Main > Drugs> Bactrimum



Bactrimum is the combined antimicrobic means.

Pharmacological action

Trimethoprimum and sulfamethoxazole are a part of Bactrimum.

Bactrimum shows bactericidal action, activity concerning streptococci, meningokokk, stafilokokk, gonokokk, colibacillus, a salmonella, cholera vibrioes, a hemophilic stick, listeriya, a pertussoid stick, enterococci fecal, klebsiyella, brucellas, tsitrobakter, enterobakter, serration, a shigella, an intestinal iyersinioz, a morganella, chlamydias, plasmodiums, toxoplasma, a pathogenic fungi, actinomycetes, histoplasmosis, activators of a nocardiosis, tularemia, legionellosis, pneumocystic pneumonia, a coccidioidosis.

Korineformny bacteria, pyocyanic stick, the causative agent of tuberculosis, viruses show resistance to Bactrimum.

The therapeutic effect of Bactrimum lasts 7 hours.

Release form

Bactrimum is released in the form of infusion solution, syrup, tablets. There is also a suspension Bactrimum for internal use and for children.

Indications to use

In the instruction of Bactrimum as indications to its use such diseases act:

  • infections of urinogenital system: cystitis, pelonefrit, an urethritis, an inguinal granuloma, gonorrhea, prostatitis, a pyelitis, an epididymite, a venereal ulcer, a venereal lymphogranuloma;
  • GIT infections: cholera, a cholangitis, a typhoid, a gastroenteritis, a salmonellonositelstvo, the cholecystitis caused by enterotoksichny strains of Escherichia coli, dysentery, a paratyphoid;
  • infections of ENT organs: sinusitis, quinsy, average otitis, scarlet fever, laryngitis;
  • respiratory infections: pneumocystic pneumonia, chronic and acute bronchitis, lung fever, bronchoectatic disease, bronchial pneumonia;
  • infections of integuments, soft tissues: pyoderma, acne, wound fevers, furunculosis;
  • infections are osteoarticulary;
  • brucellosis;
  • the zymonematosis is South American;
  • toxoplasmosis;
  • malaria

The instruction to use of Bactrimum

Бактрим таблеткиAccording to the instruction Bactrimum is accepted after food twice a day (usually in the morning, in the evening), washed down with water.

Bactrimum to children is more senior than 12 l. and the adult appoint to accept 4 tablets (or 8 spoons measured syrup) – a daily dose.

Bactrimum or syrup often give suspension to children to 12 l. Suspension Bactrimum (as well as syrup), are appointed in such dosages: of 6 weeks up to 5 months – half of spoons measured two rubles/day; 6 m - 5 l. – on one spoon measured two rubles/day; 5 - 12 l. – two spoons of measured two rubles/day.

The course of treatment Bactrimum according to the instruction lasts from 5 дн. up to two weeks. If the infection has chronic character, treatment by Bactrimum prolong, and dosages are defined by the doctor on the basis of the conclusions about disease.

Side effects of Bactrimum

At suspension use Bactrimum, other its pharmacological forms, side reactions from different systems of an organism are possible:

  • urinary: nephrite is intersticial, increase in concentration of urea, disturbance of renal function, a hamaturia, a polyuria, a nephropathy toxic with an oliguria and an anury, a giperkreatininemiya, a crystalluria;
  • hemopoietic: neutropenia, anemia megaloblastny, leukopenia, agranulocytosis, thrombocytopenia;
  • musculoskeletal: mialgiya, arthralgia;
  • respiratory: infiltrates pulmonary, bronchospasms;
  • nervous: dizziness, headaches. Sometimes – a depression, a tremor, meningitis, aseptic, apathy, neuritis peripheral;
  • digestive: pseudomembranous coloenteritis, abdominal pains, increase in activity of hepatic transaminases, vomiting, deterioration in appetite, nausea, gastritis, stomatitis, гепатонекроз, diarrhea, hepatitis, glossitis, cholestasia;

Also the gipokglikemiya and allergic manifestations of varying severity are possible.


According to the instruction Bactrimum do not appoint at sensitivity to it (including and to sulfanamide drugs), insufficiency renal and hepatic, leukopenias, anemias scarce and aplastic, pregnancy and a lactation, an agranulocytosis, insufficiency glyukozo-6-fosfatdegidrogenazy. Bactrimum can cause a hyperbilirubinemia in children.

Do not appoint Bactrimum to children premature and in the first 6 weeks.

In the instruction of Bactrimum it is specified that it is appointed with care at diseases of a thyroid gland, at asthma bronchial, deficit of folic acid.

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