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Description of a bamboo

Bamboo – a durable evergreen macrotherm from family of Cereals which homeland East Asia is considered.

Бамбук - тропическое растение семейства Злаковых

The bamboo differs in a knotty golden and straw stalk with numerous leaves on a top. As a rule, it reaches in height from 25 to 40 meters and is the highest grass among all representatives of this family (wheat, corn and rye). At the same time the bamboo differs in very high speed of growth and some of its types grow at from 40 to 100 cm a day.

Within three years the young trunk stiffens. Bamboo trunks widely use for construction and as finishing material, make musical instruments of it and apply to production of paper.

The bamboo is distinguished by surprising properties – he is not afraid of either moisture, or the sun, or temperature differences. In the east of it consider a symbol of unrestrained force and energy as its sprouts with ease punch even a stone. Buddhists to it treat as the sacred plant representing longevity, the spiritual truth, constancy, grace, long friendship and the blossoming old age.

Structure of a bamboo

The bamboo contains 90% of water in the structure. It is rich with protein – on average from 1,49 to 4,04 g in 100 g of fresh escapes. Besides, eight main irreplaceable amino acids are its part.

In 100 g of escapes of a bamboo contains:

  • 90,86 g of water;
  • 2,65 g of proteins;
  • 0,49 g of fats;
  • 0,58 g of cellulose;
  • 0,88 g of ashes.

The bamboo has rich vitamin structure. Its escapes contain vitamins A, B6, E, thiamin, Niacinum, Riboflavinum, folic and pantothenic acids. Also they are rich with minerals among which there is a calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, manganese, sodium, zinc, copper, selenium and iron.

Caloric content of a bamboo makes 20 kcal on 100 g of escapes.

Useful properties of a bamboo

Draws of a bamboo not only are tasty, but also are rich with nutrients. They enter the five of the most popular useful products in the world.

The main properties of a bamboo were written down in the ancient pharmaceutical text of times of a dynasty of Min (1368-1644): "He is cool, sweet, non-toxic, satisfies thirst, improves blood circulation, adds Qi's energy and can daily be used".

In the Asian countries the antiinflammatory and fortifying properties of a bamboo caused by existence of a strong antiseptic agent in its fibers often are used at colds and a SARS, and also at allergies and asthma.

The bamboo also belongs to the few plants differing in a large amount of silicon acid, which:

  • Promotes strengthening of hair and nails;
  • Well influences skin;
  • Renders the calming effect at depressions.

The bamboo is effective at a peptic ulcer, disturbances of digestion and diarrhea. In the Asian countries it is also applied at treatment of such diseases as jaundice, tuberculosis, fever and dysentery.

Extract of a bamboo strengthens walls of vessels, improves blood supply of fabrics, reduces permeability of capillaries and increases their elasticity and a tone.

In the medical purposes apply not only escapes of a bamboo, but also other parts of this surprising plant:

  • Roots of a bamboo use as fortifying means;
  • The leaves of a bamboo having febrifugal and expectorant properties are considered as good cough medicine;
  • Bamboo juice is used as means at an apoplexy and epilepsy.

Advantage of escapes of a bamboo for health

Escapes of a bamboo belong rather to exotic food as most widely they are used in the countries of Asia. However useful properties of a bamboo gradually find the admirers and in the western countries.

The bamboo promotes gradual loss of weight. Thanks to the balanced food stock it is considered ideal food for those who want to lose weight, without hungering at the same time constant. The food fibers entering in a large number a bamboo are necessary for digestion and improvement of a perilstatika of intestines. To grow thin it is recommended to eat draws for dinner quicker. Low caloric content of a bamboo and low content of carbohydrates allow to apply it as a part of various vegetable diets.

The vitamins, minerals and antioxidants which are a part of escapes of a bamboo promote immunity strengthening.

According to many researches conducted in India and the Asian countries the advantage of a bamboo for prevention of heart diseases as it promotes cholesterol dissolution is proved. Thanks to the insignificant content of fats and low caloric content the bamboo also well influences also function of intestines.

Many researches confirmed the antiinflammatory and anesthetizing properties of a bamboo that allows to use it outwardly at treatment of wounds and ulcers.

Use of a bamboo

Broth from escapes of a bamboo is applied in the Asian countries to treatment of respiratory diseases. As a rule, for receiving broth escapes should be boiled twice, at first 5, then 10 minutes. The received broth can be accepted with honey.

The traditional Chinese medicine considers that escapes of a bamboo have rather rare property – to have a promoting effect on uterus muscles. Also bamboo leaves apply at a gastric disturbance and as helminthic.

Escapes of a bamboo apply in cookery to production of various dishes. As a rule, they are previously cooked then eat with oil and soy sauce. Also they can be added to soups, sauces, a pickles and salads.

Консервированные побеги бамбука

Fresh escapes of a bamboo remain up to two weeks in the cool place and far from a sunlight. The wrong storage can result in bitter taste. Longer to keep useful properties of a bamboo, it is preserved, as a rule.

Japan also eats bamboo seeds which bear a faint resemblance to oats.

Contraindications and harm of a bamboo

Any contraindications to use of a bamboo in food are not recorded. However at preparation of dishes with escapes of a bamboo it is necessary to consider that draws contain a poisonous cyanogenetic glycoside which, however, quickly collapses in the course of culinary processing.

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