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9 week of pregnancy

On duration of gestation of 9 weeks to future kid 7 weeks from the fertilization moment are executed. By obstetric rules as date of counting of term serves the first day of the last periods.На 9 неделе беременности плод начинает приобретать человеческие черты

Changes of a fruit

On the 9th week of pregnancy the placenta completely undertook a problem of life support of a fruit, and future child continues to grow and develop. The fruit size on the 9th week of pregnancy makes up to 30 mm in length, weight to 2 g. Outward it accepts human lines more and more – is characteristic the body was extended, the tail turned into a tailbone, the head gained rounded shape and has the expressed inclination forward, it is possible to distinguish a neck. Fruit skin very thin and translucent, through it vessels are visible.

On ultrasonography in 9 weeks of pregnancy it is possible to notice that hands and legs of a fruit remain disproportionately short, with the fingers created already, on hands nails begin to be stuffed up. Changes affect also the person – eyes are closed for centuries, widely placed, the oral crack forms. Auricles on the 9th week of pregnancy are already well distinguishable, but the inner ear is underdeveloped, and the fruit does not hear yet.

In a brain on the 9th week of pregnancy there is cerebellum snowballing – the department which is responsible for balance and coordination of a body in space. The hypophysis – department of a brain which is responsible for regulation of various processes of life activity of an organism and produces some hormones is stuffed up. In the same time spinal, cranial and intervertebral nerves form. Also in adrenal glands the layer of the cells which are responsible for formation of hormone of adrenaline is allocated.

In 9 weeks of pregnancy there is laying of lymph nodes, chest glands, testicles at future boys begin to fall from an abdominal cavity to a scrotum.

Changes in the woman's organism on the 9th week of pregnancy

The stomach on the 9th week of pregnancy does not change the configuration yet, and externally pregnancy of the woman is imperceptible. But intensively there are processes of adaptation of a female body to incubation of the child that is shown in feelings and her mood. During this period sense of smell is, as a rule, aggravated, because of it the pregnant woman is very sensitive to smells - very sharp can make sick and vomiting.

There is painful and sensitive a breast, especially in nipples, and an areola of nipples darkens.

The uterus on ultrasonography in 9 weeks of pregnancy by the sizes corresponds to grapefruit. Hormonal reorganization of an organism leads to improvement of outward of skin – it becomes more equal and smooth. For the safe course of pregnancy in blood the level of female sex hormones and a chorionic gonadotrophin increases.

Some on the 9th week of pregnancy have locks, a varicosity standing.

Kidneys, heart and lungs of the pregnant woman work in the emergency mode as the volume of blood continues to increase, about internals reserves of fats which play an important role during breastfeeding can begin to be postponed.

In 9 weeks of pregnancy symptoms of early toxicosis in the form of excess salivation, weakness, nausea and vomiting can remain, but normal these manifestations usually abate.

Due to growth of a fruit and increase in volume of the circulating blood on the 9th week of pregnancy, decrease in hemoglobin anemia can have an effect on the general blood test. Its symptoms will be shown the quicker, than the initial level of hemoglobin before pregnancy was lower.Размер плода на 9 неделе беременности - до 30 мм

Yellowish allocations on the 9th week of pregnancy from a vagina should not frighten – it under the influence of hormones are condensed bleach – natural allocations. In the absence of other unpleasant manifestations or feelings they are safe for a fruit and mother. An alarming symptom – bloody allocations on the 9th week of pregnancy.

And here pains on the 9th week of pregnancy in a stomach or in a waist can be also a consequence of organism adaptation to weight of a fruit, or interruption threat.

Inspection on the 9th week of pregnancy

On duration of gestation of 9 weeks the woman continues to undergo the appointed inspection if did not manage to make it yet. Visit of the doctor of 1 times in 2 weeks is necessary even normal, and with risk factors (the bleeding, abortion in the past transferred to time of pregnancy of an infection or an exacerbation of chronic pathology) more fixed control can be required.

At each visit of clinic for women the woman brings with herself urine on the general analysis. Such screening (general inspection) allows to suspect symptoms of a gestosis or other complications of pregnancy on the earliest terms.

Whether you know that:

According to researches, the women drinking several glasses of beer or wine in a week have the increased risk to develop breast cancer.