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Fever — the cryesthesia caused by a spasm of superficial (skin) blood vessels which is followed by a muscular shiver (mainly masseters, then muscles of a shoulder girdle, a back and extremities) and a spasm of skin muscles ("goose-pimples").

Fever symptoms:

At a fever return of heat an organism in external environment decreases, and its development increases (owing to muscular contractions) that conducts to fervescence then the fever usually comes to an end. The fever happens also in the fever heat if body temperature sharply fluctuates. Unlike a fever, chilling which can be observed, for example, at neurosises — only subjective feeling. At the healthy person the fever arises at cold action as normal defense reaction of an organism. At easily excitable people the fever can appear also at strong nervousness or a fright.

Fever reasons:

The fever often arises when overcooling, and also at the beginning of fever at infections, injuries, etc. diseases.

Treatment of the Fever:

- paracetamol of a tablet or syrup (ampoules);
- Nayz of a tablet or syrup;
- raspberry;
- linden;
- cowberry;
- lemon (citric acid;
- vinegar;
- vitamin complex.

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment of the Fever:

  • Препарат Максиколд® Рино.

    Максиколд® Rino

    The means operating on respiratory system.

    JSC Pharmstandart Russia


  • Препарат Пиарон.


    Analgetics and antipyretics.

    LLC Kusum Pharm Ukraine

  • Препарат Инфлюнет.


    Means for elimination of symptoms of ORZ and "cold".

    LLC Anvilab Russia


  • Препарат Антигриппин для детей.

    AntiGrippin for children

    Analgeziruyushchy non-narcotic means + vitamin + H1 - histamine receptors a blocker.

    Natur Produkt Europe B.V. (Natures Product Europe B.V.) Netherlands


  • Препарат Антигриппин.


    Polyvitaminic means + other drugs.

    Natur Produkt Europe B.V. (Natures Product Europe B.V.) Netherlands


  • Препарат АнвиМакс.


    Means for elimination of symptoms of ORZ and "cold"

    LLC Anvilab Russia


  • Препарат Колдрекс Юниор.

    Coldrex Junior

    The means operating on respiratory system.

    Wrafton Laboratories Limited (Rafton Laboratoriz Limited) Great Britain

  • Препарат ОРВИколд.


    Paracetamol in a combination with other drugs (excepting psikholeptik).

    SOOO "Lekfarm" Republic of Belarus


  • Препарат Антигриппин для взрослых.

    AntiGrippin for adults

    Analgeziruyushchy non-narcotic means + vitamin + H1 - histamine receptors a blocker.

    Natur Produkt Europe B.V. (Natures Product Europe B.V.) Netherlands


  • Препарат Антигриппин порошок.

    AntiGrippin powder

    Analgeziruyushchy non-narcotic means + vitamin + H1 - histamine receptors a blocker.

    Natur Produkt Europe B.V. (Natures Product Europe B.V.) Netherlands


  • Препарат Колдрекс Найт.

    Coldrex Knight

    The means operating on respiratory system.

    Wrafton Laboratories Limited (Rafton Laboratoriz Limited) Great Britain

  • Препарат Простудокс.

    Pro-student Construction Department

    Analgeziruyushchy means.

    JSC Sintez Russia

  • Препарат Флюколд.


    Paracetamol in a combination with other drugs (excepting psikholeptik).

    JSC EKZON Republic of Belarus

  • Препарат ТераФлю® от гриппа и простуды Экстра.

    ТераФлю® from flu and cold Extra

    Analgeziruyushchy non-narcotic means + alpha адреномиметик + H1 - histamine receptors a blocker.

    Novartis Pharma Production (Novartis) Germany

  • Препарат Гриппофлю от простуды и гриппа  порошок, № 10 (клюква) (в пачке).

    To Grippofl for cold and flu powder, No. 10 (cranberry) (in a pack)

    Analgeziruyushchy non-narcotic means + alpha адрено-миметик + H1-histamine receptors blocker + vitamin

    JSC Marbiofarm Russia

  • Препарат Коризалия®.


    Homeopathic remedy.

    Laboratoires Boiron ("Laboratory Buaron") France

  • Препарат Гриппофлю от простуды и гриппа  порошок, № 10 (малина) (в пачке).

    To Grippofl for cold and flu powder, No. 10 (raspberry) (in a pack)

    Analgeziruyushchy non-narcotic means + alpha адрено-миметик + H1-histamine receptors blocker + vitamin

    JSC Marbiofarm Russia

  • Препарат Колдрекс ХотРем лимон.

    Coldrex Hotr lemon

    The means operating on respiratory system.

    Wrafton Laboratories Limited (Rafton Laboratoriz Limited) Great Britain

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