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How to become the vegetarian

Хорошо подумайте
Well think
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For a start this decision to consider and prove properly is necessary. It is necessary to define the list of the reasons confirming gravity of such decision in mind. You should not hurry. At first it is possible to study literature on the matter, to address for council the specialist, to make for itself the optimum menu. And here blindly you should not follow so fashionable trend and to rush from one extreme to the other.
Постепенный переход
Gradual transition
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If you after all understood that for you there is no other way, except vegetarianism, then it is worth carrying out transition to it gradually. The alimentary system needs time to get used to a new diet. So, for two weeks refuse red meat, after that add fowl to prohibition, in the subsequent refuse fish. Also to you it is not necessary to reduce too strongly and at once diet caloric content.
Тип вегетарианства
Vegetarianism type
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Choose for yourself type of vegetarianism to which you want to follow. So, the laktoovovegetarianstvo allows use in food of milk and eggs, veganism excludes them. The classical dietology extremely does not recommend to limit itself in dairy products to the adult.
Альтернативная замена
Alternative replacement
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As well as traditional food, vegetarianism can be rational and balanced at the correct approach. Due to a big variety of vegetable products at vegetarianism there is a mass of pluses: together with food the organism arrives a lot of vitamin C, food fibers, magnesium, potassium, carotinoids. However at strict vegetarianism shortage of B2, B12, D, A vitamins, calcium, iron is quite often observed.
Источники витамина В12
B12 vitamin sources
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B12 vitamin is present only at animal products, and its development in intestines is rather difficult and is not always possible. Therefore for completion of deficit of this vitamin vegetarians should use yeast, the enriched dry breakfasts, products from shredded grain, the vitaminized flakes, and also periodically vitamin complexes. Shortage of B12 vitamin leads to anemia.
Источники витамина В2
B2 vitamin sources
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B2 vitamin is called beauty vitamin as it is responsible for a tone and elasticity of skin. Yeast, green sheet vegetables, almonds, whole-grain bread, natural cocoa powder can become its source for vegetarians. Shortage of B2 vitamin in an organism leads to early aging of skin, digestion problems, frustration of a nervous system and purulent diseases of skin.
Источники витамина А
Vitamin A sources
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Vitamin A is responsible for a condition of sight and skin. Its vegetable sources are besides yeast, green sheet vegetables, porridges buckwheat and oat, and also bread. Vegetarians should not neglect these products to fill shortage of this vitamin in the organism.
Источники витамина D
Vitamin D sources
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Vitamin D is responsible for standing of our teeth and bones, protects an organism from chronic diseases. To fill its shortage in an organism, the thicket should make walks in a sunny weather as it are synthesized in an organism at hit on skin of sunshine. Also it is necessary to use mushrooms, cereals and tofu cheese.
Источники кальция
Calcium sources
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Calcium is simply necessary for bone system. All people should know the interesting fact: it appears, in its not dairy products contains even more, than in milk, and it from such products is acquired better. It is necessary to carry poppy, almonds, sesame and different types of cabbage to such products.
Источники железа
Iron sources
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Iron – one of basic elements of a hemopoiesis. Shortage it in an organism causes anemia. Undoubtedly, from meat products it is acquired better, than from vegetable. Vegetable sources of iron are cabbage, hazelnuts, chocolate, parsley, yeast and buckwheat.
Источники незаменимых аминокислот
Sources of irreplaceable amino acids
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Vegans often suffer a shortage of irreplaceable amino acids which contain in protein and cannot be synthesized in an organism. However not everything is lost as they contain not only in animal products, but also in vegetable food. Though at animal their comprehensibility higher and there are they there not in full strength. Vegetable sources of irreplaceable amino acids are vegetables, nuts, bean, soups, grain and porridges.
Польза вегетарианства
Advantage of vegetarianism
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The undoubted advantage of vegetarianism consists in reduction consumption of harmful saturated fats, cholesterol that leads to decrease in diseases of cardiovascular system. A lot of cellulose, vitamin C comes to an organism that well influences immunity. As a rule, supporters of vegetable food have catarrhal diseases much less often.
Вред вегетарианства
Harm of vegetarianism
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Upon rash and sharp transition to vegetarianism there can be a shortage of necessary vitamins about which it was written above, and also shortage of amino acids. It can lead to development of anemia, various frustration of a nervous system, fragility of hair and nails, deterioration in sight, frequent fractures of bones.
Есть ли противопоказания к вегетарианству?
Whether there are contraindications to vegetarianism?
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As a rule, the organism of the adult can easily adapt to change of a diet and vegetarianism. However in the presence of various infectious and viral diseases, burns, surgical interventions, diseases of digestive organs the organism is in great need in protein and vitamins which, unfortunately, vegetarianism is not able to provide.
Интересные факты о вегетарианстве
The interesting facts about vegetarianism
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It is noticed that among strict vegetarians coronary heart disease mortality is lower, and also the diabetes mellitus and a hypertension meets less often. However anemia is quite widespread, shortage of mineral substances and vitamins is observed, tendency to infectious diseases and tuberculosis is higher.


Whether you know that:

Scientists from the Oxford university conducted a number of researches during which they came to a conclusion that vegetarianism can be harmful to a human brain as leads to decrease in its weight. Therefore scientists recommend not to exclude completely from the diet fish and meat.