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Polyuria (other - Greek πολυ-— there is "a lot of" and  — "urine") — the increased formation of urine.

Polyuria symptoms:

At adults at a polyuria instead of standard daily rate in 1000 — 1500 ml at a polyuria from an organism over 1800 — 2000 ml, sometimes more than 3 l of urine are allocated.
The polyuria can be also followed by increase of an urination, but it should not be confused to a frequent urination as at true increase of an urination every time is allocated a small amount of urine.

Polyuria reasons:

The main physical cause of illness — reduction of a reabsorption of water in renal tubules. Thus, water is not absorbed by an organism — the specific weight of urine is as a result lost.
The polyuria is the leading symptom of the following diseases: noncompensated or for the first time the revealed diabetes mellitus, not diabetes mellitus, primary hyperparathyreosis, primary hyper aldosteronism.

The polyuria can be constant and temporary. The constant can be is caused by a disease of kidneys or hemadens. Sometimes leads to a polyuria also treatment by diuretic drugs. The convergence of the obscure or visible edemas is also shown by a temporary polyuria.

The temporary polyuria can be a symptom of the following paroksiz: hypertensive crisis, Bouveret's disease and diencephalic crisis. Also temporary polyuria can be caused by reception of large volume of liquid, for example beer, kvass or sparkling water

For differential diagnosis of the reasons of a polyuria carry out test with deprivation of liquid. It is the most widespread and reliable method of differential diagnosis of poliurichesky syndromes.

Treatment of the Polyuria:

Treatment of a basic disease is carried out.

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment of the Polyuria:

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