Main > Diseases> Dermatitis


Симптомы дерматита

Dermatitis is called the skin inflammation. The condition of skin is directly connected with a condition of immune and endocrine systems of an organism, and it sensitively reacts to all changes happening in it therefore dermatitis can be an independent disease, and can be skin display of the general pathology.

Types of dermatitis

Allocate the following types of dermatitis:

  • Contact (idle time) dermatitis – the skin inflammation which arose in response to direct contact with an irritant. Any substance with individual sensitivity to it can act as an irritant. There is also a number of the substances causing dermatitis in one and all, such irritants call obligate. Caustic alkalis, acids, some plants (a nettle, an euphorbia, etc.), influence of high and low temperatures, skin injuries and so forth belong to obligate irritants;
  • Toxidermia – skin manifestation of toksiko-allergic reaction of an organism in response to intake of allergen inside. A typical example of a toxidermia is a small tortoiseshell.;
  • Atopic dermatitis (neurodermatitis). Neuroallergic form of dermatitis inclined to a chronic recurrent current;
  • Seborrheal dermatitis. This dermatitis on a face, in nose wings, on a forehead on border of growth of hair, on the back surface of auricles, on eyebrows is most often shown. It is caused by a drozhzhepodobny fungus, has a chronic current;
  • Other types of dermatitis. Pink eels, an acne, spots carry eczema to them, etc. Usually these forms consider as individual diseases.

On character of a current dermatitis can be acute and chronic. The sudden beginning, a rapid current with bright manifestations are inherent to acute dermatitis, usually they will well respond to treatment. At a failure acute dermatitis can pass into a chronic form. Chronic dermatitis is characterized by a long current with a recurrence, is frequent with the expressed seasonality. They hardly give in to therapy.

On prevalence degree dermatitis can be local (local), or diffusion (general). Simple (contact) dermatitis is usually limited to the local manifestations arising in a zone of immediate effect of an irritant. Diffuse character is inherent to Toksiko-allergichesky and neuroallergic forms.

Dermatitis symptoms

Dermatitis symptoms considerably vary depending on a disease form, but for all forms the main symptom is emergence on skin of various inflammatory elements: rashes, papules, pustules, erity, the peeling scales, etc. Very often emergence of these elements is followed by a skin itch, sometimes quite painful. There is a morbidity less often. Also disturbance of sensitivity on the damaged sites belongs to characteristic symptoms of dermatitis. Sensitivity can be raised, or on the contrary, lowered up to total absence. Dermatitis on a face is more often than others has tendency to a seasonal current – an aggravation in cold season and remission in the summer.

Причины и симптомы дерматитаToxic forms of dermatitis can be followed by the general deterioration in health: temperature increase, emergence muscular and joint and headache, breakdown. However more often symptoms of dermatitis are limited to local, skin manifestations.

Dermatitis at children is very frequent that is connected with age imperfection of immune system, and in connection with these exposure to allergies. One of the most frequent forms of dermatitis at children is the exudative diathesis having the allergic nature. In spite of the fact that it is frequent pathology, and at children dermatitis proceeds quite violently, they seldom have long character, and usually well recover after elimination of a disturbing factor.

Diagnosis of dermatitis

Diagnosis of dermatitis usually does not represent any difficulties, and diagnostic actions are necessary for identification of a form of a disease as treatment of dermatitis of different types can differ with the approach radically.

Enters diagnosis:

  • Scraping from the struck surface of skin with the subsequent laboratory research (histology, a bacteriological research);
  • Immunological inspection for the purpose of identification of allergen and the general assessment of a condition of immune system of an organism;
  • Biopsy if necessary;
  • The developed blood tests and urine;

Treatment of dermatitis

Treatment of dermatitis depends on its form, and is selected always individually.

It is necessary to begin treatment of dermatitis with definition of the reason. It is necessary to reveal an irritant (allergen, toxic substance, the microbic activator) and to eliminate it. If the irritant is not defined how it often happens at allergic and especially neuroallergic dermatitis, treatment will be only symptomatic, i.e. directed to elimination of symptoms and maintenance of a stage of remission.

Treatment of dermatitis conservative, consists of local and general therapy. Acute dermatitis and dermatitis at children, as a rule, treat only using local means, and chronic forms demand a combination of the general and local therapy.

Topical treatment of dermatitis consists in processing of affected areas of skin. Skin rashes are processed by antiinflammatory and antibacterial drugs in the form of talkers, powders, ointments, solutions – depending on a form of an inflammatory element and its stage. Dermatitis on a face (seborrheal) treat antifungal ointments. Chronic dermatitis treats using corticosteroid anti-inflammatory drugs, acute processes aniline dyes. Deep cankers treat in the conditions of a hospital.

The general treatment of dermatitis consists in reception immunomodulatory, antihistaminic, demulcents depending on the reason which caused a disease. Also elimination of all sources of persistent infection, such as the teeth destroyed by carious process, chronic antritis, tonsillitis and so forth is necessary.

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