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Widespread complications at pregnancy

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Many pregnant women in this or that form have anemia. At its weak form it does not cause any problems for future child and health of mother. But if anemia results from the hereditary pathologies connected with hemoglobin it is quite risky. Symptoms of anemia are pallor, fatigue, frequent breath, dizziness, an unconscious state, decrease in immunity.
Лечение анемии
Treatment of anemia
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The iron deficiency anemia is treated by means of drugs with the content of iron. The diet of the pregnant woman surely joins haricot, red meat, fish, spinach and other products with the high content of iron. Vitamin C is necessary for the best digestion of iron. Therefore surely use orange and tomato juice.
Тромбоз глубоких вен
Deep vein thrombosis
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This state arising when a clot blocks a vein of one of legs. Usually it occurs in calves or a groin. At the same time the woman feels morbidity in an affected area of a leg at a contact and heat in the swelled-up places.
Лечение тромбоза глубоких вен
Treatment of a deep vein thrombosis
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If you suspect that you have a deep vein thrombosis, immediately see a doctor. If to ignore this state, then the blood clot can reach lungs and to become the reason of a pulmonary embolus, and it is a life-threatening state. The doctor will carry out diagnosis and at the affirmative diagnosis will appoint to you the drugs liquefying blood.
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This syndrome arises only at pregnant women and is characterized by the high blood pressure, swelling of legs and availability of protein in urine. The state is dangerous what can proceed asymptomatically and be shown only through the increased blood pressure. If there are such symptoms as constant headaches, a set of excess weight, fog in eyes, spots and flashes before eyes, pain under edges and on the right side of a body – urgently run to the doctor.
Лечение преэклампсии
Treatment of a preeclampsia
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As the reason of a preeclampsia remains obscure, doctors are limited in ways of treatment and prevention of a disease. On early durations of gestation tablets help to reduce pressure a little. On late terms at the women who are seriously suffering from this disease, the way out is the provoked childbirth. Aspirin in a dose of 75 mg a day helps to reduce risk of development of a preeclampsia.
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TsMV – a virus of family of herpeses which extends with urine, excrements, together with saliva. The pregnant woman who for the first time was affected by TsMV has many chances to transfer him to the child. Symptoms of a cytomegalovirus are fever, a headache, fatigue, an ache in a plant louse.
Лечение цитомегаловируса
Treatment of a cytomegalovirus
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For today specific treatment of a cytomegalovirus at pregnant women does not exist. However there is a medicine of new generation – ганцикловир – which can help the infected children. Women during pregnancy should observe careful hygiene and to wash hands after contact with animals and people.
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This infection meets rather seldom, but can negatively affect a fruit. The toxoplasmosis is transmitted through contact with street cats, and also as a result of the use of dirty vegetables or not completely made meat. The virus can infect a fruit and to become the reason of physical and intellectual deviations. Symptoms of a toxoplasmosis are small fever, feeling sick, rash on skin, swelling of glands.
Лечение токсоплазмоза
Treatment of a toxoplasmosis
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If analyses showed that at you before conception or during pregnancy a toxoplasmosis developed, the doctor can appoint to you antibiotics with the purpose to reduce probability of transfer of a virus to the child. To you can suggest to undergo amniocentesis in the second trimester of pregnancy to find out whether the child is infected. In general, treatment by the corresponding antibiotics gives to the infected child high chances to be born healthy.
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The rubella – a safe infection in usual time, during pregnancy is capable to affect negatively a fruit, causing such inborn defects as deafness, an inflammation of a brain, a heart disease. It is desirable to make the test before conception to find out whether you have an immunity on a rubella. Symptoms of a rubella are fever, rash on a face and a body, swelling of glands.
Лечение краснухи
Treatment of a rubella
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If during pregnancy you got sick with a rubella, the risk for the child depends on on what term you were at the time of infection. If it occurred in the first month of pregnancy, then the probability of a disease of the child makes 50%. By third month the probability of infection of the child falls to 10%. Unfortunately, completely it is impossible to protect the child from infection.
Патологическое состояние плода
Morbid condition of a fruit
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This term is applicable in any situation when danger threatens life of a fruit. It can be the hypoxia caused by a disease of mother, a placenta senilism, complication of a fruit in an umbilical cord. It can be an infection, malformations, etc. The pregnant woman should prick up the ears if change of a degree of activity of movements of a fruit or their lack, change of pulse rate of a fruit is available.
Лечение патологического состояния
Treatment of morbid condition
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If term allows, then carrying out childbirth will be the way out. If it is not possible to cause vaginal childbirth, can carry out Cesarean section. At first can give to the woman medicine for delay of reductions of a uterus that will lower a fruit hypoxia, will expand its blood vessels and will improve blood supply.

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According to WHO researches the daily half-hour conversation by the mobile phone increases probability of development of a tumor of a brain by 40%.