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White wine

White wine — the alcoholic drink produced from white, pink and red grades of grapes.

Белое виноThe main condition of production of drink is fermentation for lack of a grapes thin skin. Its light shade is caused by lack of a thin skin of grapes as juice of pulp of the majority of grades is almost colourless.

Natural white wine has many-sided soft taste, richly refined aroma and has a pleasant golden shade. Good drink leaves pleasant aftertaste. Depending on the grades of grapes used at production, taste of drink opens a special, unique bouquet. Due to the great variety of grades of grapes and recipes of preparation of this drink, there is a set of brands of white wines.

Useful properties of white wine

It is scientifically proved that the use of this alcoholic drink in reasonable quantities is useful for health.

The advantage of white wine is caused by high content in it useful mineral microelements and salts which are easily soaked up in blood. So, for example, if I go to wash down with this drink, iron in food will be acquired much better.

Natural drink contains a large number of microelements: calcium, manganese, iodine, titanium, phosphorus, cobalt, magnesium, potassium, manganese, etc. It richly essential oils, acids and vitamins (PP, C, B) which promote pressure decrease and have tonic effect on an organism.

It is possible to carry to recreational properties of white wine:

  • It increases appetite;
  • Promotes maintenance of normal acidity of a stomach and increases secretion of a gastric juice;
  • Expands vessels;
  • Recovers a metabolism in an organism;
  • Supports work of a cardiac muscle;
  • Strengthens secretion of closed glands;
  • Destroys microbes in intestines and a stomach;
  • Improves work of lungs;
  • It is very useful at anemia;

In spite of the fact that this drink contains antioxidants, they are much easier acquired by an organism, than from red wine as have the smaller size.Белое вино - напиток, изготовленный из белого, розового и даже красного винограда

In the diluted look white wine has strong antibacterial properties. For example, if to dilute it with ordinary water, then in an hour water will be considered as disinfected.

Drink contains caffeine acid which promotes a phlegm otkhozhdeniye. Therefore it is advised to use to the people having diseases of lungs and bronchial tubes.

Besides, this drink possesses preventive action at such disease, to inherent elderly people as a cataract. This drink makes charitable impact on brain vessels, reducing probability of a course of a disease of Alzheimer.

Natural white wine is capable to improve memory and thinking. That is, one may say, that it is possible to refer its nootropic action to properties of white wine. Thanks to it this drink can serve as a fine alternative to such drugs as Cavintonum, cinnarizine, nootropil and piracetam.

How many calories in white wine?

It is possible to answer this unambiguously – less, than in red wine.

If to speak about dry white wine, so it in general can be referred to category of dietary wines. This drink is often included in structure of dietary food. Its caloric content makes only 68 kcal. Caloric content of moist wine slightly higher and makes 78 kcal.

Contraindications to use of white wine

The use of white wine is contraindicated at:

  • digestive tract diseases;
  • colitis and pancreatitis which consequence the hyperoxemia is;
  • chronic cholecystitises.
Whether you know that:

Many drugs initially moved ahead in the market as drugs. Heroin, for example, was initially brought to the market as children's cough medicine. And cocaine was recommended by doctors as anesthesia and as the means increasing endurance.