Main > Food stuffs> Jackfruit


Artocarpus heterophyllus - a plant of family Mulberry with big leathery oval leaves, called by the Indian breadfruit tree. Reaches 20 meters in height, however, branches of a jackfruit do not differ in fortress, and fruits are formed on the largest and hardy of them.

Плоды джекфрута на дереве

It is possible to call fruits of a jackfruit the biggest of edible, growing on trees. In length the jackfruit reaches 110 cm, diameter of a fruit - about 20 cm, weight can reach 34 kg. The fruit peel thick, covered with a set of cone-shaped ledges, exudes an unpleasant putrefactive smell whereas the jackfruit pulp consisting of juicy yellow fibers pleasantly smells of banana. The peel of a jackfruit is covered with sticky latex of which make high-quality glue therefore it is recommended to undress a fruit in rubber gloves.

The immature fruit of a jackfruit of green color which completely ripened - fulvous, at a prostukivaniye makes a hollow sound. The overripe jackfruit has a saturated-brown shade and quickly is exposed to damage, however, in the cool place it can exist without loss of the tastes about 1-2 months.

India is considered the homeland of a fruit: in this country the jackfruit has similar distribution with banana and mango. The area of cultural plantings of a jackfruit makes 26 000 hectares. Today the jackfruit is cultivated in Southeast Asia and grown up, preferential, for receiving wood. Because of an unpleasant smell which is exhaled by its waste the jackfruit has smaller popularity, than a breadfruit tree.

Nutrition value of a jackfruit

Mature fruits of a jackfruit contain about 40% of carbohydrates that explains other name of a fruit - "bread for the poor". The plant is also vitamin-rich And, In, With, folic acid, magnesium, sulfur, calcium, phosphorus, and also rough fibers - substances which call "ballast". The rough fibers which are present at a jackfruit reduce synthesis of lipoproteids, cholesterol, and also absorption speed in intestines of disaccharides that protects an organism from sharp increase in sugar in blood. In general "ballast substances" provide normal functioning of all digestive tract.

The ripe jackfruit possesses soft laxative action. The made jackfruit leaves used as tea increase a lactation at the feeding women.

Jackfruit seeds are also applied in food: they contain about 38% of carbohydrates, 6,6% of proteins and 0,4% of fats. Most often they are roasted as chestnuts.

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Use of a jackfruit

Properties of a jackfruit are universal. It is considered that the plant brings good luck - therefore it is grown up in many gardens of the republic of Bangladesh, being its national fruit. Seeds of a jackfruit are often used as the mascot protecting the owner from the wounds given by sharp objects.

The jackfruit is used in the medical purposes: flowers of a tree are anti-diuretics - the substances which are slowing down release of liquid an organism. Roots of a jackfruit are applied to treatment of diarrhea.

Ripe fruits of a jackfruit are used for preparation of desserts: jelly, fruit jelly, jam, ice cream or fruit salads. Unripe prepare by analogy with vegetables - they are fried, extinguished, cook or are applied to production of a stuffing for pies. Besides, the jackfruit is excellent addition to meat and fish dishes.

It is remarkable that wood of a plant is not damaged by termites and is not affected by a fungus that allows to use it as construction material for construction of houses, production of furniture and musical instruments.

Whether you know that:

In our intestines are born, millions of bacteria live and die. They can be seen only at strong increase, but if they gathered, then would be located in a usual coffee cup.