Main > Drugs> Glikodin


Сироп от кашля ГликодинGlikodin – the combined drug with antibechic and mucolytic action.

Form of release and structure

Glikodin release in the form of syrup: dense, viscous, from dark yellow with a brownish shade till yellow color, opalescent, with a characteristic smell (on 50 or 100 ml in dark glass bottles, complete with a measured cap or a spoon, on 1 set in a cardboard pack).

Active agents are a part of 5 ml of syrup:

  • Dextromethorphan hydrobromide – 10 mg;
  • Left menthol – 3,75 mg;
  • Terpin hydrate – 10 mg.

Auxiliary components: the alim (BBA) – 0,0165 ml; sucrose – 3250 mg; methylparahydroxysodium benzoate – 5,5 mg; caramel – 65 mg; пропилпарагидроксибензоат sodium – 2,75 mg; sodium saccharinate – 10 mg; глицерол – 600 mg; monohydrate of citric acid – 0,85 mg; propylene glycol – 400 mg; the silicon purified and the distilled water – in quantity, sufficient for achievement of necessary volume.

Indications to use

Glikodin appoint at treatment of acute and chronic diseases of a respiratory organs which are followed by the irritating dry cough.


  • Deficit of invertase/isomaltase;
  • Bronchial asthma;
  • Glyukozo-galaktozny malabsorption (because of existence in sucrose syrup);
  • Intolerance of fructose;
  • Pregnancy and period of a lactation;
  • Age up to 4 years;
  • Hypersensitivity to drug components.

Glikodin patients should take with caution with functional disturbances of a liver.

Route of administration and dosage

Glikodin accept inside.

The adult usually appoint 5 ml (1 teaspoon) of syrup. The single dose for children is defined by age:

  • Children of 4-6 years – on 1/4 teaspoons;
  • Children of 7-12 years – on 1/2 teaspoons.

Frequency rate of administration of drug – 3-4 times a day. Duration of a therapeutic course is defined by the doctor individually.

Side effects

During treatment development of such side effects as dizziness, drowsiness, a skin itch, nausea, a small tortoiseshell is possible.

Special instructions

Patients with a diabetes mellitus at Glikodin's reception need to consider that syrup contains 3250 mg of sucrose that makes less than 1 grain unit (GU).

During therapy development of accustoming does not happen.

The terpin hydrate which is a part of drug can give to sweat and urine a specific smell that has no clinical value.

During Glikodin's reception by the patient it is necessary to be careful at control of vehicles and when performing potentially dangerous types of the works demanding high concentration of attention and bystry psychomotor reactions.

Medicinal interaction

Glikodin strengthens effect of the antibechic narcotic drugs and other means oppressing the central nervous system.

Interaction with monoamine oxidase inhibitors is possible (the combination of drugs is not recommended).

Terms and storage conditions

To store in protected from light, the place, unavailable to children, at a temperature up to 25 °C. Not to freeze.

Period of validity – 3 years.

Whether you know that:

There are very curious medical syndromes, for example, persuasive swallowing objects. In a stomach of one patient suffering from this mania 2500 foreign objects were revealed.