Main > Drugs> Tsivilin


It is civil – the representative Упаковка Цивилинof dietary supplements to food, a source of flavonoids.

Pharmacological action

It is civil – dietary supplement of a plant origin, for rendering antiinflammatory effect by action on an organism of extract of a root of a burdock and shutters of haricot. Tsivilin is made on technology which allows to keep all curative properties of medicative herbs.

Release form

Tsivilin is issued in the form of extract. Composition of spirit extract: root of a burdock and shutter of haricot.

Indications to Tsivilin's use

Tsivilin is used for prevention and treatment of many diseases since has antiinflammatory, disinfecting, antineoplastic properties. Arthritis, arthrosis, rheumatism, osteochondrosis, new benign and malignant tumors, a diabetes mellitus, hepatitis, cholecystitis, stomach ulcer and a duodenum, gastritis – here only a small part of diseases at which Tsivilin makes the medical impact.

Tsivilin is recommended as prophylactic and as a component of complex therapy of these diseases.

Also Tsivilin improves the content of cholesterol in blood and finds a metabolism, promotes recovery of fabrics and bodies.

Route of administration

For disclosure of all potential of dietary supplement Tsivilin, it needs to be accepted in 30-60 minutes prior to or after meal. Tsivilin's dosage: 3-5 drops of dietary supplement on 100 ml of water, for breakfast, a lunch and a dinner. The course of treatment makes month, with a break in 2 weeks.

At chronic diseases Tsivilin's dose should be increased till 7-10 drops by 100 ml of water.

Tsivilin's use locally, in the form of rubdowns, applications, irrigations, tampons and microclysters is also possible. Such route of administration of Tsivilin leads to essential increase in efficiency of therapy.

At treatment by Tsivilin Экстракт Цивилинhigh-quality and malignancies consultation of the doctor is necessary!

Side effects of Tsivilin

Tsivilin is not reported about side effects of dietary supplement, but, according to comments on Tsivilin, emergence at patients of various allergic reactions is possible.


It is civil is contraindicated in case of detection at the patient of hypersensitivity of the patient to components of dietary supplement (extract of a root of a burdock or extract of shutters of haricot).

According to comments on Tsivilin, he should not be accepted to children aged up to 12 years and to women during pregnancy and a lactation.

Whether you know that:

Was considered earlier that yawning enriches an organism with oxygen. However this opinion was disproved. Scientists proved that yawning, the person cools a brain and improves its working capacity.