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Generalized alarming frustration


Generalized alarming frustration — the mental disorder which is characterized by the general steady alarm which is not connected with certain objects or situations.

Symptoms of Generalized alarming frustration:

The alarm is characteristic of the generalized alarming frustration (GAF):
    * resistant (period at least six months);
    * generalized (the expressed tension, concern and feeling of the forthcoming troubles in daily events and problems; various fears, disorders, bad presentiments);
    * unstable (not limited to any certain circumstances).
There are 3 characteristic groups of symptoms of generalized alarming frustration:
  1. Concern and fears which it is difficult for patient to control and which last more, than usually. This concern is generalized and is not focused on specific problems, such as a possibility of an attack of panic (as at panic frustration), to get into difficulties (as at a social phobia) or contaminated (at obsessivno-compulsive frustration).
  2. The motor tension which can be expressed in muscular tension, a tremor, inability to relax, a headache (usually bilateral and it is frequent in frontal and occipital areas).
  3. A hyperactivity of the autonomic nervous system which is expressed by the increased sweating, tachycardia, dryness in a mouth, discomfort in epigastriums and dizziness.
Other mental symptoms of generalized alarming frustration are irritability, bad concentration of attention and sensitivity to noise. Some patients, when they are checked for ability to concentration of attention, complain of bad memory. If memory disturbance is really revealed, then it is necessary to conduct careful psychological examination for an exception of primary organic mental disorder.
Other motor symptoms are the aching muscular pains and muscle tension, especially muscles of a back and humeral area.
Vegetative symptoms can be grouped in functional systems as follows:
    * gastrointestinal: dryness in a mouth, difficulty when swallowing, discomfort in epigastriums, excessive gas generation, muttering in a stomach;
    * respiratory: feeling of compression in breasts, a breath zatrudnennost (contrary to an exhalation zatrudnennost at asthma) and hyperventilation effects;
    * cardiovascular: a sensation of discomfort in heart, heartbeat, feeling of lack of heart beat, a pulsation of cervical vessels;
    * urogenital: the speeded-up urination, disappearance of an erection, decrease in a libido, menstrual disturbances, a temporary amenorrhea;
    * nervous system: feeling of a poshatyvaniye, feeling of an illegibility of sight, dizziness and paresthesias.
Patients can ask for help with an occasion of any of these symptoms, without paying attention to alarm symptoms.
Also sleep disorders are characteristic of GTR. Patients can experience difficulties when backfilling and feeling of concern when awakening. A dream often discontinuous with unpleasant dreams. From time to time nightmares dream, at the same time patients wake up in horror. Sometimes they remember nightmares, and another time do not know why they woke up in alarm. Patients with this disease can wake up not rested. Early awakening is not characteristic feature of this frustration in the mornings and if it is, then it is necessary to assume that it is a part of depressive frustration. The person with this frustration has often characteristic outward. His face looks intense with the frowned eyebrows, a pose intense, it is uneasy, the shiver is often observed. Integuments are pale. Often sweats, especially palms, feet and armpits. It is whining that can suggest in the beginning an idea of a depression and reflects the general depression of mood. Other symptoms of generalized alarming frustration are fatigue, depressive symptoms, obsessivny symptoms, depersonalization. However these symptoms are not leaders. If they are leaders, then other diagnosis has to be made. Some patients from time to time test a hyperventilation, at the same time the corresponding symptoms, especially paresthesia in extremities and dizziness are added to a clinical picture.

Reasons of Generalized alarming frustration:

The cognitive theory of an origin of generalized alarming frustration developed by A. Beck treats alarm as reaction to the perceived danger. At the persons inclined to development of alarming reactions, permanent distortion a protsessavospriyatiya and processings of information therefore they consider themselves incapable to cope with threat, to control the environment is noted. The attention of alarming patients is selectively directed to possible danger. Patients with this disease, on the one hand, are firmly convinced that the concern is some kind of effective mechanism which allows them to adapt to a situation, and on the other hand, regard the concern as uncontrollable and dangerous. Such combination as if closes "vicious circle" of constant concern.

Treatment of Generalized alarming frustration:

The purpose of treatment of generalized alarming frustration is elimination of the main symptoms – chronic concern, muscular tension, vegetative hyper activation and sleep disorders. Needs to begin therapy with an explanation the patient of that fact that the somatic and mental symptoms which are available for it are manifestation of the increased uneasiness and that uneasiness is not "natural reaction to stresses", and disease state which successfully gives in to therapy. The main methods of treatment of generalized alarming frustration is the psychotherapy (first of all, cognitive and behavioural and relaxation technicians) and medicamentous therapy. For treatment obchno appoint antidepressants from the SIOZN group; at nonsensitivity to this therapy addition of atypical antipsikhotok can help.

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment of Generalized alarming frustration:

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