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Bruise is the hypodermic hematoma which is formed as a result of mechanical impact on body tissues.

Symptoms of Bruises:

Emergence of bruises in elderly people whose skin became thinner with age, is explained by destruction of connecting fabric and fragility of blood vessels. Though it is not accepted to speak about it, but bruises in the form of "fingerprints" - result of ill-treatment of the friend or husband quite often occur at young women on shoulders, wrists and hips during too rough sex.
Long stay in the sun also does skin more subject to formation of bruises. Results reception of numerous drugs including the drugs like aspirin liquefying blood in the same result.
The hypodermic hematoma ("bruise") externally has in the beginning blue/grey coloring, and is closer to recovery the hematoma begins "to blossom" — finds yellow, green and pink shades.

Reasons of Bruises:

In most cases we get bruises, having hit against something. At blow blood vessels burst, and blood from them spreads under skin, causing a swelling discoloration and morbidity.

Treatment of Bruises:

Doctors claim that usual bruise has to disappear in itself within several weeks. In process of healing it consistently changes color from reddish-blue to purple blackly, and then yellowish-green.
The below on a body bruises are located, the more slowly they heal. On a face bruise passes through a week, on a trunk – in two weeks, and on a leg can remain within a month. The matter is that in vessels of legs there is more than pressure of blood therefore there they bleed stronger, than, say, on hands.
Ice was put, ice was removed If you apply ice right after blow, then reduce the size and intensity of bruise and relieve pain. Cold forces vessels to contract therefore less blood gets to surrounding fabrics.
Use the ice wrapped in fabric and cool bruise of 10-20 minutes, then take a break. Repeat each two hours.
Try to keep ice in the refrigerator, but not in the freezer. It will be quite cold, however will not freeze and will not become firm so will conveniently put it to a body.
Bandage it. Immediately tighten the hurt area an elastic roller (especially if bruise on a leg) to put pressure upon the burst joints. It will prevent leakage of a large amount of blood, and bruise will be not such big.
Warm. In 24 hours when bruise was already created, it is possible to put heat. At this stage heat helps to expand surrounding blood vessels that they could carry away quicker the accumulated liquid and circulatory cells. Arrange yourself a hot tray or apply to bruise a hot-water bottle for 20 minutes. Do it three times a day – until completely you do not get rid of bruise. But Mirsovetov does not advise it will not help to put warmly at once after blow – and even on the contrary. Heat causes hypostasis of fabrics, and at an early stage it will only strengthen bleeding, and bruise will be more noticeable.
Vitamin K from bruises. Look for in drugstores special creams from bruises with vitamin K. Cream gets into skin and supplies the hurt place with vitamin K which is necessary for your organism to split and utilize the flowed-out blood. Rub cream with vitamin K in bruise right after a bruise and then twice a day until bruise disappears.
However you should not think that the same good result will bring the use of the food rich with this vitamin. The conducted researches showed that such food does not create sufficient concentration of vitamin to have noticeable effect.
Try arnica. Cream from bruises Arnica – the homeopathic remedy from bruises which is on sale in the majority of drugstores is very effective at bruises. It can be accepted inside or to apply directly on bruise. But never smear skin if in this place there are cuts or grazes.
The cosmetic masking means. Until you finally get rid of bruise, will be able to disguise it by means of special cosmetics of yellowish color. As bruises are a mix blue and red, if you apply structure of yellow color on this place, you neutralize bruise and will make it imperceptible.
Such means are on sale in drugstores. They are let out by a set of firms. Look for waterproof compositions that they were not washed away and did not descend with then.

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment of Bruises:

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