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Dizziness can be defined as feeling of the broken orientation of a body in space. The feeling of rotation of the patient or surrounding objects means. Quite often understand absolutely different feelings as dizziness: from easy instability, feeling of faintness or intoxication to impression of rotation of own body or surrounding objects.

Dizziness meets at stimulation of any of three anatomic systems responsible for balance of a body in space: visual, vestibular and muscular. Similar occurs if quickly to rotate, for example on a roundabout. However if dizziness arose for no apparent reason, it can be a symptom of any disease. It can appear as a result of defeat of peripheral departments of a vestibular mechanism of an inner ear or a vestibular nerve. Such dizziness is called peripheral. Brain diseases happen the dizziness reason also, and then speak about the central dizziness.

Dizziness symptoms:

There is a lot of reasons causing dizziness. Dizziness can result from damage of an inner ear or a vestibular nerve. Such dizziness is called peripheral. Brain diseases happen the dizziness reason also, and then speak about the central dizziness.

The symptoms accompanying dizziness, the nature of dizziness the frequency and duration of attacks help to establish an actual reason of dizziness:

    * If whether there are any allocations from an ear, decrease in hearing, then it can speak and an inflammation of an inner ear, at the same time conservative treatment can be required.
    * If dizziness is followed by a sonitus, nausea, vomiting, decrease in hearing, existence of a syndrome (disease) of Menyer is probable. If there is no disorder of acoustical function, then, perhaps, this display of vestibular neuritis. The sudden beginning is characteristic of neuritis. Severe dizziness, constant vomiting, feeling of rotation amplify in attempt to rise, at the movements of the head. In most cases these symptoms gradually disappear within 2-3 days of a disease. After the acute period illusion of the movement in the course of linear accelerations (such, as in elevators sometimes remains or when braking in the car).
    * At sudden unilateral deafness, ear noise and vomiting the perilymphangeal fistula is diagnosed for 50% of patients. In other cases the fistula can be shown various degree of manifestation by dizziness and disorders of hearing (noise, a ring in ears, decrease in hearing).
    * At unilateral disorder of hearing and dizziness it is necessary to exclude brain tumors. Such dizziness begins gradually and quite often is followed by gradually accruing headaches. Strengthening of dizziness at certain provisions of a body is characteristic.
    * The acute beginning, a dizziness combination to doubling, disorders of sensitivity, weakness in hands and legs, a lack of coordination of movements is characteristic of passing disturbance of cerebral circulation and a stroke. Dizziness, as a rule, resistant also proceeds several days.
    * If dizziness is followed by instability, feeling of a disorientation in space, amplifies at the movements, especially sudden, in cervical department of a backbone (bending, extension, turns aside), pain and restriction of mobility in cervical department of a backbone, then, most likely, dizziness is caused by diseases of cervical department of a backbone.
    * If dizziness was preceded by an injury of the head or backbone, then "the hlystovy injury" or a craniocereberal injury can be the cause.
    * If dizziness is connected with change of position of a body in space, then this benign position dizziness is the most probable. Existence of this disease is confirmed by the simple position test.
    * At basilar migraine dizziness precedes a headache attack, it can last of several minutes till one o'clock and is followed by a sonitus, nausea, vomiting and other neurologic symptoms.
    * If dizziness is shown during flight, a travel on water or in the train or the car, then, most likely, this display of a transport motion sickness.
    * If you accept any antibiotics, then it is necessary to find out whether they are the reason of dizziness. If antibiotics cause dizziness it is necessary to stop reception or to reduce a drug dose.

Dizziness reasons:

Information from peripheral departments of a vestibular mechanism in an inner ear comes to vestibular nuclei - accumulations of nervous cells in a brain trunk. From there nervous impulses direct in temporal departments of a cerebral cortex where there is a center of balance, and conscious control of position of the head and body is exercised. Disturbance of transfer of nervous impulses at any stage of this way is followed by dizziness.

Balance is defined and maintained by the centers of a brain which obtain information from the organ of equilibrium which is in an inner ear and other sense bodys.

Treatment of Dizziness:

Treatment of a basic disease will fail.
If you had a dizziness it is necessary to address the neurologist or an otonevrolog. Establishment of the exact reason of dizziness and definition of the correct treatment requires versatile inspection from the otolaryngologist, the therapist, the endocrinologist.

At sharply developing dizziness, especially in combination with disturbance of the speech, weakness or awkwardness in extremities, doubling, numbness or other disorders of sensitivity, it is always necessary to call the doctor immediately. It is up to survey doctors better to lay down, measure arterial pressure. At supertension it is not necessary to reduce it sharply. You remember: the lowering of arterial pressure below norm is in most cases more dangerous than its increase. Do not take medicine, without having consulted to the doctor.

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment of Dizziness:

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