Main > Food stuffs> Papaw


Азимина - особенности выращивания и пользаIn the nature there is a big variety of fruit plants. One of them are well-known around the world. Others do not enjoy wide popularity, but from it their fruits do not become less tasty and useful. The papaw three-blade, having really unique properties also belongs to such plants. In her honor in the American State of Ohio near the city of Albany even the special fruit festival is held. What is represented by this culture?

The papaw is three-blade

Fruit crop a papaw three-blade – a listopadny hygrophilous plant which homeland is North America. In the nature meets only in the territory of the USA where grows in a species of bushes along river coast and in the shady woods on rather wet soil. Some cultural forms of a papaw gained distribution in other countries. In favorable conditions the plant has more often an appearance of a tree which reaches height of 12-15 m. In spite of the fact that the papaw is a plant of subtropics, it has high frost resistance.

This fruit tree can serve as fine decoration of a garden. Very interestingly the pyramidal krone of a plant looks. It is formed by large glossy leaves of an ovoid form to 33 cm in length and to 12 cm in width which appear after blooming of flowers. At the same time the lower surface of each leaf has a henna-red shade.

During blossoming the papaw has very decorative appearance thanks to large bright colors of violet or red shades with a diameter up to 6 cm. Each flower consists of only six big petals which form the peculiar blades located in two ranks as allowed to call a papaw three-blade. Feature of a plant is the weak, but not palatable smell of stale meat disappearing at emergence of fruits.

Papaw fruits

Each flower of a papaw three-blade is capable to tie several fruits as it has from 2 to 9 pestles. However very early maturation of a stigma of a pestle excludes a possibility of self-pollination of a flower therefore plants need cross-pollination. Papaw fruits – berries of the irregular, oblong and curved shape. They ripen at the end of September – the beginning of October and, depending on a grade, have weight from 60 g to 200 g.

Fruit are covered with a thin peel of green color which becomes afterwards yellowish. In fruits there is a sweet light pulp having a peculiar strawberry and pineapple aroma. Taste of a papaw reminds at the same time both banana, and mango. Fruits of a plant are collected in compound fruits, in each of which them at the same time can be to 9 pieces.

In a form fruit have some similarity with bananas therefore many call a papaw a banana tree. Similarity can be found also as a part of these plants which main richness – pectin, ascorbic acid and such microelements as potassium, calcium, magnesium and iron. Each of fruits differs in the high content of nutrients. Papaw fruits, as well as other fruit, are used in a fresh-gathered look, also from them cook jam, jam, jam.

Чем полезны плоды азиминыVarious parts of a plant have specific medicinal properties. For example, seeds of a papaw contain alkaloid азиминин which is used at poisonings as the efficient vomitive promoting a conclusion of toxins from an organism. Broth of young leaves is good substitute of diuretic drugs, and freshly squeezed juice has noticeable vermifuge effect. Besides, the papaw three-blade is capable to have rather strong antineoplastic effect. Extract from its fruits strengthens immunity.

Papaw fruits – the most valuable foodstuff. In addition to the nutritious and medicinal properties they give to the person pleasant flavoring feelings, promoting production of endorphine – "joy hormone". It also allows to see the banana tree representing a peculiar substitute of a liana with well-known fruits in a papaw.

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