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from 107 rub.

Гербион, сироп первоцветаGerbion plantain syrup the - the enveloping, immunostimulating and antibacterial agent applied to treatment of dry cough.

Gerbion primrose syrup – the expectorant applied at productive (wet) cough.

Pharmacological action

Syrup Gerbion containing water extracts of a grass of a plantain, flowers of a mallow and ascorbic acid is applied at dry cough and catarrhal diseases.

The slime which is a part of vegetable components of Gerbion performs the enveloping function, forming the thin covering layer on a mucous membrane of a throat, and also protects from the irritants provoking cough.

The grass of a plantain lanceolate contains saponins which, getting inside, irritate receptors of a mucous membrane of a digestive tract, thereby stimulating secretion of bronchial glands, reducing viscosity of a phlegm and increasing its quantity.

Gerbion's components are rich with active agents which are allocated with antibacterial properties. Use of drug allows to increase resistance of cells to insufficient amount of oxygen, to suppress a tussive reflex.

Availability of vitamin C as a part of Gerbion explains ability of drug to strengthen walls of vessels, to reduce organism intoxication, to increase nonspecific immunity.

Gerbion, responses confirm, promotes simplification and mitigation of unproductive cough.

Gerbion syrup of a primrose is applied for the purpose of expectoration improvement that is caused by properties of its active agents – water extracts of a root of a primrose, a grass of a thyme and menthol.

The saponins which are contained in primrose extract facilitate process of expectoration in bronchial tubes by fluidifying of dense viscous slime and simplification of expectoration. The diuretic, anesthetizing, anti-spasmodic and antivermicular action of Gerbion is explained by properties of a grass of a thyme. Also this component of syrup influences activation of a ciliate epithelium of bronchial tubes, improvement and simplification of evacuation of slime.

Expectorant and broncholitic (expansion and relaxation of smooth muscles of bronchial tubes) syrup Gerbion is obliged by action to methyl-isopropyl phenol, being a part of extract of a thyme. Menthol strengthens effect of methyl-isopropyl phenol, and also possesses antiseptic (destroys microorganisms) and antiinflammatory properties.

Indications to use

According to the instruction, Gerbion it is reasonable to appoint syrup of a plantain at:

  • dry cough which was caused by an upper respiratory tract infection;
  • catarrhal diseases which are followed by cough;
  • dry cough of smokers.

Syrup Gerbion with extract of a primrose is appointed at:

  • respiratory diseases of which the irritation of mucous membranes of respiratory tracts complicated otkhozhdeny phlegms, persuasive dry cough, spastic cough is characteristic (with the whistling component);
  • the irritating cough at bronchitis and tracheitis;
  • senile cough;
  • cough, the provoked various irritants, including tobacco smoke.

Positive reviews about Gerbiona confirm its efficiency at treatment above-mentioned diseases.

Application instruction of Gerbion

Гербион, сироп подорожникаGerbion for cough on the basis of a plantain is recommended to accept according to the following scheme: to adults and children 14 years – 10 ml (2 tsps) are more senior, children are 7-14 years old – 5-10 ml (1-2 tsps), to children – 2-7 years – 5 ml (1 tsp). It is necessary to accept Gerbion for cough 3 times a day, the number of receptions can be increased by the adult to 5 times. Use of drug does not depend on meal time.

Syrup Gerbion on the basis of extract of a primrose is appointed after food 3 times a day according to the dosing mode: adult – 15 ml (3 tsps), children are more senior than 14 years – 10 ml (2 tsps), children of 5-14 years – 5 ml, children of 2-5 years – 2,5 ml. To adults and children can be more senior than 14 years if necessary the one more (fourth) reception of Gerbion is added. Usually treatment duration drug corresponds to 5-7 days.

Both types of syrup of Gerbion for cough need to be washed down during reception with enough warm water or tea.

Side effects

In spite of the fact that Gerbion responses characterize as well transferable drug, allergic reactions in the form of urticaria and an itch in rare instances can be observed.

Use of high doses of Gerbion for cough can become an origin of diarrhea, nausea, vomiting.


The instruction does not recommend to apply syrup Gerbion at:

  • hypersensitivity to active agents of drug;
  • inborn intolerance of fructose;
  • inborn insufficiency of sucrose/isomaltose;
  • syndrome of the broken absorption of glucose and a galactose;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • inflammatory diseases of a mucous membrane of a stomach;
  • cankers of a digestive tract.

Gerbion for cough to children is not appointed is younger than 2 years, to pregnant women (the I trimester) and the feeding women. In II and the III trimester use of drug is possible only after consultation of the doctor.

Additional information

The instruction to Gerbion recommends to store drug at a temperature corresponding 15-250C.

Suitable syrup Gerbion is considered within 2 years from the moment of release, however after opening of a bottle use of drug is possible only for a month.

The prices in Internet drugstores:

Name of drug



Gerbion Eskulyus gel of 40 g

107 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC

Gerbion Eskulyus gel for an outside primen. 40 g, KRKA

125 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC

Gerbion ginseng of 350 mg of n30 капс.

234 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC

Gerbion Pervotsvet ml syrup 150

242 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC

Gerbion Podorozhnik ml syrup 150

251 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC

Gerbion syrup of a plantain of 150 ml, KRKA

287 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC

Gerbion syrup of a primrose of 150 ml, KRKA

292 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC
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