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Hysteromyoma: modern treatment

Что говорит статистика?
What is told by statistics?
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Many women face the diagnosis myoma. Statistically, at every third woman 35 years are aged more senior find this disease. Thus, it is possible to call myoma the most widespread female disease safely. Here also unfortunate women under a scalpel lay down, cut out at them a uterus, is frequent together with ovaries, putting at the same time to the woman a severe psychological injury.
Последствия операции по удалению матки
Effects of operation on removal of a uterus
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Many women who underwent an operation on removal of a uterus consider the main unpleasant effect of operation a severe psychological stress. After operation every fifth woman considers herself defective in the sexual plan. Unfortunately, myoma promptly looks younger, and quite often it can be found out in yet not giving birth women up to 30 years that it causes pressing need of use of the sparing organ-preserving techniques of treatment.
Выход есть - метод эмболизации
There is a solution - an embolization method
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The method of embolization arose thanks to development of X-ray vascular surgery when special tubes catheters which on vessels of the person can reach any body including a uterus are used. All manipulations with a catheter in a vessel are absolutely painless therefore operation does not demand the general anesthesia. Only at penetration into a vessel use a local anesthesia.
Принцип эмболизации
Principle of embolization
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The principle of operation of embolization of uterine arteries is that the catheter reaches vessels which participate in blood supply of myoma, and by means of special balls emboluses these vessels are corked. Thus, the myoma deprived of food and bloodless ceases to grow and over time decreases in volumes. Nodes of myoma turn into hems on a uterus which resolve over time.
Что такое эмболы?
What is emboluses?
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Emboluses are sterile particles of 400-1000 microns in size. They are made of medical polyurethane foam. Before entering them into an artery, they get divorced normal saline solution then they by means of the syringe are entered into a catheter from where already and get into a uterine artery. If the catheter is established correctly, then emboluses will get only into a uterus where with a flow of blood will be brought to vessels and will get stuck there, blocking a blood stream to myoma.
Сколько длится операция?
How many operation lasts?
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The experienced surgeon performs similar operation in only 30-40 minutes. Today embolization is carried out through a puncture of one artery and as in a vessel there are no painful nerve terminations, operation does not demand the general anesthesia. Carry out only local anesthesia of skin in the place of penetration of a catheter. Also at the request of the patient the anesthesiologist can give the calming injection.
Как долго проходит восстановление?
How long there takes place recovery?
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In the postoperative period in a uterus there is an inflammatory reaction which is shown in the increased temperature and developing of weak pain in a stomach. As a rule, pain does not demand use of strong anesthetics. However for prevention of infectious complications doctors appoint to the patient reception of antibiotics, and also the antiinflammatory and weak anesthetizing drugs for 3-5 days.
Как быстро уменьшается матка?
How the uterus quickly decreases?
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Process of drying up of myoma and reduction of a uterus in sizes does not happen instantly. As a rule, doctors observe patients for a year after operation. Each three months the patient has to come to ultrasonography which shows as far as the uterus decreased in sizes. On average, for the first month the uterus decreases by 10-20%, in the subsequent half a year – for 30-50%.
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As embolization assumes the minimum impact on an organism, contraindications to it exists a little. It is impossible to perform operation in the presence of an allergy to iodide drugs, during pregnancy and at acute inflammatory processes in a uterus and other bodies. Embolization is not carried out if nodes in a uterus did not reach the sizes of 7-8 weeks as in this case uterine arteries too small and it is difficult to get to them.
Какова эффективность эмболизации?
What efficiency of embolization?
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Extensive experience in carrying out similar operations on uterine arteries showed good efficiency of embolization. So, for 6-12 months after embolization reduction of a uterus in sizes at 43%, and fibromatous nodes – for 58% is observed.
Можно ли забеременеть после эмболизации?
Whether it is possible to become pregnant after embolization?
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The main advantage of embolization is that the woman has a probability to keep reproductive function. Many cases when women after carrying out this operation successfully became pregnant are known and gave birth to healthy children.
Симптомы фибромиомы
Fibromyoma symptoms
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The most frequent symptom of myoma are uterine bleedings. Women note that periods become more plentiful and is longer. Sometimes periods so plentiful that lead to an anemia. At a fibromyoma of the big sizes even bleedings during the intermenstrual period are possible. Also a symptom of myoma is pain in the field of a basin and a waist which is caused by pressure of the increased uterus upon surrounding fabrics and bodies.
Как определить миому?
How to define myoma?
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Now timely to make the diagnosis of a hysteromyoma does not present special difficulties. Ultrasonic examination of bodies of a small pelvis yields the guaranteed result and costs absolutely not much. Ultrasound distinguishes in a uterus a fibromatous node from 1-2 cm in size Devices ultrasonography are present practically at all clinics today.
Что делать после постановки диагноза?
What to do after diagnosis?
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If found myoma in you, then it is necessary to address the gynecologist. Myoma demands regular and fixed observation. So, 2-3 times a year follow at least to do ultrasonography to be convinced of lack of growth of a tumor or, on the contrary, to confirm. When the sizes of myoma exceed 9-10 week barrier, doctors can offer operational methods of treatment and if myoma is followed by bleedings, then treatment can be appointed earlier.
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Thus, the embolization method favourably differs from traditional surgical intervention. Embolization of a malotravmatichn, keeps a uterus and potentiality of pregnancy, does not demand the general anesthesia and long postoperative recovery. Embolization is feasible even at those patients to whom other types of surgical interventions are contraindicated and has practically no contraindications.


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