DE   EN   ES   FR   IT   PT Psychiatry Disorders of behavior

Disorders of behavior


Include frustration in the form of destructive, agressive or asocial behavior, with disturbance accepted in the society of norms and rules, with harming other people. Disturbances are more serious, than quarrels and pranks of children and teenagers.

Symptoms of Rastroystv of behavior:

which not less than three manifestations are observed (the diagnosis is made only to 18-year age):
1. Theft something without the knowledge of the victim and fight more than once (including forgery).
2. Escapes from the house on all night long not less than 2 times, or once without return (at accommodation with parents or trustees).
3. A frequent lie (except cases when lie for avoidance of physical or sexual punishment).
4. Special participation in arsons.
5. Frequent absences of lessons (work).
6. Unusually frequent and heavy fits of anger.
7. Special penetration into others house, room, car; special destruction of someone else's property.
8. Physical cruelty to animals.
9. Coercion someone to the sexual relations.
10. Use of weapons more than once; often instigator of fights.
11. Theft after fight (for example, struck the victim and snatched out a purse; extortion or the armed robbery).
12. Physical cruelty to people.
13. Defiant provocative behavior and constant, frank disobedience.

Reasons of Rastroystv of behavior:

A number of biopsychosocial factors is the cornerstone of disorder of behavior:

Communication with the relation of parents. Improper or improper handling with children influences development of dezadaptivny behavior. Etiologically fight of parents among themselves, but not destruction of a family is significant. The large role is played by existence of mental disorders, sotsiopatiya or alcoholism at parents.

The Sotsiokulturalny theory - existence of severe social and economic conditions, promotes development of disorders of behavior as they are considered acceptable in the conditions of a socioeconomic deprivation.

The contributing factors are existence of the minimum dysfunction or organic lesion of a brain; otvergnutost parents, early placement to houses nursing homes; the wrong education with rigid discipline; frequent change of tutors, trustees; base blood.


Rather often meets at children's and teenage age. Is defined at 9% of boys and 2% of girls aged up to 18 years. The ratio of boys and girls fluctuates from 4:1 to 12:1. Meets more often at children whose parents are asocial persons or have alcoholism. Dominance of this frustration correlates with socio-economic factors.

Treatment of Rastroystv of behavior:

Separate acts of asocial behavior are insufficient for diagnosis. It is necessary to exclude bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, the general disorder of development, hyperkinetic frustration, a mania, a depression. However existence of easy, situationally specific phenomena of a hyperactivity and carelessness; a low self-assessment and easy emotional manifestations does not exclude the diagnosis of disorder of behavior.

Reviews исслед. efficiency of the interventions directed to correction of agressive, asocial behavior of children from Genitive demonstrate that despite conceptual and methodological restrictions, there were considerable changes. Though data исслед. confirm that various forms of treatment help at Genitive and yav-sya more effective, than lack of therapy, the best results are achieved by such medical approaches as a training of skills of education, and also a training соц. and cognitive skills, directly directed to correction of behavioural disturbances or deficit соц. and cognitive skills at children and teenagers with destructive behavior.

Training of skills of education. Programs of a training for parents aim to teach them to work effectively for behavioural difficulties with children in a house situation. The majority of these programs is oriented to symptoms of OVR, but not Genitive and therefore have the big importance for children, than for teenagers. Results исслед. demonstrate that the training of skills of education is good means of change of agressive, antisocial behavior at children's age, usually more effective, than services of traditional municipal clinical services. The reached favorable effect remains within several years at two thirds of the patients who underwent therapy; a course can be conducted in economically profitable way. However, there are also data that approximately in one third of cases of a family do not derive benefit of a training of skills of education. There is no wonder, as in many of these families there are such multiple problems as depressions at mothers, the matrimonial conflicts, соц. isolation and low socioeconomic status. This circumstance led to development of the procedures directed to increase in effect of the family interventions at Genitive which showed different degree of success.

Training of social skills. Programs соц. a training are directed to compensation of deficit соц. skills at children and teenagers with Genitive are also usually based on direct instructing, a training, modeling and a reinforcement when training in discrete behavioural components of specific skills соц. behavior. The analysis of data of efficiency is limited by that circumstance that the majority of works was guided not specifically by agressive, antisocial behavior, and by less precisely certain problems of adaptation — destructive behavior, deficit соц. skills and otverganiye peers. Carefully controlled programs can lead to improvement of the general adaptation or to acquisition of certain private skills, but these programs usually do not give changes in indicators, directly relevant Genitive — acceptance by peers in the childhood or the frequency of offenses at teenagers. In one of the few issled., having a direct bearing on Genitive, Hansen, St. Lawrence and Christoff trained in skills of dialogue of stationary patients with OVR or Genitive at late children's and teenage age. The program was successful in the respect that led to acquisition and generalization of skills in time and situations, but authors did not show that these positive changes are followed by the corresponding reduction of symptoms of R. of the item.

Training of cognitive skills. Proceeding from data on that, children and teenagers with Genitive interpret in often distorted way соц. reality, programs of a training of cognitive skills are directed to processing process correction an inform. and decisions соц. and interpersonal problems. Data исслед. show to efficiency that this approach can provide effective correction of certain cognitive processes and performance of the related tasks at children with impulsive, hyperactive, agressive and asocial behavior.

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment of Rastroystv of behavior:

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