
The skull represents the bone framework consisting of 23 bones and protecting a brain from damages. The skull has 8 steam rooms and 7 unpaired bones.

Череп человека

Structure of a skull of the person

The skull of the person belongs to bone system and a musculoskeletal system. The skull is subdivided into two main departments – front and brain. Departments of a skull of the person carry out a certain role and exert impact on all organism.

The front department of a skull of the person consists of steam rooms (an upper jaw, a nasal bone, the lower nasal sink, a palatal bone, malar and lacrimal bones) and unpaired (a sievebone, a share, a mandible, a hypoglossal bone) bones. The front department of a skull exerts impact on sense bodys, breath and digestion.

Unpaired bones have the areas filled with air which connect to a nasal cavity. Air areas allow a skull to be strong, and also they provide thermal isolation for sense bodys. Wedge-shaped, trellised, frontal, pair, temporal bones and an upper jaw belong to air-vessels.

The special role is carried out by the arc-shaped hypoglossal bone which is located between a throat and a mandible, and also connects to skull bones by means of ligaments and muscles. This bone forms a body and pair horns from which awl-shaped shoots of temporal bones depart. Connections between bones are fibrous.

Upper bones of a skull of the person flat also consist of plates with bone substance, and in cells of bone substance there is marrow and blood vessels. Some bones of a skull of the person have roughnesses which correspond to crinkles and furrows of a brain.

The brain department of a skull of the person consists from unpaired (occipital, wedge-shaped and frontal) and steam rooms (parietal and temporal) bones. The brain department which has volume about 1500 cm ³ is a protective bone framework for a brain. This department is located over front department.

The pneumatic frontal bone consists of two cheshuy and a nasal part. In a frontal bone the forehead and frontal hillocks which form walls of eye-sockets, a nasal cavity, temporal poles and parts of a front pole forms. The parietal bone creates calvarias, and also in it there is a parietal hillock. The occipital bone forms a base of skull, the arch and a cranial pole which consists of 4 parts which are located in occipital openings. The pneumatic wedge-shaped bone consists of a body which has a gipofizny pole with a hypophysis.

Difficult pair bone is the pneumatic temporal bone which creates a calvaria and contains acoustic organs. The pneumatic temporal bone forms a pyramid in which the drum cavity and an inner ear is placed.

Bones of a skull of the person are connected among themselves by seams. On front department of a bone adjoin by means of flat and equal seams, and scales of temporal and parietal bones, forming a seam of scaly type connect seams. A parietal and frontal bone connect to the help of a coronal seam, and two parietal bones are connected by a sagittal seam. On site children have connections of sagittal and coronal seams a big fontanel, that is connecting fabric which did not become bone yet. Occipital and parietal bones connect a lyambdovidny seam, and on crossing of lyambdovidny and sagittal seams the small fontanel is formed.

Age features of formation of a skull

The major role in formation of a skull of the person is played by a brain, sense bodys and masseters. In the course of a growing the structure of a skull of the person changes.

At the newborn of a bone of a skull are filled with connecting fabric. Usually at babies six fontanels which are closed by connecting plates – wedge-shaped and mastoidal type are formed. The skull of the newborn is elastic and his form can change therefore the fruit passes through patrimonial ways without injuries of a brain. Transition of connecting fabric to a bone tissue happens at 2-year age when fontanels are completely closed.

Structure of a skull of the adult and child various. Development of a skull takes place in several main stages:

  • From the birth up to 7 years is a stage of uniform and vigorous growth. During the period from one to three years a back part of a skull actively forms. By three years with the advent of milk teeth and development of chewing function in the child the facial skull and its basis forms. By the end of the first period the skull gets length which is similar to the adult's length.
  • From 7 to 13 years is the period of slow growth of a calvaria. By 13 years the cavity of a calvaria reaches 1300 cm ³.
  • After 14 years to mature age is the period of active growth of frontal and front departments of a brain. During this period sexual distinctions are strenuously shown. At boys the skull is extended in length, and at girls its rotundity remains. Total capacity of a skull men have 1500 cm ³ and 1340 cm ³ at women. The male skull during this period gains the expressed relief, and at women it remains to more smoothed.
  • Advanced age is the period of change of a skull connected with aging of an organism, dedentition, reduction of chewing function and change of masseters. If at the person during this period teeth dropped out, then the jaw stops being massive, elasticity and durability of a skull decreases.

Строение черепа человека

Functions of a skull

The skull of the person as complex bone body, performs several main functions:

- serves as a bone framework for a brain and sense bodys, and its bone educations are protective cells for the nasal courses and eye-sockets;

- bones of a skull connect mimic muscles, muscles of a neck and masseters;

- participates in process of the speech, and jaws and pneumatic bosoms are intended for formation of sounds;

- plays an important role in the alimentary system, in particular, the jaw is intended for implementation of chewing function and restriction of an oral cavity.

Injuries of a skull and their treatment

Injuries of a skull can lead to serious violations of functioning of a human body – to paralysis, mental disorders, disturbances of the speech and memory. Treat the main injuries of a skull: a change of the arch of the closed and open type, a fracture of base of the skull, a craniocereberal injury with a concussion of the brain.

The change of a calvaria is shown in the form of a hematoma of a hair part of the head of the person, disturbances of consciousness, loss of memory and breath disturbance. The person who got this injury should be laid on a plain surface and to apply a bandage the head. At unconsciousness of the patient it is necessary to put a back on a stretcher in half-turn positions, and under one side of a trunk to enclose a pillow or the roller. At disturbances of breath the artificial respiration is carried out, then the victim is brought to medical institution for performing medical examination.

The fracture of base of the skull can be shown in the form of bleedings from a nose and ears, dizzinesses and a headache, a loss of consciousness. At damage of a base of skull the victim should exempt respiratory tracts and an oral cavity from cerebrospinal fluid and blood, and at disturbances of breath to carry out an artificial respiration.

The concussion of the brain is shown at a craniocereberal injury. Symptoms are the loss of consciousness, dizziness and a headache, nausea, vomiting, increase of pulse, pallor of the person, weakness. At a serious bruise of a brain of people can faint at several o'clock. In hard cases functioning of cardiovascular and respiratory systems is broken. The victim should make immediately an indirect cardiac massage and an artificial respiration, and to apply a bandage a surface of a wound, then to hospitalize the patient.

In the presence of intracranial educations the craniotrypesis is carried out.

The craniotrypesis represents surgery with formation of an opening in a skull bone. The purpose of a craniotrypesis is achievement of the injured area in which there is a hematoma or other malignancies.

There are several ways of a craniotrypesis – decompressive with a resection of a temporal bone and opening of a meninx (at dislocation of marrow); osteoplastic with cutting out of several soft tissues and bones; resection with removal of a part of a bone of a skull (for a decompression and surgical treatment of brain wounds).

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The stomach of the person not bad copes with foreign objects and without medical intervention. It is known that the gastric juice is capable to dissolve even coins.