Main > Diseases> Pharyngitis


Pharyngitis is called the inflammation of a mucous membrane of a throat. This very widespread disease which each person had, probably, in the people it often is called just cold.

Pharyngitis reasons

Причины фарингита

The viral or bacterial infection which got into a nasopharynx at reduced immunity is the most frequent reason of pharyngitis. As a provocative factor in most cases serves overcooling, the general or local (the use of cold drinks, ice cream).

Viral pharyngitis is transmitted in the airborne way, extending very quickly, especially in places of big accumulation of people (the enterprises, schools, kindergartens). In the subsequent bacterial can join a viral infection. In certain cases bacterial pharyngitis arises as an independent disease at once.

Among the most widespread causative agents of pharyngitis call a rhinovirus (about 80% of all cases of acute pharyngitis), adenovirus, influenza viruses and a parainfluenza, a coronavirus.

In addition to viruses and bacteria, pharyngitis can be caused by a fungal infection, an allergy, an injury of a mucous membrane of a throat, and also hit in a throat of gastric contents during sleep at chronic gastritis. Pharyngitis at children, especially a nasopharyngitis (a nasopharynx inflammation), can be caused by hit of a foreign body that meets quite often.

Types of pharyngitis

Depending on an origin distinguish pharyngitis virus, bacterial, allergic, traumatic, fungal, and also the pharyngitis which arose in response to constant irritation.

On character of a current pharyngitis happens acute, subacute and chronic. Chronic pharyngitis, in turn, shares on catarral (simple), hypertrophic, atrophic and mixed.

Pharyngitis symptoms

Symptoms of pharyngitis are known to each person. This irritation in a throat, pain when swallowing, constant desire to clear the throat. Acute pharyngitis can be followed by deterioration in the general state, emergence of weakness, an indisposition, rise in temperature, sometimes quite considerable (38 °C and above). As a rule, the infection extends further, and in several days rhinitis (cold) joins pharyngitis.

Acute pharyngitis at children has similar symptoms, however at babies it is difficult to distinguish them. The kid is capricious, he interrupts a sleep, appetite worsens. At small children symptoms of pharyngitis are not specific, and are similar to symptoms of any other catarrhal disease. Pharyngitis at children very quickly passes into a nasopharyngitis, because of anatomic proximity of structures that is shown by emergence of cold. One more feature of acute pharyngitis at children is emergence reflex (in response to irritation) cough. Cough dry, pristupoobrazny, sometimes very strong, arises from irritation of a back wall of a throat the inflammatory mucous contents which are flowing down on it.

Симптомы фарингита

Symptoms of pharyngitis chronic are less expressed, than symptoms of pharyngitis acute. Constant irritation and discomfort in a drink, sometimes dry cough are characteristic. Deterioration in the general state does not happen, but local symptoms of pharyngitis give a constant inconvenience that can cause an acrimony and even sleeplessness. Chronic hypertrophic pharyngitis very often is not an independent disease, but one of displays of other diseases of digestive tract therefore can be followed by discomfort in a stomach, intestines, etc.

Diagnosis of pharyngitis

The diagnosis of pharyngitis is made on the basis of characteristic complaints of the patient, data of an epidemiological situation (the autumn and spring epidemics caused by a viral infection are considered), and also results of a faringoskopiya – careful survey of a throat. If necessary carry out scraping from almonds and a back wall of a throat for bacterial crops, revealing an infestant.

Treatment of pharyngitis

If there are no special indications, method of the choice is topical treatment of pharyngitis. Dry heat in a throat (the warming dry compress), frequent rinsings by antiseptic agent solution, a rassasyvaniye of the lollipops containing antibacterial drugs, plentiful warm drink, inhalations of medicinal substances and also the fortifying and stimulating immunity means is recommended. At a viral infection reception of antibiotics is not recommended, they are appointed by the doctor only when the bacterial or fungal activator, or in the preventive purposes is revealed at treatment of pharyngitis traumatic.

Treatment of pharyngitis at children, especially at small, presents considerable difficulties as reception of local medicines is very difficult. The baby cannot rinse a throat, use of inhalers at small children as it is possible to cause a bronchospasm, and rassasyvaniye of lollipops is forbidden to them also does not approach. Therefore treatment of pharyngitis at children up to two years assumes dry warming of a neck, plentiful warm drink and reception of soft fortifying means. It is necessary to treat almost always the joining rhinitis, digging in in a drop nose, written out by the pediatrician as without it treatment of pharyngitis will be inefficient, in view of constant receipt of an infection from a nose.

It is necessary to avoid overcooling and excessive overheating of the child, the room where he is, has to be warm and well aired. Inhalations at small children, in the absence of an allergy to herbs, can be carried out as follows: when the child sleeps, under a bed to put the begun to boil broth of the officinal herbs (which is intensively emitting steam) possessing antibacterial action at the same time surely watching that capacity was out of reach of the child.

Treatment of pharyngitis folk remedies

Treatment of pharyngitis is not gout, treatment by folk remedies of which only facilitate symptoms, but do not remove the cause, and one of those cases when folk remedies is rather effective, and can be used even as the main therapy. From folk remedies at pharyngitis the following is widely applied:

  • Rinsing by warm broths of the medicinal plants having antibacterial action (a sage, a camomile, a calendula);
  • Inhalations by vapors of broths of officinal herbs (eucalyptus, camomile, St. John's Wort, pine cones);
  • Rinsing of a throat warm solution of salt and soda - on ½ teaspoons of salt and soda on a glass of warm boiled water;
  • Лечение фарингита таблетками фарингосептаBeekeeping products as fortifying (rinsing by propolis solution, the use of pollen, honey);
  • The warming drink of warm milk with honey, hot (but not burning!) tea with a lemon, or tea from a camomile pharmaceutical;
  • Strengthening of immunity using spirit tincture of leaves of a purple cone-flower purple.

The checked folk remedies for pharyngitis are good the fact that they provide soft impact on an organism, increasing local and general resilience. However it is possible to apply only to those people medicinal plants and products of beekeeping who have no an allergy.

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