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Disease to Kalva


Disease to Kalva (Xing.: a platyspondylia, vertebra plana, vertebra osteonecrotica) - an aseptic necrosis of a body of one of vertebrae in the form of decrease in its height and deformation (defeat and several vertebrae is possible).

Disease symptoms to Kalva:

The most often pathological process is localized in chest department of a backbone, is more rare in lumbar and cervical. Usually the vertebra body, very seldom a handle, joint and cross shoots is surprised. Equally often the solitary shape and multiple damage of vertebras meet.

The disease is shown by the dorsodynia decreasing at observance of a bed rest and amplifying at a palpation or percussion in the affected vertebra. In process of a course of a disease bystry fatigue in spin appears. Quite often first symptoms of a disease are pain in the field of the struck backbone segments, the dysfunction of spinal roots arising at the time of a pathological fracture of a body of a vertebra. In some cases during the first 3-7 days body temperature to 39 ° can increase. At a palpation of bone and copular structures of a backbone local morbidity, a limited muscle tension and insignificant bellied protrusion of an acantha of the affected vertebra are noted. Dysfunction of a backbone is shown by restriction of its bending and extension. Restriction of mobility of a backbone is caused by a reflex muscle tension. Define a vertebra acantha vystoyaniye later, there comes the explicit kyphosis less often. Accurate compliance between expressiveness of clinical signs and extent of destruction of bodies of vertebrae is not observed.

Асептический некроз тел позвонков при болезни Кальве (рентгенография позвоночника)

Aseptic necrosis of bodies of vertebrae at a disease to Kalva (a backbone X-ray analysis)

Etiologies to Kalva:

The disease to Kalva in fact is a vertebra body osteochondropathy. Occurs seldom and preferential at children at the age of 2-15 years. As a rule boys are ill. A current slow - 4-8 years. Now allocate a genuinical disease to Kalva (osteochondropathy) and a symptomatic disease Kalva - radiological the revealed platyspondylia as result of a pathological fracture of body of a vertebra. In most cases the disease to Kalva is caused by an eosinophilic granuloma. The acquired forms are noted at a disease to Gosha, a lymphogranulomatosis, an anevrizmalny cyst of a bone, is extremely rare at an osteochondropathy, or an aseptic necrosis, vertebra bodies. Seldom the inborn malformation of vertebrae is the reason of deformation. Kalva should distinguish a disease from the Kummel disease at which in the anamnesis the injury is always established.

Treatment of the Disease to Kalva:

Treatment more often conservative which consists in unloading of a backbone, remedial gymnastics also hold massage and fortifying events. Appoint a bed rest, carry out backbone reclination in a plaster bed. Radiological control is exercised every 6 months. Treatment continues from 3 to 5 years. The flat vertebra is recovered on 2/3 initial heights. After recovery of height of a vertebra to the patient allow to be in cortical situation in a rekliniruyushchy corset. In the absence of effect of conservative treatment and a tendency to recovery of function of roots of a spinal cord perform operation: reclination of a backbone is reached by two compressing brackets like Tsivyan — Ramikh which fix for acanthas of a flat vertebra, and also above and below the lying vertebrae. Thanks to it loading is transferred to the back (not struck) departments of vertebrae that creates favorable conditions for recovery of a body of a flat vertebra. In 3-4 weeks. after operation of the patient can accept vertical position on condition of carrying a polyethylene corset. To completely recover function of the struck department of a backbone and it is not possible to correct its deformation. The remained wedge-shaped deformation of a body of a vertebra in the subsequent is the reason of development of dystrophic process in adjacent intervertebral disks (osteochondrosis).

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