Main > Drugs> Alor


АлоромAlor – the combined drug of a plant origin rendering the local analgeziruyushchy, antiinflammatory, resorptional and regenerating action.

Form of release and structure

Release Alor in the form of linimentum 30 g in banks from dark glass or aluminum tubas. Linimentum represents the dense medicinal weight for external use intended for rubbing in in skin.

In 100 g of drug contains:

  • Juice of an aloe of 48,8 g;
  • Extract of a calendula of 10 g;
  • Extract of a camomile of pharmaceutical 20 g;
  • Castor oil of 11 g;
  • Oil eucalyptus 100 mg;
  • Menthol of 100 mg.

Indications to use

According to the instruction, by Alor it is applied as a part of complex therapy of the following diseases:

  • Posttraumatic arthritis;
  • Radiculitis;
  • Osteochondrosis;
  • Rheumatism;
  • Polyarthritis;
  • Plexitis;
  • Miositis;
  • Hematoma;
  • Tendovaginitis;
  • Mialgiya;
  • Decubituses.

Besides, drug is used for treatment of bruises of the soft tissues which are followed by emergence of hematomas and hypostases.

For the people confined to the bed and leading a slow-moving life Alorom's use as prevention of formation of decubituses is recommended.


Drug is contraindicated to persons with hypersensitivity to one or several of its components.

It is impossible to apply with Alor on open wounds and grazes.

With care women should apply linimentum during pregnancy and feeding by a breast.

Route of administration and dosage

According to the instruction, Alor recommends to apply on skin in the inflammation center with a thin layer no more than 2-3 times a day, slightly rubbing. The course of treatment makes from 5 to 15 days. In case of need the repeated course is appointed in 10-14 days.

Drug should not be applied on the damaged sites of skin.

Side effects

Alorom's use can cause allergic reactions in the form of a skin itch, reddening and hypostasis. As a rule, it arises at hypersensitivity to components of drug or in view of non-compliance with the main recommendations about its use. In case of allergic reactions it is necessary to stop use of linimentum and to see behind consultation the attending physician.


At the moment structural analogs of drug do not exist.

Conditions and periods of storage

Drug should be stored in the dry place at air temperature no more than 15 °C.

The period of validity of Alorom makes 2 years of date of production.

Whether you know that:

Human bones are stronger than concrete four times.