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Myths about diets

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From diyetichesy aerated water do not recover
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This myth is based that as a part of dietary sparkling water there is no sugar. But there are sweeteners! Their action is even worse, getting inside, they force an organism to produce insulin as it takes them for natural sugar. Having been "deceived" an organism "revenges" strong feeling of hunger which is required to be satisfied. It is better to fight against thirst a glass of mineral water with a lemon.
Чем меньше ешь, тем больше худеешь
The less you eat, the more you grow thin
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Pattern would seem. But many people note that they eat very little, but at the same time do not grow thin in any way. In what business? An organism, receiving calories in limited quantity, switches in "the starvation mode" and begins to save fat, to take from food at most of substances, to burn muscles. All this accompanies delay of processes of metabolism, and as a result weight loss does not occur.
Есть после 8 вечера нельзя
Is after 8 in the evening it is impossible
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Following this logic, a set of weight depends on meal time. It turns out that till 8 in the evening can be eaten anything and in any quantity. But there is such concept as standard daily rate of calories and if the person owing to the schedule cannot use this norm till 8 in the evening, then he can eat later. Of course, the most part of norm on evening reception to leave wrong, and from an easy dinner harm will not be.
Макароны способствуют полноте
Macaroni promotes completeness
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It will be more correct to expostulate not on the eaten product, and on its quantity. Even noncaloric food at big portions is capable to lead to a set of weight. Having densely watered macaroni with fat sauce or having added to them a lot of cheese, you should not consider macaroni a source of excess calories. Specialists in dietary food do not see anything bad in 60-90 g of dry macaroni a day.
Обезжиренные продукты помогают похудеть
The fat-free products help to lose weight
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Anything similar! In the fat-free products there is no fat, but there are amplifiers of taste. They are added somehow to compensate lack of natural taste of the product removed together with fats. Quite often such additives are not less caloric, than fat. It is better to use products with normal natural percent of fat content, just controlling their quantity.
Маленькая тарелка - меньше еды
The small plate - is less than food
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This statement only in that case will not be the myth if to follow it strictly. And it is possible to put a lot of food in a small plate, even with a hill. All secret that the portion of food on a small plate seems impressive. But it is only visual deception. If not to connect will power, then the stomach by all means will demand additive as he got used to bigger. Success will come through regular following to the rule.
Все диеты хороши
All diets are good
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It is the most present myth as diets are the specially developed food techniques for a certain category of people. The human body is individual, and it is impossible to follow without analysis to a diet which helped someone to another. Before any diet it is always recommended to see a doctor. There are frankly harmful diets, it is unknown by whom made, often their use has negative effects for health.


Whether you know that:

Our kidneys are capable to clear three liters of blood in one minute.