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Spastic lock

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Frustration of an innervation of intestines conducts to the fact that in certain places of a large intestine there is a spasm detaining passing of fecal masses. Patients with spastic locks make the most numerous group among all asking for an ambulatory care concerning complaints to a frequent delay of a chair, abdominal pain and its swelling.

Signs on the basis of which the spastic lock is still differentiated from other locks are relative and are not always reliable. Even the concept "lock" is defined not by all equally. One mean by it a rarity of excrements (1 times in 2 - 4 days and less often), dryness of excrements, lack of feeling of full bowel emptying. Other researchers consider a lock a state at which nothing from the remains of food eaten in 8 h after defecation in the subsequent is evacuated for 40 hours. Though this opinion prevails, definition of a concept of a lock often varies depending on whether the therapist or the radiologist inspecting the patient speaks about it.

In a problem of spastic locks a difficult task is clarification of etiological factors that, in turn, serves as an obstacle for the choice of a method of treatment.

The spastic condition of a large intestine at a lock can be a symptom of endocrine, neurovegetative and mental disturbances and there is under the influence of various factors, for example, a reception of laxatives, problems with a diet, nervous breakdowns, etc.

Patients sometimes have the wrong idea of the nature of the disturbances of activity of intestines which are available for them. So, many consider that they have a lock only if the chair happens not every day or at a regular chair is allocated a little firm, dehydrated a calla.

However at a spastic lock the chair delay quite often arises periodically, and in intervals it can be normal or liquid. The states known under the name of false diarrhea meet. At the same time hypersecretion as response of a large intestine to the hidden lock leads to fluidifying a calla and to emergence of watery excrements.

A number of patients accept purgatives as a result of incorrect idea of character of the deviations which are available for them in activity of intestines and in the absence of the valid lock. Therefore, such disturbances belong to false locks. Especially often it is observed at patients with the general neurosis.

Symptoms of the Spastic lock:

The clinic of a spastic lock differs in a variety of symptoms that is characteristic of functional intestinal dyspepsias. As well as at other clinical option of its current - an irritable colon - the main complaints of patients are kolikoobrazny abdominal pains of various localization, a lock and mucifyings at defecation. Pains and a lock amplify under the influence of negative emotions, but sometimes without any visible reasons. Irritability, bystry fatigue, headaches, sometimes a loss of appetite are noted.

At an objective research morbidity usually is determined at a stomach palpation in various departments, but a thicket by the course of a large intestine. The sigmoid gut reduced in the form of a plait whereas the caecum quite often is expanded and humming is probed spastic. During the periods of an aggravation of kcal has the form of sheep and it is covered with tape-like slime.

Reasons of the Spastic lock:

Spastic locks most often meet at functional pathological processes which cornerstone disturbances of regulation of the autonomic nervous system are.

Treatment of the Spastic lock:

At treatment of spastic locks the diet has to be more sparing, meat and fish are appointed in the boiled look, by vegetables and fruit - in wiped or in the form of puree. Reasonablly regularly to take fresh curdled milk and other lactic products.

If first of all excessive psychoemotional lability is the reason of a lock, appoint sedative drugs and tranquilizers.

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment of the Spastic lock:

  • Препарат Спазмонет.


    Vazodilatatora. Myotropic spasmolysants.

    Krka Russia

  • Препарат Дротаверин.



    CJSC ALSI Pharm Russia

  • Препарат Нукс вомика-Гомаккорд .

    Нукс vomika-Gomakkord

    Complex homeopathic medicine.

    Biologische Heilmittel Heel GmbH (Biologishe Haylmittel Heel Gmbh) Germany

  • Препарат Спазмонет Форте.

    To Spazmonet Forta


    Krka Russia

  • Препарат Но-Х-ша таб.0,04 №30.

    No-H-sha tab.0,04 No.

    The means influencing the alimentary system and metabolic processes.

    CJSC Lekhim-Kharkiv Ukraine

  • Препарат Берберис-Гомаккорд.


    Complex homeopathic medicine.

    Biologische Heilmittel Heel GmbH (Biologishe Haylmittel Heel Gmbh) Germany

  • Препарат Дротаверин.



    JSC Organika Russia

  • Препарат Дротаверин Форте.

    Drotaverinum Forte



  • Препарат Дротаверин.



    JSC Irbit Chemical and Pharmaceutical Plant Russia

  • Препарат Дротаверин.




  • Сайт детского здоровья