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Nervous diarrhea


It is functional diarrhea (nervous, corticovisceral) which arises usually during the periods of heavy emotional pressure, for example during examination in institute, before defense of a thesis, upon transition from one work to another, at adoption of important decisions on a marriage or a divorce.

Symptoms of Nervous diarrhea:

In mild cases the chair has a kashitseobrazny or liquid consistence, frequency usually does not exceed it 3 — 5 times a day. In hard cases the chair becomes liquid, frequency reaches it sometimes to 6 — 8 times a day. The volume of a chair is in the return relation to its frequency. At very frequent chair there are tenesmus which are usually unsharply expressed. At survey of a chair in it neither fat, nor blood, nor pus is found. Impurity of slime meets quite often, it is sometimes evenly mixed with a stake, sometimes is located on its surface.
The stomach often is blown up, an abdominal wall moderately painful. Morbidity at a palpation of a sigmoid gut is sometimes noted. Sharp colicy pains in a stomach meet in cases of the functional diarrhea proceeding with mucifying.
Desires to defecation, quite often imperative, appear at once after food that allows to connect them with increase in normal activity of mechanisms of a gastrointestinal reflex. Detailed inquiry of the patient often allows to be convinced of justice of this assumption. Desires to defecation at functional diarrhea arise in the morning at once of the ambassador of a breakfast, in the afternoon — after each meal. At the night of the patient sleeps peacefully. About this very important differential diagnostic character it is necessary to ask each patient, trying not to inspire in it this or that answer. Sometimes desires to defecation arise only before food, and sometimes both before food, and after acceptance of food.
Diarrhea can proceed within several days or several weeks. Though chair frequency at functional diarrhea quite often exceeds frequency it at organic diseases of digestive tract, the general condition of patients remains quite satisfactory, at them neither the cachexia, nor signs of a syndrome of insufficiency of absorption of feedstuffs and vitamins develops.
The preliminary diagnosis functional (nervous, corticovisceral on the origin) diarrheas is rather easy if it is possible to track its communication with the periods of emotional pressure in time and if at survey of a chair and at laboratory researches in it it is not possible to find a steatorrhea and signs of an inflammation. The final diagnosis can be made only after an exception of the diseases proceeding with diarrhea or capable to be complicated by diarrhea.

If анемнез it is unknown or insufficiently convincing, then functional diarrhea with the acute beginning needs to be distinguished from bacillar and amoebic dysentery, from ulcer colitis and a disease Krone, from a colon cancer. Functional diarrhea with less acute current can be taken originally for disakharidazny insufficiency or for the diarrhea complicating the course of some endocrine diseases.
Simple survey allocated a calla supplies with very valuable information for difference of functional diarrhea from bacillar dysentery, protozoan and ulcer colitis. Contents in a chair of blood and pus is often observed at the listed diseases and does not meet at functional diarrhea. Desires to defecation at the specified diseases are felt sick both in the afternoon, and at night. The night dream at functional diarrhea usually does not fall apart. Fever, a leukocytosis, the accelerated sedimentation of erythrocytes and symptoms of more or less expressed intoxication often meet at the listed diseases. At functional diarrhea they are absent.

Reasons of Nervous diarrhea:

On the people suffering from this syndrome, the stress makes specific impact — it "turns off" regulation of the correct work of intestines. As a result the brain by means of hormonal and nervous influences is as if directly connected with intestines, and each stressful attack affects activity of intestines, leading to a diarrhea attack. It, in turn, aggravates a stress, closing a vicious circle.
Scientists consider that the people having "nervous diarrhea" (one more name of a bear disease) have genetic predisposition to its emergence.

Treatment of Nervous diarrhea:

First of all, food — the most important factor of normal functioning of intestines. It is the best of all if you can foresee a meeting with a stressful situation — the same examinations, the responsible period in work and so forth. In that case several weeks prior to an estimated stress it is necessary to begin to watch food — it has to be regular and full. Some days before approach of "the dangerous period" include more products possessing the fixing action in the diet. It is strong coffee and tea, cocoa, cottage cheese, rice, garnets, pears, a quince, the knitting products, chocolate, farinaceous food. Also remember — any sharp change of character of food can lead to intestines dysfunction!
It is important to use products which will help to normalize intestinal microflora. These are, first of all, bifidosoderzhashchy food stuffs — from the usual bifidokefir and a bifidoyogurt making soft preventive impact to medical products with the high content of useful microorganisms, such as koltsovsky Bifidokefir, Bifatsil. In situations when there are serious started violations of microflora, it is possible to resort to the help of probiotics, for example to conduct a course of correction of microflora a liquid concentrate of bifidobacteria lasting 3-4 weeks.
Also also phytotherapy — reception of the herbs possessing the knitting action — bird cherries, silverweeds, bilberries will help.
In the period of stresses reception of sorbents — from simple absorbent carbon to more modern — Smekta, Ekoflor is shown to the people having nervous diarrhea. Parts of a sorbent cover a mucous membrane of a gut, recovering its integrity, normalize activity of intestines.
Thus, though we are also not able to affect the heredity, but we can make a lot of things that and in the period of a stress our organism could work well-coordinated and is harmonious. That even at the moments of serious tests we had no problems with health and could concentrate on the solution of the arisen problem completely.

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment of Nervous diarrhea:

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