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Fitoslim Aktiv

Fitoslim Aktiv is the dietary supplement intended for weight reduction. Active components of drug Fitoslim Aktiv reduce Упаковка Фитослим актив appetite, reduce fatty deposits in problem sites, improve exchange processes, burn old fatty deposits and block emergence of new, reduce thirst for flour and sweet food. Drug is also capable to improve work of a GIT. Effect after additive use rather long, therefore responses about Fitoslim Aktiv from the growing thin women positive.

Composition of additive Fitoslim Aktiv

The following components are a part of dietary supplement Fitoslim Aktiv:

  • extract of the Cambodian gamboge (300 mg) – reduces transition of carbohydrates to lipoblasts;
  • L-tyrosine (220 mg) – improves work of a thyroid gland, reduces manifestations of a syndrome of chronic fatigue, increases resistance to stress;
  • The L-carnitine (300 mg) – vitaminopodobny connection, interferes with formation of fat;
  • L-ornithine (100 mg) - improves splitting of fats in the period of a dream (night);
  • dzhimnema extract (90 mg) – changes perception of sweet taste, reducing addiction to carbohydrates;
  • extract of green tea (100 mg) – improves metabolism, blocks digestion of fats;
  • guarana extract (77 mg) – improves power stocks, stimulates combustion of fats;
  • coenzyme Q10 (15 mg) – improves elasticity of skin, fills an organism with oxygen;
  • пиколинат it is lame (0,4 mg) – reduces appetite, suppresses hunger impulses;
  • alpha lipoic acid (15 mg) – regulates fatty and carbohydrate types of exchange;
  • B6 vitamin (2 mg) – improves metabolism.

Indications to dietary supplement use Fitoslim Aktiv

Indications to use Fitoslim Aktiv are:

  • obesity;
  • excess weight;
  • metabolic syndrome;
  • the increased appetite;
  • excess thirst for sweet and flour products.

Contraindications to dietary supplement use Fitoslim Aktiv

In the instruction to Fitoslim Aktiv the following contraindications to use are specified:

  • individual intolerance of components of dietary supplement;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • acute heart failure;
  • arterial hypertension.

Side effects

Dietary supplement Fitoslim Aktiv is quite well transferred. Extremely seldom allergic reactions as a small tortoiseshell, a skin itch, a Quincke's disease are registered.

Use Fitoslim Aktiv at pregnancy

Dietary supplement use Fitoslim Aktiv during pregnancy and a lactation is contraindicated.

Route of administration, dosage

Dietary supplement Fitoslim Aktiv is intended for oral administration. Is issued in the encapsulated look.

According to the instruction to dietary supplement Fitoslim Aktiv, the mode of a dosage makes 1 tablet three times a day. Duration of a course of reception of dietary supplement makes 1 month.

Special instructions

It is not recommended Биодобавка Фитослим Активto exceed the additive dosage specified in the instruction Fitoslim Aktiv. For increase in activity of drug it is recommended to adhere to a hypocaloric diet.


Experience of use of this drug rather big. Responses about Fitoslim Aktiv positive as dietary supplement effectively reduces appetite and reduces fatty deposits. Vegetable components therefore Fitoslim Aktiv is safe for health are a part of dietary supplement. Thanks to use of this drug it is possible to lose weight in short terms, and the achieved result remains for a long time.

Drug Fitoslim Aktiv is not medicine, however before its use consultation of the doctor is necessary. It is necessary to study in detail the instruction before reception of this dietary supplement.

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