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Cancer – a malignant tumor from cells of an epithelium of skin, mucous membranes of a stomach, intestines, respiratory tracts, various glands etc. Due to the morphological features various forms of cancer allocate: planocellular cancer (develops preferential on the skin and mucous membranes covered with a flat epithelium), an adenocarcinoma, a scirrhus and others.

Cancer (kantser) (Latin cancer, carcinoma, from the Greek karkinos – cancer, a crab) – a malignant tumor from an epithelium, that is from the fabric covering an animal organism outside and covering it from within, and also gland creating it. Therefore, cancer – a malignant tumor (a new growth, a blastoma) of skin, a digestive tract, respiratory and urinary tract, lungs, kidneys, a liver, generative organs and glands. The name given by doctors of the Middle Ages is connected with outward of the tumor reminding cancer or a crab. Cancer makes the vast majority of all malignant new growths of the person to which numerous sarcomas, hemoblastoses, glial, bone and other tumors also belong. In some countries understand any malignant new growth as cancer.

Cancer symptoms:

Cancer fabric represents very mobile and changeable education. Her behavior depends on a set of factors, including on intensity of defense anticarcinogenic reactions of which the organism in this or that specific case is capable. The immune system of the person can destroy partially or completely a tumor. It can also block cancer cells at an initial stage and not give them the chance to get deep into body (noninvasive cancer, or "cancer on site" – "in situ"). Find reflection in the name of a form of cancer: belonging to this or that body (lung cancer, ovarian cancer etc.), the type of an epithelium which is a source to a tumor (cancer planocellular, ferruterous – an adenocarcinoma, bazalnokletochny etc.), the growth rate as which histologic equivalent serves degree of a maturity of cancer fabric (cancer differentiated and undifferentiated), the properties connected with degree of a maturity of a tumor and efficiency of immune responses in it (cancer aggressive, stable, regressive).

Symptoms of a disease of cancer appear rather late when the tumor reaches the considerable sizes and breaks functions of body in which grows. If the body hollow, can be broken its passability, there are pathological (inflammatory or other character) allocations, bleedings are possible. The patient feels weakness, grows thin, he increases body temperature, he feels pains, the blood sedimentation rate increases.

The most important principle of diagnosis of cancer – its timeliness, detection of a tumor at an early (preclinical) stage when recovery occurs at 80-95% of patients. All methods known to modern medicine are for this purpose used: biopsies, clinical, biochemical, immunological, radiological, ultrasonic, endoscopic, cytologic, histologic with capture. Efficiency of their cumulative use is very high.

Cancer reasons:

Not all is known of the reasons of emergence of a tumor. Predisposition to cancer of this or that body (for example, a mammary gland, a stomach) is inherited, that is has family character. Hormonal deviations in an organism or local structural disturbances in any body are inherited (intestines polyposes, skin birthmarks etc.). These deviations and abnormalities can also lead to development of a tumor that was noted even more than hundred years ago by the German pathologist Julius Friedrich Kongejm. However for developing of a tumor – a carcinogenesis – one fabric uglinesses insufficiently. The mutagen incentives causing changes in the hereditary device of a cell and then tumoral transformation are necessary. Such incentives can be internal (for example, the increased production of hormones or other products of metabolism, their imbalance) or external – physical (for example, the ionizing or ultra-violet radiations), chemical, the virus nature etc. These factors possess mutagen and, thereby, cancerogenic influence which starts the mechanism making cancer cells in escalating quantity.

It is considered that any cell has the program of tumoral growth. This program is written down in special genes – oncogenes. In usual conditions oncogenes are rigidly blocked (are repressed), but under influence of mutagens blockade can be raised, and oncogenes have an opportunity to work. It is known also that many carcinogens suppress immune system of an organism, exempting the cells which deviated norm from its rigid and constant control. The control and recovering functions of immune system sharply weaken in old age when most often and the malignant tumor develops.

Cancer therapy:

Cancer therapy – surgical, and also using hormones, radiation therapy and chemotherapeutic means. For increase in protective forces of an organism resort to impact on immune system. Various methods of treatment often use in a combination with each other – depending on a stage of a disease, localization of a tumor, its fabric accessory and other factors.

Drugs, drugs, tablets for cancer therapy:

  • Препарат Оксалиплатин.


    Angioneoplastichesky substances. Compounds of platinum.

    Arterium (Arterium) Ukraine

  • Препарат Флутафарм.


    Antineoplastic means, drugs with anti-androgenic action

    JSC Pharmak Ukraine

  • Препарат Кальция фолинат.

    Calcium фолинат

    The drugs reducing toxicity of cytostatic therapy.

    RUP of Belmedpreparata Republic of Belarus

  • Препарат Томатогенин.


    Dietary supplements.

    RPUP "Akademfarm" Republic of Belarus

  • Препарат Вотриент.


    Antineoplastic drug. Proteintirozinkinaza inhibitor.

    Glaxo Operetaions UK Limited (Glakso Opereyshns YuK Limited) Great Britain

  • Препарат Оксалиплатин.


    Antineoplastic drugs. The alkylating connections

    RUP of Belmedpreparata Republic of Belarus

  • Препарат Платикад.


    Antineoplastic drug. The alkylating connection.

    JSC Biocad Russia

  • Препарат Иринотекан.


    Antineoplastic drugs. Alkaloid.

    JSC Biocad Russia

  • Препарат Ирнокам®.


    Antineoplastic means of a plant origin.

    Dr. Reddys Laboratories Ltd. (Dr. of Reddis Laboratoris Ltd.) India

  • Препарат Иринотел.


    Antineoplastic means.

    Fresenius Kabi Gmbh (Frezenius Kabi) Germany

  • Препарат Биолейкин.



    Arterium (Arterium) Ukraine

  • Сайт детского здоровья