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Benzyl alcohol

Benzyl alcohol belongs to the elementary aromatic alcohols from group of benzene. He can be met in the form of Формула бензилового спирта ethers or even in a stand-at-ease in the essential oils received from a jasmine, a hyacinth and some other flowers.

Properties of benzyl alcohol

Benzyl alcohol has an appearance of colourless liquid and a pleasant flower smell. It has a burning taste, at hit alcohol has mestnoanesteziruyushchy (anesthetic) effect on mucous membranes.

Solution of benzyl alcohol is stable in water, and also in acid and alkaline environments. Antiseptic properties of benzyl alcohol allow to use it as preservative. In spite of the fact that this substance malotoksichno, use of benzyl alcohol in production of children's cosmetics is not recommended.

Receiving benzyl alcohol

Natural raw materials can be a source for receiving benzyl alcohol. This substance can be extracted in the way of extraction or hydrolysis, and also with use of some chemical changes.

Commercially receiving benzyl alcohol is based on oxidation of toluene and by impact on benzyl chloride by aqueous solution of alkali. Store benzyl alcohol in a tight container in the dark and cool place.

Use of benzyl alcohol

As Бензиловый спирт имеет вид бесцветной жидкостиnutritional supplement benzyl alcohol has the designation E1519, it is allowed for addition in food stuffs not in all countries. Use of benzyl alcohol as preservative allows products to keep the tastes.

Benzyl alcohol is often used in production of cosmetology products – lotions, hair-dye, creams, tooth elixirs. In them antiseptic properties of benzyl alcohol, its ability to be solvent and the fixer of a smell are applied.

Benzyl alcohol is added to water cosmetic drugs in concentration to 3%. As the fragrance it is applied in perfumery, weak solution of this substance pleasantly smells of a jasmine.

In the clearing wet towel wipes for treatment use solution in which the share of benzyl alcohol makes from 3 to 8%. Thanks to the fact that alcohol quickly evaporates it does not leave behind traces or feeling of stickiness on skin. When drawing on skin of cosmetics containing benzyl alcohol very seldom, but nevertheless cases of allergic reactions in the form of rash or reddening meet.

In pharmacology benzyl alcohol is applied as an intermediate product in synthesis of some drugs, photoprotective equipment to skin.

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