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from 80 rub.

Tsitralgin – drug Упаковка Цитралгинof the group of non-narcotic analgesics including nonsteroid and other anti-inflammatory drugs.

Pharmacological action of Tsitralgin

Tsitralgin has the antiinflammatory and anesthetizing effect on an organism, reducing hypostasis of joints, constraint in the mornings, increasing the volume of passive and active movements in sore joints. Numerous comments on Tsitralgin note his high performance at a posttromboflebitichesky disease and thrombophlebitis. Drug allows to reduce hypostases, pains, spasms and paresthesias, and also to reduce heavy feeling in legs. Salutary action of Tsitralgin on the speed of a rassasyvaniye of hematomas and different hemorrhages is known. Besides, medicine is capable to reduce the nevus pigmentosus on skin caused by trophic changes. Considerably efficiency of the massage performed by means of cream Tsitralgin amplifies.

Therapeutic effect of drug is caused by a complex of the components which are its part. So, ions of citrate promote binding of free calcium ions that normalizes indicators of microcirculation and a blood coagulation, making positive impact on tissues of the affected joint.

Salts of fruit acids (malate, citrates, pyruvate, lactate and glutamate) which are Tsitralgin's part after a number of transformations during a tricarbonic acid cycle provide fermental cells with energy and molecules ATP that normalizes the broken power processes in circumarticular and cartilaginous fabrics.

Drug promotes a softening and reduction of gouty tofus, Geberden's small knots, and also interferes with formation of kaltsinat in periartikulyarny fabrics after inflammatory processes. Tsitralgin is obliged to connect by such action of the ability salts of calcium and uric acid in fabrics.

Release form

According to the instruction to Tsitralgin the only form of production of drug is the massage cream possessing a light smell. Its color fluctuates from white to light-cream. Drug is packed into a plastic can which volume makes 50 ml.

Indications to Tsitralgin's use

Tsitralgin is shown to use in the following cases:

• at rhematoid and chronic juvenile arthritises;

• at an ankylosing spondylitis;

• at an arthropathy of psoriasis type;

• at a disease of Reuters;

• at gouty, infectious, rheumatic arthritises;

• at an osteoarthrosis and osteochondrosis of a backbone with a secondary radicular syndrome;

• at cervical, chest, lumbosacral radiculitis;

• at Bekhterev's disease;

• at a miositis;

• in case of the headaches connected with a spasm intra-and ekstrakranialny arteries. Migraine and cerebrovascular diseases concern to those;

• at thrombophlebitis of deep and superficial veins;

• at a posttrombotichesky disease;

• at a diabetic mikroangiopatiya;

• as a part of complex therapy at coronary heart disease;

• at a syndrome of long squeezing.


Drug, according to medical comments on Tsitralgin, is not recommended for use to patients to whom hypersensitivity to any of structure components is inherent, and also those at whom the raised bleeding is observed.

Application instruction of Tsitralgin

Drug is intended Крем Цитралгинfor external topical administration. The instruction to Tsitralgin recommends to take medicine in various dosages, proceeding from disease type.

• At diseases of joints drug is applied by 3 or 4 times a day on area of the most sore joint, and also on a surface about it: 10-15 cm lower or above. It is necessary to rub Tsitralgin before his full absorption. If cream is absorbed excessively quickly, put the second layer. The volume of the put medicine at the same time makes to 1 ml on one joint. After massage Tsitralgin put repeatedly, covering a site of application with waxen paper. Such application is left on a joint before full absorption of ointment;

• At the deforming osteoarthrosis, Geberden's small knots and gouty tofusa at gout perform massage of these new growths on the basis of Tsitralgin;

• At radiculitis (backbone osteochondrosis with a secondary radicular syndrome) cream should be applied on area along a backbone (from a sacrum to an upper part of a neck), massing for 10 minutes. In parallel it is necessary to reveal zones of more expressed morbidity where afterwards put the second layer of Tsitralgin, massing them within 5 minutes. Also it is recommended to impose on painful zones a compress from cream, having covered with waxen paper before its full absorption. Treatment of these diseases has to take place in a complex: in addition to Tsitralgin it is necessary to appoint massage, physical therapy, reception of medicines;

• Thrombophlebitis and posttromboflebitichesky disease. In these cases Tsitralgin is applied without rubbing in with a thin layer on a shin and a hip over area of the affected vein. The compress should be covered with special paper, having left before full absorption of drug. The procedure is repeated by from 2 to 4 times a day for 3 weeks at most. It is necessary to repeat courses of treatment each 3 months;

• In case of development of the trophic changes of skin caused by a posttrombotichesky disease, obliterating atherosclerosis, a diabetes mellitus, etc. Tsitralgin it is necessary to put to the area of ulcers on the course of arteries and veins, avoiding drawing on the damaged sites. If there is nevus pigmentosus, cream is applied on them. Reduction of pigmentation can be observed not earlier than in 2 weeks after the beginning of use.

Side effects of Tsitralgin

Among the side reactions arising during Tsitralgin's use developing of an allergy, temporary strengthening of hypostasis or pain is possible that it is connected with improvement of blood circulation in fabrics. In similar cases it is necessary to reduce a drug dosage.

For the purpose of avoiding of emergence of irritations from Tsitralgin the thicket should change sites of application of cream and to exclude use of compresseal paper.

Storage conditions

Tsitralgin is recommended to store at a temperature from 4 to 20 °C in the place protected from light penetration. The period of validity makes 12 months.

The prices in Internet drugstores:

Name of drug



Tsitralgin cream 50 of

80 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC

Tsitralgin cream 50 of ml, Infarm (г.Москва)

91 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC
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