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Iodine deficiency

Дефицит йода - причина проблем со щитовидной железойIn order that the thyroid gland could function fully, iodine is necessary for it. The most part of the iodine which is contained in a human body (about 80%) is a part of hormones of a thyroid gland. For the adult the average daily need for iodine makes about 150 mkg, at the same time at pregnant women and the feeding women, at children during the periods of intensive growth, and also in the course of recovery after surgical interventions and a serious illness this dose increases. Direct dependence between height above sea level both an iodine deficiency in the soil and water is established.

Among foodstuff leaders in the content of iodine are various seafood, especially a laminaria. Iodine which contains in drinking water to have an opportunity to be the acquired organism, has to is in an iodide form. Its quantity corresponds to amount of iodide which contains in soil of the respective area.

Iodine deficiency symptoms in an organism

Such diseases of a thyroid gland as:

  • hypothyroidism;
  • cretinism;
  • local craw

quite often arise owing to an iodine deficiency in a human body.

The main symptoms of an iodine deficiency are slackness, drowsiness, a memory impairment and attention, bad mood. Irritability and forgetfulness, decrease in a libido, headaches are added to them. If not to diagnose and not to liquidate an iodine deficiency, process progresses.

The resistant iodine deficiency in an organism is shown in the form of weakness and various disturbances in work of cardiovascular system. There are arrhythmias and atherosclerosis of vessels, face edemas and extremities, radiculitis of chest and lumbar departments of a backbone can develop.

The iodine deficiency during pregnancy can lead to an abortion or cretinism at the child, and at children's age leads to intellectual and physical inferiority. Serious danger is constituted by the fact that the iodine deficiency can proceed during a long span asymptomatically.

Also the iodine deficiency leads to increase in the sizes of a thyroid gland. It is caused by the fact that it expands, trying to take the iodine lacking for synthesis of hormones. As a result, the level of iodides in blood and urine decreases, causing a local craw.Йодомарин - препарат для лечения дефицита йода

It is obvious that the lack of this element of water and a food allowance of the person is the main reason of an iodine deficiency in an organism. This problem has global character. The vast majority of territories of the globe are characterized by a lack of iodine today, and the population of Earth almost everywhere suffers its shortage.

The iodine deficiency is defined in the laboratory way on the basis of results of the analysis of urine. To estimate the sizes of a thyroid gland, it is necessary to carry out ultrasonography, and for assessment of quality of its work to measure the level of TTG, T4 and T3 hormones. The opinion, widespread in life, on tarnishing of the iodic grid applied on skin and an iodine deficiency in an organism has under itself no scientific reasons.

Treatment and prevention of an iodine deficiency

For prevention of an iodine deficiency often iodate table salt. Use of sea salt for elimination of a lack of iodine of an organism is unjustified as in the course of its receiving practically all iodine evaporates. At the use of iodized salt the overdose of iodine is impossible.

For prevention of an iodine deficiency at pregnant women use iodine drugs which are appointed a course, as a rule, within several weeks. In the heaviest and started cases apply hormones of a thyroid gland in tablets.

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