Dutch diet

Characteristic of a diet Final assessment
Продолжительность:от 7 days

3,5 of 5

The Dutch diet successfully combines efficiency with the minimum restrictions in a diet. The diet well influences health therefore at desire it is possible to adhere to it as much as long.

The recommended chastota:lyuby
Speed of loss of weight:
Variety of products:

The Dutch diet is based on rules of healthy food. Its diet has the minimum number of restrictions, weight reduction happens thanks to frequent meals of small portions, i.e. the principle of fractional food is applied.

Rules of the Dutch diet:

  • 6 meals: the first breakfast during the 8.00, second breakfast at 11:00, a lunch at 13-14 o'clock, an afternoon snack – at 16:00, a dinner at 19-20, but not later than 3 hours to a dream;
  • Heat treatment of dishes is carried out in the dietary ways (boiling, processing the ferry, suppression, roasting, a grill);
  • Every day to drink not less than 1,5 l of water (other drinks and liquids do not enter this quantity);
  • The diet has to be followed by a moderate, but regular exercise stress;
  • Every evening walk in the fresh air (not less than 30 min.);
  • If there was a failure, the diet just should be continued next day.  

The Dutch diet is expected 7 days, but it is possible to adhere to it longer period – on condition of correctly balanced diet all life.

Голландская диета: принципы питания


The Dutch diet allows to dump 2-3 kg in a week.

Restrictions of the range of products are minimum that allows to arrange a diet under own taste.

The Dutch diet accustoms to fractional food. Gastroenterologists and nutritionists call such mode of meal of the healthiest as it optimizes activity of the alimentary system and metabolism. If upon termination of a diet it is fractional to eat and observe reasonable restrictions, it is possible to continue normalization of weight and to prevent its set in the future.

Shortcomings and contraindications

As the diet can be arranged under individual requirements, it has no contraindications, but in the presence of chronic diseases it is necessary to make a diet taking into account recommendations of the attending physician.

What products are resolved?

It is possible to use almost all products, except for those that are obviously unhealthy. It is necessary to give preference to fast grades of meat, fish, dairy and lactic products, fresh vegetables and fruit (the basis of a diet has to be proteinaceous and vegetable).

The Dutch diet does not exclude some pastries and sweets of house preparation, but it is better to use them in the first half of day.

Salt and sugar are not prohibited, but it is desirable to use them in the minimum quantity. Sugar whenever possible should be replaced with natural honey.

What products are prohibited?

  • Greasy food;
  • Confectionery of industrial production;
  • Canned food (including smoked products, pickles, marinades);
  • Fast food, snacks;
  • Sweet carbonated drinks;
  • Alcohol (the glass of natural red wine is occasionally resolved).


The approximate menu of the Dutch diet for 7 days:

First day

First breakfast: cake of home-made pastries, black coffee.

Second breakfast: yogurt, any fruit, tea.

Lunch: 2 tablespoons of mashed potatoes, 100 g of a beefsteak on a grill, an asparagus.

Afternoon snack: a cup of chicken broth with greens.

Dinner: 1 egg, ham piece, toast, tomato, tea.

Supper: 200 g of yogurt, 1 fruit, mint tea.

Second day

First breakfast: 20 g of firm cheese, cold meat sandwich, tea.

Second breakfast: processed cheese, toast, 1 kiwi, fruit juice.

Lunch: baked mackerel, 200 g of stewed vegetables, coffee.

Afternoon snack: fruit yogurt salad.

Dinner: 2 baked potatoes, fresh vegetables salad.

Supper: 200 ml of kefir, 1 oatmeal cookies.

Third day

First breakfast: 2 tablespoons of muesli from 200 ml of yogurt, orange juice.

Second breakfast: piece of home-made pie, coffee.

Lunch: chicken fillet, fresh vegetables salad.

Afternoon snack: vegetable soup.

Dinner: processed cheese, toast, tomato, fruit juice.

Supper: fruit yogurt, mint tea.

Fourth day

First breakfast: 150 g of cottage cheese with sour cream and raisin, coffee.

Second breakfast: 200 ml of kefir, cheese sandwich, tomato.

Lunch: 200 g of a chop on a grill, a portion of stewed vegetables.

Afternoon snack: fresh vegetables salad.

Dinner: broccoli on couple, chicken cutlet.

Supper: yogurt, fruit salad.

Fifth day

First breakfast: chocolate pudding, coffee.

Second breakfast: cake, fruit, tea.

Lunch: 150 g of boiled beef, fresh vegetables salad.

Afternoon snack: a cup of beef broth with greens.

Dinner: a baked cod with vegetable stew.

Supper: 150 g of cottage cheese casserole, mint tea.

Sixth day

First breakfast: boiled sausage sandwich, cucumber, tea.

Second breakfast: 2 eggs, toast, coffee.

Lunch: a chicken leg on a grill, fresh vegetables salad.

Afternoon snack: fruit jelly.

Dinner: a toast with cheese, tea.

Supper: 200 ml of kefir.

Seventh day

First breakfast: cheese sandwich, fruit jam, coffee.

Second breakfast: 2 baked apples, 100 g of cottage cheese, tea.

Lunch: 200 g of baked fish, fresh vegetables salad, fruit drink.

Afternoon snack: any fruit.

Dinner: vegetable stew, toast, tea.

Supper: 30 g of firm cheese, glass of red dry wine.

Useful tips

Council 1: The Dutch diet does not exclude some pastries and sweets of house preparation, but it is better to use them in the first half of day.

Council 2: Juice has to be used only freshly squeezed, without sugar addition.

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