of developing of an allergy is the healthy microclimate in the house and regular wet cleaning. In order that the pet emitted less allergens, it is regularly worth bathing and combing out him.

Fleas, mites and worms are not partners in life

Surprisingly, but still a part of people considers, as dogs, and cats are surely infected by parasites. Certainly, the pet can easily catch them. Moreover, communication of presence of fleas and worms the most direct: fleas can transfer them. But for prevention of infection with helminths there is a set of special means which without fail are given to little puppies or kittens, and then quarterly – to adult individuals.

It is even simpler to struggle with fleas – on sale there is a mass of shampoos, collars, sprays and drops which work several months. In the beginning it is necessary to get rid of fleas if they are available, and then to give to an animal vermifuge drug.

It must be kept in mind that worms and fleas can be not only at cats and dogs, but also at small rodents. The fluffy rabbit or a Guinea pig also need the correct contents, however for them it is necessary to buy the drugs corresponding to a species of an animal. If you do not know what medicine to buy for deworming, consult to the veterinarian.

More the problem with ixodic mites is particularly acute – the dog or a cat can pick up them even at simple walk in a grass. Animals have no encephalitis, however they have "" diseases – a piroplasmosis (at dogs) and a haemo bartonellosis (at cats). To people these diseases are not dangerous, but to animals in the absence of treatment, most likely, will be deadly. In the period of activity of mites (from spring to late fall) it is regularly necessary to process animals special drugs and to check wool after walk.

Whether diseases of animals are dangerous to the person?

Of course, many diseases of pets can be dangerous to people. Therefore surely do to animals preventive inoculations.

Rage. All dogs and cats shall be imparted from rage. Rage cases among domestic animals are extremely rare therefore if the child was bitten by a domestic dog who has an operating inoculation, do not panic. If vaccination is not made, the animal will be watched by veterinarians within 10 days. At a sting of a dog or cat it is necessary to wash out a wound under a strong pressure of water at once and to process it an antiseptic agent.

Hay fever. The vaccine against leptospirosis has to become one more inoculation, obligatory for dogs, – it the dangerous disease is transmitted to people. It is transferred also by rodents so the dog can catch it, having just caught a mouse.

Toxoplasmosis, clamidiosis and salmonellosis. All these diseases can also catch from domestic animals, including rodents. Poultry can be infected with two diseases of the last of the list.

Dermatomycoses. Many fungal infections can be transmitted from animals to people if at them immunity is reduced.

And here people have no cat's and dog flu and viral enteritis. Respectively, and we cannot infect animals with the viral disease.

Regular survey at the veterinarian, preventive inoculations and hygienic care of animals minimize danger of infection.

Injuries and stings

And here injuries at children at communication with domestic animals – the phenomenon, alas, very frequent. Safety rule here one: never to leave small children and domestic animals alone. The large dog can drop the child, having just touched him with a tail. The cat can scratch if the child touches her.

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Dogs and cats quickly enough get used that in the house there was a new family member, but it is impossible to allow them to jump on a crib or a carriage. Mere curiosity, but not aggression moves animals, but even jumps are dangerous to the child.

When the kid grows up, it is necessary to explain him rules of conduct with animals: not to take away food from a bowl at all, not to pull wool and not to beat the pet. Then there will be no provocative factors which can lead to a trouble. Certainly, children cannot iron without the permission of foreign animals – they can be not so good-natured.

Getting a pet, parents have to understand that responsibility for health of an animal – so, and for health of children who play with it – lays down on their shoulders.

Whether you know that:

The person accepting antidepressants in most cases will have a depression again. If the person coped with depression by own efforts, he has every chance forever to forget about this state.