DE   EN   ES   FR   IT   PT Surgery Adenoflegmona



Unlike the phlegmons accompanying osteomyelitis (osteophlegmon), the adenoflegmona develops from the abscessing lymph node. Children from the earliest age - of 2 months and more are exposed to a disease. The most frequent localization аденофлегмон - buccal, over - and submaxillary, submental and parotid and chewing areas. As a result of intensive absorption of decomposition products and toxins the general condition of children considerably worsens.

Symptoms of an adenoflegmon:

The adinamichnost, block, low-sociability, sharp weakness and perspiration are characteristic of sick children. Approximately with phlegmons of the person diagnose associated diseases for a third of children: SARS, bronchitis, pneumonia, acute otitis, exudative diathesis etc. Teeth, ENT organs, traumatic damages including post-injection, owing to violation of the rules of an asepsis can be a source of an infection.

The clinical picture of a disease at these patients differs in quickly accruing symptoms of intoxication and expressiveness местньк changes: existence of a diffuse swelling in one or several anatomic areas with a bright hyperemia in the center. The swelling is painful, has a dense consistence with fluctuation signs. The multiple punctulate hemorrhages on skin and a mucous membrane of a threshold of an oral cavity tending to merge in the field of an integument are observed.

Гнилостная аденофлегмона

Putrefactive adenoflegmona

Differential diagnosis:

Differential diagnosis is carried out with phlegmons at osteomyelitis (osteophlegmons), a periadenitis, inflammatory infiltrate. Difficulty in diagnosis arises at early stages of process when one nosological form (for example, a periadenitis) in the dynamic development, in the absence of treatment, passes into another. The main thing in this case is the correct definition of character of an inflammation - purulent or not purulent. Differential diagnosis with osteophlegmon is also extremely important as the technique of the surgical help at these types of phlegmons is various.

Treatment of an adenoflegmon:

Treatment of patients from adenoflegmona is based on the principles of acute management. It is reasonable to carry out surgical interventions by everything to children under the general anesthesia. If a source of an infection is the destroyed tooth, either its removal, or opening of a pulp cavity is shown. Then make a skin section and, if necessary, cut fatty tissue. In most cases enough section of skin with the subsequent drawing apart soft tissues branches of a styptic clip Usually pus leaves under pressure and in a large number. There is no need for audit of a cavity of an abscess. In it the main difference of intervention at the adenoflegmena consists from that at osteophlegmon. In case of the last fabric it is necessary to cut to a periosteum inclusive, and through this wound to make audit of a bone and drainage with installation of one end of a drainage on a bone. Apply a bandage a wound. Bandagings carry out daily. Without fail carry out the general treatment. The patient receives a complex antiinflammatory, antibacterial and, according to indications, disintoxication therapy in age dosages. Hospitalization.

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