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Anesthesia (other - Greek  — numbness, catalepsy; synonyms: the general anesthesia, the general anesthesia) — artificially caused reversible condition of braking of the central nervous system at which there is a loss of consciousness, a dream, amnesia, anesthesia, relaxation of skeletal muscles and loss of control over some reflexes. All this arises at administration of one or several general anesthetics which optimum dose and a combination is selected the anesthesiologist taking into account specific features of the specific patient and depending on type of the medical procedure.

Main goal of an anesthesia — delay of reactions of an organism to an operative measure, first of all feelings of pain. At the same time medication sleep with most of which often the concept "anaesthesia" is also associated is only one component of an anesthesia. When carrying out an anesthesia suppression or considerable decrease in expressiveness of vegetative (automatic) reactions of an organism to a surgical injury which are shown by increase in heart rate (tachycardia), increase in arterial pressure (arterial hypertension) and other phenomena which can take place even at the switched-off consciousness is also important. This suppression of vegetative reactions is called anesthesia or an analgesia. The third component of an anesthesia — muscle relaxation, or the relaxation of muscles necessary for providing normal conditions for work of surgeons.

Pain and fight against it is the main priority: there will be no pain — will not be started physiological (in the context of pain — accepting pathological value) protection mechanisms. It is the main task of the anesthesiologist: not to allow such succession of events.

Types of an anesthesia:
    * inhalation;
    * parenteral (intravenous, intravenous with IVL, intramuscular, rectal, etc.);
    * the combined anesthesia (anesthesia is reached by consecutive use of various drugs and ways of their introduction).

Depending on what happens during an anesthesia to breath of the patient distinguish an anesthesia with spontaneous (independent) breath and with the artificial ventilation of the lungs (AVL). The second option usually demands a trachea intubation (the special tube is entered into respiratory tracts after the patient falls asleep) or uses of other methods providing an opportunity to blow air, oxygen or gas mixes into the patient's lungs by means of the device IVL or a special bag.

Аппарат для ингаляционного наркоза

The device for an inhalation anesthesia

The used drugs:

  • Препарат Натрия оксибутират.

    Sodium hydroxybutyrate

    Means for the general anesthesia.

    JSC Pharmak Ukraine

  • Препарат Кетамина гидрохлорид.

    Ketaminum hydrochloride

    Means for not inhalation anesthesia.

    JSC Pharmak Ukraine

  • Препарат Тиопентал.


    Means for the general anesthesia. Barbiturates, monodrugs.

    Arterium (Arterium) Ukraine

  • Препарат Лидокаин.


    Drugs for local anesthesia.

    JSC Himfarm Republic of Kazakhstan

  • Препарат Новокаин.


    Means for local anesthesia. Esters of aminobenzoic acid. Procainum.

    JSC Himfarm Republic of Kazakhstan

  • Препарат Лидокаин - Дарница, р-р д/и 2% по 2 мл №10.

    Lidocaine - Darnitsa, solution for and 2% on 2 ml No.

    The means operating on a nervous system.

    CJSC Pharmaceutical Firm Darnitsa Ukraine

  • Препарат Лидокаин.


    Mestnoanesteziruyushchy and antiarrhytmic means.

    JSC Organika Russia

  • Препарат Дормикум.


    Somnolent and sedative drugs.

    F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd., (Hoffman-la Roche Ltd) Switzerland

  • Препарат Новокаин.


    Drugs for local anesthesia.

    JSC Biokhimik Republic of Mordovia

  • Препарат Новокаин.


    Drugs for local anesthesia.

    JSC Biokhimik Republic of Mordovia

  • Препарат Дроперидол.


    Antipsychotic means (neuroleptic).

    Federal State Unitary Enterprise Moscow Endocrine Plant Russia

  • Сайт детского здоровья