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Medicinal rash

see also:


Medicinal (korepodobny, or  spotty and papular) rash - apparently, the most frequent form of a medicinal toxidermia.

Symptoms of Medicinal rash:

The disease begins with emergence  of red spots and papules on a trunk, is frequent - in the sites which are pressure or injured.  Rashes are usually symmetric, merge of elements of rash is possible. Sometimes are surprised mucous, palms and soles. Fever, a moderate or severe  itch are possible  . The pathogeny of medicinal rash is not clear. Some specialists explain it with allergic reactions, however at repeated purpose of drug the recurrence arises by no means not always. Sometimes rash weakens and it is even allowed against the background of treatment, but drug withdrawal usually is required.

Лекарственная сыпь при лечении ампициллином

Medicinal rash at treatment by ampicillin

Reasons of Medicinal rash:

Medicines can cause rashes in several ways. As a rule, medicinal rashes represent allergic reactions to drugs. After reception of the first (or any other) doses of a certain drug the person can have a sensitization (hypersensitivity) to it. The subsequent its influence can already cause allergic reaction. Usually rash on skin develops within several minutes though sometimes - in several hours or days. Along with rash there can be also other symptoms of allergic reaction, including cold, dacryagogue or bronchial asthma.

Drugs can also cause rashes and directly, without development of allergic reaction. For example, corticosteroids (hormonal drugs) can cause appearance of eels and thinning of skin, and anticoagulative means - formation of bruises as a result of hemorrhages under skin.

Treatment of Medicinal rash:

Treatment - symptomatic. For reduction of an itch appoint  H1 blockers inside, bathtubs with addition of emollients and  means with antihistaminic activity for topical administration. Short courses of strong  glucocorticoids for topical administration reduce an inflammation and an itch. System use of glucocorticoids is hardly justified.

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment of Medicinal rash:

  • Препарат Кальция глюконат.

    Calcium gluconate

    Calcium drugs.

    LLC MTs Ellara Rossiya

  • Препарат Эльцет.


    Antiallergic means — H1-histamine of receptors a blocker.


  • Препарат Зинцет.


    H1 - antihistamines.

    Unichem Laboratories Ltd (Yunikem Laboratoriz Ltd) India

  • Препарат Зинцет.


    H1 - antihistamines.

    Unichem Laboratories Ltd (Yunikem Laboratoriz Ltd) India

  • Сайт детского здоровья