Main > Drugs> Cisplatinum


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from 202 rub.

Cisplatinum is a cytotoxic medicine of the alkylating action. Antineoplastic effect Цисплатин во флаконеof the drug Cisplatinum is based on its ability by method of alkylation to cause irreversible processes of disturbance of stability of DNA that leads to suppression of synthesis of nucleic acids for a long time and death of a cell. Chemical damage of DNA happens at formation of coordination bonds between two bases of deoxyribonucleic acid (generally guaninovy) and atom of platinum. As a result in DNA interstrand and vnutrinitevy stitchings form.

Ability of the drug Cisplatinum to cause regression of both primary tumor, and metastasises, is connected also with influence of this medicine on immune system. Efficiency of drug is proved in many clinical trials, and tell reviews of Cisplatinum from oncologists about powerful antineoplastic action.

At oral administration Cisplatinum is not effective. At intravenous administration drug quickly enough and in a large number gets into kidneys, a GIT, ovaries, a liver; it is found also in muscles, skin, a bone tissue. Drug is not capable to get through a blood-brain barrier. About 90% of drug contact plasma proteins. It is removed by kidneys long enough: during the first hours after use only a small amount of drug, within 5 days – about 40% is removed.

Indications to drug Cisplatinum use

In the instruction to Cisplatinum the following indications to use are specified:

  • separately or in complex therapy (together with other antineoplastic drugs) at malignant new growths of ovaries and testicles, bladder cancer, cancer of a neck of uterus, at planocellular cancer with localization in the head and a neck, an osteosarcoma;
  • in complex treatment of a lymphogranulomatosis, lymphosarcomas;
  • cancer of ureters and renal pelvis, bladder, urethra, Ewing's sarcoma, retinoblastoma, neuroblastoma, medulloblastoma, uterus choriocarcinoma,
  • lung cancer, mesothelioma, malignant thymoma.

Contraindications to drug Cisplatinum use

According to the instruction, Cisplatinum is contraindicated at pathology of a liver and kidneys, disturbance of processes of a marrowy hemopoiesis, peptic ulcer of a stomach and DPK, circulatory unefficiency, pregnancy, individual intolerance.

It is impossible to appoint at the same time Cisplatinum and drugs having ototoksichesky and nephrotoxic effect.

Side effect of the drug Cisplatinum

This drug is capable to render the expressed side effects that serves as the reason of negative reviews of Cisplatinum from patients. Emergence of such effects is possible:

  • from a GIT: anorexia, stomatitis, nausea, vomiting;
  • from the hemopoietic system: thrombocytopenia, anemia, leukopenia;
  • from TsNS: peripheral neuropathy, spasms, disturbance svetovospriyatiya, neuritis of an acoustical nerve, ototoksichesky effect;
  • from bodies of reproductive system: azoospermism, amenorrhea;
  • from CCC: arterial hypotension, tachycardia;
  • allergic reactions: voice osiplost, Quincke's disease, skin rash;
  • others: nephrotoxic action.

Use at pregnancy and a lactation

The drug Cisplatinum is contraindicated at pregnancy as it has the expressed Цисплатин в упаковкеembriotoksichesky and teratogenic effect. In this regard the patients of childbearing age accepting this drug have to use reliable methods of contraception. In cases when the drug Cisplatinum needs to be used in the period of a lactation, it is necessary to accept the decision on the termination of natural feeding.

Route of administration and dosage

According to the instruction, Cisplatinum is applied only intravenously.

At monotherapy the dosage of drug makes 20 mg on 1 m of a sq. body surface for 5 days once a day, or 30 mg on 1 m of quarter within three days, or 100-150mg on 1 m sq. once in three weeks.

The interval between courses of therapy makes 3 weeks. Total quantity of necessary courses is selected by the doctor taking into account nosological unit and a stage of a disease.

Special instructions

The drug Cisplatinum is not recommended to be used at patients with chicken pox (including after contact and recently had), the surrounding herpes, and also other infectious diseases. Carefully it is necessary to use this drug at patients with gout and a nephrolithiasis (in the anamnesis including), and also at the patients receiving earlier radiation therapy or cytotoxic chemotherapy. Before the beginning and in the course of therapy by Cisplatinum it is necessary to control hematologic indicators, laboratory indicators of functioning of kidneys and a liver, water and electrolytic balance, and also the level of uric acid, audiometric and neurologic indicators. For reduction of nephrotoxic influence of the drug Cisplatinum before therapy recommend to carry out intravenous infusion of normal saline solution of sodium chloride or glucose, in addition to appoint Mannitolum. During treatment by Cisplatinum patients, and also members of their family are not recommended to carry out vaccination.

Interaction of Cisplatinum with other medicines

Use of Cisplatinum along with uricosuric antigouty drugs increases risk of development of a nephropathy. Co-administration of antihistaminic drugs, fenotiazin, thioxanthenes masks ototoksichesky effect of Cisplatinum.


The drug Cisplatinum possesses the expressed antineoplastic action, is effective at many malignant new growths. Reviews of Cisplatinum from doctors speak about high activity of this drug. Patients note heavy portability of the drug Cisplatinum in connection with existence of a large amount of side effects.

Drug storage conditions

Cisplatinum belongs to the list A. It is necessary to store drug at a temperature which is not exceeding 10 °C.

The prices in Internet drugstores:

Name of drug



Cisplatinum solution 0,5mgml 20 of ml of a fl.tev

202 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC

Cisplatinum solution for инф 0.5mg/ml 20 ml No. 1, Teva/Pharmachemie B.V.

203 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC
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