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Zucchinis in the people call "the Italian vegetable marrow". It is tasty vegetable which is very easily acquired by an organism, and thanks to the low caloric content of zucchini include in structure of many diets.

Цуккини свежие


Zucchini - an annual herbaceous plant of family Pumpkin, subspecies of pumpkin ordinary. Externally it represents a vegetable marrow of an oblong cylindrical shape. At this zelenoplodny vegetable pulp more gentle, having the watery, softly expressed taste, and the thin skin grows coarse not too quickly, as at the fellow of a vegetable marrow. Therefore at zucchini the period of technical ripeness is extended, and its useful properties and food qualities remain longer. Color of a peel can be yellow, is dark or pale green. Young fruits up to 15 cm in size can be used quietly in the raw together with a peel. It is considered that these fruits the most tasty and valuable. At larger fruits pulp more rough, and a peel – firmer.

The plant represents a compact bush which suits for cultivation even on a balcony. Leaves are not prickly, slaboopushenny. The plant forms preferential flowers of a feminine gender therefore also productivity at it is higher. Besides, zucchini – early vegetable. Ripe fruits are well stored and can easily lie at the room temperature up to the following harvest.


Zucchinis were known in America in antique times. Archeologists found to it confirmation. In this country vegetable marrows grew up in the 3rd millennium B.C., however locals long considered plant fruits inedible and ate only its seeds.

In the 16th century from the New World together with other wonders of zucchini got to Europe. Initially people even did not represent that its fruits can be eaten, and used as an adornment plant, growing up in botanic gardens, but its flowers considered edible. In the 18th century in Italy fruits of vegetable marrows began to eat and till today it is difficult to imagine the Mediterranean kitchen without zucchini and vegetable marrows.

Useful properties of zucchini

Thanks to the useful properties vegetable marrows are just irreplaceable product for treatment, prevention and improvement of a human body. Vegetable marrows improve secretory and motor functions of intestines and stomach, activate digestion processes.

Because of the high content of ascorbic acid of zucchini has fortifying properties, and the pectinaceous substances which are its part promote easy comprehensibility of fruits of a plant. Besides, fruits of zucchini possess diuretic action, bring excesses of water, sodium salt, heavy metals and toxins therefore marrow caviar is very useful at gout, an urolithiasis, nephrite, chronic pyelonephritis and disbolism out of an organism.

It is useful to use zucchini dishes at atherosclerosis, hepatitis, a hypertension, cholelithiasis, cholecystitis.

As zucchini contains not enough cellulose, they are excellent food for the patients who recently underwent intestines or stomach operations. Also it will be useful for the people who are recovered after poisoning to keep to a marrow diet. And thanks to the low caloric content of zucchini will be very useful to the people aiming at decrease in body weight. There are even interesting marrow diets created especially for the people having obesity.

Thanks to useful properties the regular use of zucchini improves a condition of skin, nails and hair, and also teeth and sight.

Zucchinis at cardiovascular diseases, an ulcer of a 12-perstny gut, an anemia are useful. People at whose diet there is a vegetable marrow till the old age remain healthy, light on the feet and mobile. Zucchinis are useful to all: for children, adults, elderly, nursing mothers.

Structure and caloric content of zucchini

In 100 g of zucchini 92,7 g of water, 2,7 g of proteins, 1,1 g of cellulose, 1,05 g of ashes, 2 g of carbohydrates, 0,4 g of fats contain; vitamins: beta carotene (A), thiamin (B1), Riboflavinum (B2), Niacinum (RR), pantothenic acid (B5), pyridoxine (B6), folic acid (B9), ascorbic acid (C); macrocells: phosphorus, sodium, magnesium, calcium, potassium; microelements: zinc, manganese, selenium, copper, iron.

Caloric content of zucchini makes 21 kcal on 100 g of a product.

Zucchini in cookery

When using in zucchini cookery preferential subject to thermal treatment. They are extinguished together with meat and vegetables, fried, used as a garnish to potatoes or rice dishes. Especially they tasty in a fried view with sauce from mayonnaise and garlic. From stewed zucchinis cook tasty snack under the name "marrow caviar". As it was already written above, young people, yet not absolutely dozrely fruits of a plant, it is possible to use in the raw, having small cut or having grated.

Do the marrow fritters having gentle juicy taste of small polished fruits. And absolutely small fruits are fried entirely together with a peel – very unusual and tasty dish turns out. All know such popular food as the stuffed zucchinis. Also they are preserved and pickled as a part of vegetable salads or separately. From zucchini even cook jam.

Пирог из цуккини

Zucchini is perfectly combined with parmesan and a thyme. Thanks to easy digestibility and low caloric content of zucchini children and adults can use though every day. They are especially useful in a daily diet of the people having problems with digestion. As a part of vegetable marrows there is a large amount of clear water that helps to reduce hypostases, bringing out of an organism excess liquid.

You should not prepare vegetable marrows too long, otherwise they lose not only the unique taste, but also the useful qualities.


Zucchinis at diseases of the kidneys tied with disturbance of a conclusion of potassium from an organism are contraindicated.

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Average life expectancy of lefthanders is less, than right-handed persons.